Cottonwood AZ (October 9, 2015) – Shake a leg (or two) at the first of the fall Cottonwood Contra Dances, Saturday October 17th. Michael Barraclough will call the dances to the tunes of Just Desserts, Flagstaff’s open band. With a strong core of fiddles, whistles, guitars, keyboards and a dulcimer, the open band has a different makeup for each dance. The band brings the dancers a range of common contra dance tunes from many genres – old time, celtic, American fiddle tunes, and more.
Michael Barraclough has been dancing and calling for nearly 50 years, including many UK festivals and dances. He is an authority on many dance genres but we particularly love his astute calling style for our contra dances!
The pre-dance lesson begins at 6:30PM, with dancing from 7:00 until 10:00. If you can walk, you can contra—no experience or partner is needed. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing and bring a snack donation if possible. Cottonwood Civic Center is at 805 N. Main Street, Old Town Cottonwood. Donations are $9 per dancer and $7 for students. Contact Sandy Boothe for more information: 928-634-0486 or