Sedona News – Due to significant precipitation received across the Coconino National Forest, fire restrictions and certain area closures will be lifted starting at noon on June 28.
The Walnut Canyon and Pumphouse Wash area closures will be lifted, and most of the forest will have no fire restrictions other than those which are in place permanently every year.
Fire-related area closures will remain in effect around the perimeters of the Pipeline and Haywire fires but have been reduced in size. Another fire-related closure still in effect is that of the Fossil Creek area due to last year’s Backbone Fire.
The decision to lift fire restrictions was made based on the amount of precipitation both received and forecasted across all three forest districts.
While a ban on campfires and smoking has been lifted, Coconino NF visitors are reminded that fireworks are never allowed on National Forest land at any time.
A full list of fire restriction stages is available on the Coconino NF website.