By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(January 13, 2021)
Forget where Trump ends up. The odds are high for several locations such as; a padded cell. a casket or a Red Square apartment close to his buddy , Putin. The proof he is unfit and poses a severe danger to our nation is enormous and irrefutable. Impeachment is a matter of time and an IF is only a vaporous prayer.
The main problem is how to address the millions of good Americans who still think Trump is the best we have had and especially those who otherwise have a functioning brain and are genuine patriots. Forget the idiot moonshiners who are incapable of realistic analysis and were the core of the mob attacking the Capital last week. This conversion is done by telling it as the election went down – in an unvarnished true format. Biden appears to be the kind of person capable of this persuasion.
We have faced severe problems before and America’s voters have proved they get it right or we wouldn’t have advanced as far as we have.
If those who can shuck off their admiration of Trump can move over into the real world this worry disappears as a bad dream always does.
The alternative is not an option.
1 Comment
The soon to be former president is not the only problem
Texas Senator Cruz did not want Arizona’s votes to count
Other legislators followed suit even though they know there was nothing wrong with the election (Over 60 lawsuits and 1 win for THEM) – no fraud. – a nation of laws (not feelings)
The other legislators are afraid of speaking truth so they do not lose the next election because Trump and his son will campaign against them for someone “with a pulse” starting with the Alaska senator