By Tommy Acosta
Sedona AZ : The world… it seems is split in half.
At least here in our country, anyway.
On one side of the aisle we have our liberals and on the other our conservative — Right vs. Left, divided by ideologies and opposing beliefs.
One side believes in concepts such as Critical Race Theory, women’s rights, abortion, vaccines, masks, global warming, and shared wealth.
The other side believes ins self-improvement, hands-off government, freedom to choose medical treatment and pro-life for the unborn.
The bitterness has reached a breaking point for so many. Families are divided. Cities, states and communities are divided. There seems no end in sight to the hatred and animosity. It appears our country is on the brink of a civil war.
Yet, there are commonalities and desires shared by both sides. Common ground we can stand on.
There is no doubt both sides seek financial stability. Jobs that pay enough to meet their needs, and the needs of their families.
There is no doubt both sides want to be healthy and have access to quality medical care for themselves and their families.
And for sure both sides want a solid education for themselves and their children; to attend schools that are safe and staffed by competent educators.
Certainly, both sides want to live in stable, crime free communities where it’s safe to go outside and walk through their neighborhoods without fear of attack.
Both sides want peace and no wars to suck their youth out of the country to fight in other peoples’ armed conflicts.
Fresh air and clean oceans are essential to both sides. Pollution works for no one.
Both sides want the right to practice their religion without fear of reprisal or condemnation.
Both sides want their children kept free from the scourge of drugs and associated violence.
Being able to lead a meaningful life with purpose and a passion to do good and help other is something, both sides would agree on.
Given these shared desires, what then is the difference that keeps them us so divided?
The difference is the manner in which both sides seek to acquire and achieve the aforementioned commonalities.
The Right see it one way, while the Left sees it another. It is what both sides believe or have been taught to believe. Here is where the fulcrum of the division lies.
Can we find common ground, given the separation caused by our beliefs?
We have two eyes. They do not work against each other. We have two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet, two ears and two nostrils working in tandem to maintain our bodies.
We even have two sides to our brain.
But we only have one heart. And perhaps the path to a unified country lies there.
To recognize that everyone, even our enemies, share the same basic needs and desires, is where to start.
A bird cannot fly with only one wing. If we wish to fly above the chaos in our nation it becomes essential the Right wing and Left wing, unite and work in unison for our country to soar into the future.
Recognize that the other side are humans as well and deserve to be seen, respected and heard. Understand they have the same needs as you. Then find that common ground.
You have so much misinformation I wouldn’t know where to start?
Both want fresh water and clean air? Really you sure about that?
Both sides want good healthcare? Were have you been last 15 years?
Both sides want to practice their own religions? Tell that to Muslims, Jews to start.
You really are out of touch…BTW the only thing about CRT is it is taught in collage law courses, then some clown lights his hair on fire and its a big deal…Stupid on steroids!
You really need some insight, compassion, and empathy …..because you’re way off base on most of your opinions!
Best of luck next time
The gorilla in the room is mass formation psychosis. The hidden hand is fomenting division of all kinds, political, racial, religious, health, etc. This has hypnotized the population so they aren’t looking at what is really going on. Break the trance, a good start is to stop watching TV especially the news, it’s all propaganda and truly the spreader of disinformation. It doesn’t take much time away from the boob tube to realize you’ve been wasting your time.
Big problem is everyone to be the one on top with the say so and the have the most. I’m so tired of all the groups or persons that want their way, their respect, their rights. Well does anyone think what that does to the other people? NO! We have and are passing so many laws we have no idea what is right unless it is written down. For me things are simple my first rule is to love my God first above all others and believe in the one he sent. The second is real hard for everyone to love your neighbor as yourself. Everything else in life hangs upon these two. There is good and bad in the world which do you choose to be a part of.
Well said, Susan – it doesn’t take much time at all!
And it gives common sense time to breathe!
I don’t always agree with you but I appreciate your intent. We are creating this division ourselves. I worry it might be our downfall. Love Thanks for making it happen.
Thank you Tommy,
I thought it very well said and brought some positivity for a change, I will pass on your comments.
Well done!
I appreciate your sentiment here, Tommy – but it is very difficult to find “common ground” when one side puts so much effort into the blatant censoring of the other side – and there is a very obvious Agenda of Greed and ideology driving this effort. Common sense is being threatened with extinction in this environment, and the censoring is costing actual real lives. It is not an exaggeration to say this censoring has had a deadly effect. From the media support of the Marxist lockdowns and violence that rocked the nation in the summer of 2020 to the demonizing of affordable, safe and effective drugs to address the virus, the Agenda of Greed has blatantly and hypocritically censored anything that shined the light of Truth on itself. With such a concerted effort of control and manipulation over others, how does one find “common ground?”