12-14 inches of snow expected during Friday’s storm
Verde Valley AZ (March 7, 2013) – The Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) has been advised that northern Arizona, above 4,000 feet, could receive upwards of 12-14 inches of snow accumulation beginning Friday morning and lasting through Saturday. If you must travel to the high country, please remember to be patient as traffic will be moving slowly. If travel is not necessary, please avoid driving during this severe storm. DPS will be shifting its Highway Patrol resources to make as many officers available as possible to respond to emergency calls during this period.
- To check the latest winter road conditions, call 5-1-1 or view the information on the web at www.az511.gov.
- Remember, the speed limit is based on dry clear roads, do not drive too fast for conditions. Four-wheel drive does not allow you to drive faster on snow-packed or icy roads.
- Leave at least 500 feet of distance between your vehicle and a snowplow or salt truck.
- Make sure you have enough gas before you set out on the road. It can be hazardous to stop along the sides of the highway in these conditions.
- Take note of mileposts, exit numbers or crossroads in case of an emergency so law enforcement officers or tow-truck operators can find you if your vehicle becomes disabled.