Sedona AZ (April 28, 2016) – What is a museum? There are probably as many answers as the number of people asked. One definition comes from the ancient Greek word “mouseion” meaning a temple dedicated to the nine Muses, goddesses of inspiration.
Traditionally museums served as repositories of cultural objects that the viewer went to “see”. Today, visitors want more from museums — they want to understand their world through imaginative storytelling . Art can create that emotional connection.
Sponsored by the Sedona Art Museum, Amada Cruz, Executive Director of the Phoenix Art Museum since February 2015, will address the subject of “Museums in the 21st Century,” including discussion on Millenials, Trends and Digital Strategies. The event will be held on Friday, May 20th from 12:00 -3:00 p.m. at the Sedona Rouge Resort & Spa, located at SR 89A and Rodeo Road. The fee is $25 and includes a buffet lunch.
Cruz was born in Havana, Cuba, and has extensive experience in both the arts and non-profit worlds. She got her start as an intern at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City, and subsequently as Curatorial Assistant. She was Director of the Center for Curatorial Studies Museum at Bard College, and a former Executive Director at San Antonio-based Artpace, an artist residency program.
Other museum positions include Curator of Exhibitions for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, and Associate Curator at Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden at the Smithsonian Institution. Cruz also worked as a grantmaker and was the founding Program Director for United States Artists in Los Angeles, where she was responsible for all programming activities of a Ford and Rockefeller Foundations initiative.
If you would like to attend this program, please visit to pay by credit card, or contact Harriet McInnis at 282-0788 to pay by check. Tickets are non-refundable. The deadline for reservations is May 11, 2016.