Dear Sedona City Council Candidates:
The 2022 Sedona City Council election is August 2 and Sedona.Biz would like to offer you, as a candidate for council and mayor, an opportunity to let the public know more about yourself, your qualifications, why you wish to serve and where you stand on specific issues and challenges facing the city.
Below are a number of questions we would like you to answer.
As a candidate, you may write as long or short as you please. There is no word count limitation.
We will need a mug shot photo of yourself for the article.
You may also submit a link to your website and any video you wish to use. There is no time length limit to the video.
The sooner you complete the questionnaire below and submit it, the better. Deadline for submittal is June 1.
Questions for Candidates
- What office are you running for?
- Why are you running?
- How long have you lived in Sedona?
- When did you decide to get involved politically?
- What do you believe are your qualifications for office?
- What have you accomplished in serving the community?
- What do you think is better? Electing people who have served for years in office, committees, etc.? Or electing a candidate that may be politically inexperienced but brings new ideas to the table?
- What are the main challenges you see Sedona facing and how would you address them? Please include the issue of homelessness and panhandling at shopping centers, etc.
- Are Short Term Rentals (Airbnb type rentals) beneficial or detrimental to the community? Should they be licensed, limited or eliminated? As a member of the city council how would you address the issue?
- Would you rather have less Airbnb’s and more hotels? Or vice-versa?
- Do you support the city’s current SIM (Sedona in Motion) initiatives and plans for infrastructure improvements? Why or why not?
- What should the city do to address the issue of affordable housing, especially for people working in businesses in Sedona?
- What is the role of the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau in the community?
- Sedona’s economy is primarily based on tourism. How should it be managed to benefit both residents and visitors?
- What approach can the city take in mitigating the impact of ATV’s and OHV’s on city streets and forest roads?
- Do you support the city’s Sustainable Tourism Plan? Why or why not?
- Do you support the city’s Climate Action Plan? Why or why not?
- Do you oppose or support voter approval of the Alternative Limitation Expenditure (Home Rule) which is also on the ballot for renewal August 2nd. Why or why not?
- There are a few parcels of land remaining in Sedona suited for a high-end resorts and/or hotels. Do you believe the city should oppose any being built, or, permit them to be built with limitations on size, design, etc.?
- Where do you see Sedona and the Verde Valley ten years from now?
Please send your completed questionnaire to staff
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you,
Tommy Acosta