Jury Session March 18, 2017
Clarkdale AZ (March 7, 2017) – The first of two jurying sessions to become a Made In Clarkdale MIC Artist and be permitted to show work in Made In Clarkdale art shows will take place Saturday, March 18, 2017. Artists must live, work, or be taking art classes in Clarkdale to be eligible.
Previously accepted artists do not have to re-jury if they still live or work in Clarkdale. Those eligible only as students taking art classes must re-qualify each year.
All art media will be considered but art must be original and conceived and created by the artist. No kits or crafts made from the patterns of others will be accepted.
Jurying is held at the Yavapai-Apache Learning Center, 1630 Beecher St. adjacent to upper Clarkdale. Follow the Made In Clarkdale signs at Main St. and S. 16th St. in Clarkdale to the round building down the hill on the Yavapai-Apache reservation. Applicants should arrive between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Applicants should bring actual work if possible, at least three pieces or however many are practical to transport and show the jurors the range and depth of the artist’s body of work. Resumes or bios are also encouraged as are photos, especially if the actual pieces are not available for jurying
Artists accepted now are eligible for all Made In Clarkdale events including the Verde Valley Wine Festival, Clarktoberfest and the December Made In Clarkdale Artist Showcase.
Questions about jurying, including students who must re-qualify, can be directed to Sandy Boothe at 928-634-0486 or sandy@ringsforever.com.
More information at www.madeinclarkdale.org