Clarkdale AZ (September 18, 2014) – The Town of Clarkdale’s Community and Economic Development Department is sponsoring the second Sustainability in our Backyard Event on Saturday, October 18th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Town Center at 19 N. Ninth Street. This event is focused on celebrating community and individual wellness and will feature a variety of vendors offering assistance in maintaining a sustainable town and a sustainable lifestyle.
WesTech Recyclers will be collecting e-waste, and Sedona Recycling and Patriot Disposal will have information about the waste stream and reducing and recycling. APS will be demonstrating the effectiveness of solar power. Salt River Materials Group, a leading promoter of sustainable products and practices, will also be in attendance.
Check out the Town of Clarkdale’s website for a list of items accepted as e-waste: WesTech charges a fee of $6.00 for each item with a cathode ray tube (CRT) such as older televisions and computer monitors.
Yavapai College, Spectrum Healthcare (formerly Verde Valley Guidance Clinic), the Verde Valley Senior Center, PurSolar, United Way of Yavapai County, Friends of the Verde River and Community Legal Services will have information available on their programs supporting our local neighborhood. Clarkdale Solar Ambassadors will be available to provide real-life examples of converting to solar power.
Verde Natural Resource Conservation District will have educational, hands-on activities for kids from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The Arizona School for Integrative Studies will be offering free massages, Curves® will be providing information on their fitness programs and a Qigong master will be available for demonstrations to help you relax and find inner balance.
Free vendor spaces are still available. If you have a sustainable program or product, offer alternative or complementary health services, or would like to provide free yoga classes, contact the Community Development Department at (928) 639-2500 to sign up.
Join us on October 18th to reduce, recycle and refresh!
Questions should be directed to the Community Development Department at 928-639-2500.