Professor Faten Ghosn Speaks About Middle East
Sedona, AZ (October 17, 2011) – Featured Speaker, Professor Faten Ghosn, University of Arizona. She’ll be speaking about Arab Spring? A Critical Outlook at the Events in the Middle East . Uprisings across North Africa and the Middle East. Some succeed, others remain in doubt. Decades old dictatorships and authoritarian regimes falter and collapse. Others like Syria, Bahrain, Yemen use bloody repression while talking reform. Crowds of young people and ordinary folks use Twitter and Facebook to organize revolts. Islamic groups and factions wait in the wings. Where is it all going.
Demonstrations that look very much like Cairo appear in Spain, Madison Wisconsin and New York City and Sedona and Cottonwood. Dr. Ghosn will examine the complex challenges facing Arab Women as the region undergoes profound change.Inspiration? Blowback ? Dr. Ghosn received her BA and MPA from the American University of Beirut, and her Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University. Her research and teaching interests focus on the interaction of adversaries, be they conflictual or cooperative. In particular, she has been interested in how such actors handle their disagreements. A common theme running throughout her professional interests is the importance of the choice of strategy that is picked by the adversaries to manage their conflicts. Her articles have appeared in Conflict Management and Peace Science, International Negotiation, International Studies Quarterly, as well as Middle East Journal.
COME AND JOIN US October 20! Doors open at 8:00 AM at the Olde Sedona Bar and Grill, 1407 W. SR89A. Cost is $11 which includes breakfast and gratuities. For Reservations call 203-5858 or email Everyone is welcome; bring a friend! Bring a contribution to the Sedona Food Bank!