Jerome AZ (July 31, 2018) – Visit the Jerome Art Center on Saturday, August 4th for two community collaborative art-making events.
Karon Leigh invites families with children ten and under to participate in a free collaborative painting process, working together to create a mural-sized painting celebrating life in the Verde Valley from 10am – 1pm in studio 201 of building A. When children engage in hands-on art activities, they learn much better in all disciplines. Collaborative art projects connect children with a shared language that crosses other cultural boundaries. The finished work will be on display during Art Walk, 5-8pm.
Visual Artist, Beth Courtright-Detwiler of Word is Art studio will be hosting an ART POP-UP event at the Jerome Art Center on August 4th. This free public arts event is open to visitors of all ages and will be held during the day, from 10am-2pm, and again during the evening’s Open Studio Jerome Art Walk tour, 5 – 8 pm.
This creative and collaborative art experience will engage visitors in multiple stations of hands-on art-making activities, including: drawing and sketching, pin-back button making, and the implementation of a new large paneled colorful interactive art mural titled the “Community Flower Garden” which will be executed in the artist’s signature masking-tape art medium. This is an open-ended art activity that can be accessed throughout the day. Water and light refreshments will be provided.
Karon Leigh Art Studio:
Bldg. A, Studio 201, Children’s Collaborative Artmaking event: 10am – 1pm
Word is Art Studio:
Bldg. A, Studio 301, Community Flower Garden Event: 10am – 2pm
Jerome Art Walk: Saturday, August 4th, 5-8pm
The Jerome Art Center is housed in the historic Old Jerome High School, located at 889 Hampshire Avenue in Jerome, AZ.