By Carson Ralston
Library Specialist-Adult Programs
Camp Verde AZ (July 4, 2018) – Join us in the Copper Room at Camp Verde Community Library from 5:30 – 7:30 pm, Tuesday July 24th for a free 4 week workshop on forgiveness. The workshop meets the next 3 Tuesdays at the same time and location, ending on August 14th.
If you are in emotional pain or face an opportunity for increased health and well-being, you will benefit from this workshop. Aromatherapy and essential oils can help you leverage your intention to change. The forgiving mind supported by aromatherapy is an extraordinarily powerful tool & fosters health, vitality, peace, and happiness.
Pre-registration appreciated. Call Carson Ralston, Library Specialist-Adult Programs, CVCL, 928-554-8391 or call/text Honey Rubin at 404.626.5535
Camp Verde Community Library is located at 130 Black Bridge Road, Camp Verde AZ. For more information about this or any other program at the library, call 928-554-8391.