Browsing: Mind & Body

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Watching Sophia today on our walk I wondered about inhibition and what stops humans from joining…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Everything is energy, is consciousness, the body included. Experiencing is the energetic patterns of perception and…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Death is the material world’s boogey man and aging signals its approach. It’s not taken too…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Thoughts create reality. They are a filter through which manifestation takes form, or so the story…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Be. Here. Now. Experience. Awareness. Consciousness. Knowing. Presence. Love. Isness. This.  Same, same … no difference. …

By Amaya Gayle Gregory You want a little more abundance, a little less discomfort, a bit more of the green…