Space available for artists, arts & crafts vendors, local businesses, non-profits
Well, it’s not really like Oktoberfest although there is beer involved. It’s Clarkdale’s unique event, a fall festival that is a street fair/concert/beer garden and a fun time for all and of course live music! On Saturday, October 6, 2018 from 1pm to 9 pm. New this year is the addition of the Northern Arizona Blues Festival from 1pm to 5pm. And they will be having again “Dogtoberfest” – the Clarkdale dog event, with Clarktoberfest. There will be lots of fun for dogs, kids and adults – For more information visit Clarktoberfest website:
This tradition began in 2014 and the 5th Annual is expected to be another success. Clarktoberfest is brought to you by the Clarkdale Downtown Business Alliance and The Clarkdale Foundation
Vendor space is available! Vendors will be provided a 10×10 space on the street – you will bring your own tent, tables, chairs, etc. The cost of the booth space will be $25 with your business license or $30 for those without a business license. If you are interested in a booth space you can go to and “CLICK” on Participants Forms to complete the online application then mail a check or email to and they will email back to you a vendor application.