Red Rock Fee Program Has Benefits
Sedona, AZ (June 20, 2011) – On June 14, 2011, the City Council voted to adopt the following position on the Red Rock Pass Fee Program in response to the U.S. Forest Service’s request for a formal position on the Program.
• Support the purpose of the Program,
• Recognize the benefits the program has provided to the Sedona area during the time this program has been in effect,
• Understands the need for dependable funding the Program provides to maintain and protect the natural, cultural and recreational values in the forest lands in and around Sedona,
• Believe the Program and what it accomplishes is important in preserving the beauty that surrounds Sedona and is the base of the City’s economy,
• Requests that the Forest Service continue the program in a manner that is consistent with the law as currently interpreted,
• Ensure that the Program is affordable and easy to use by visitors and residents.
The City Council chose not to recommend a specific option from the two final scenarios the Forest Service presented, but rather, asked that the Program be designed to address the issues and goals mentioned above.
For more information contact the City Manager’s office at (928) 204-7127.