By Cheryl Harter, MD, MD(H), Sedona Resident
(May 21, 2013)
I am a medical doctor and have studied the health effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) for several years. I have learned that children are the most vulnerable to detrimental effects of EMFs. The younger the child, the more vulnerable. Their brains are still growing and developing, so errors induced in the DNA of brain cells have far greater consequences than in brains already formed. Because of the thinner skull bones and greater water content of their brains, the same dose penetrates deeper into a child’s brain than into an adult brain.
Children are most vulnerable to EMFs at night when sleeping, the most important time for the brain to rest, de-stress, and grow. I believe the exponential growth in children with ADD, ADHD, and autism spectrum is at least in part due to the concurrent exponential growth in environmental EMFs. In 1984 autism was 1 in 10,000. The Center for Disease Control recently reported 1 in 50. Dr Klinghardt of Seattle, who has successfully treated many autistic children, said the most important therapy is the elimination of EMFs from the child’s bedroom at night. He warns that smart meters must be removed because there is no way to turn them off at night.
The Santa Cruz Public Health Dept. found that smart meters emit spiked pulsations 9,600 to 190,000 times each 24 hours, day and night, 24/7. This study also found that, “depending on the proximity to the meter, smart meters expose persons in the home to full body radiation exposures 50-450 times greater radiation the cell phones.”
We must protect our children from wireless smart meter neighborhood networks until they are proven safe by independent research paid for by the public, not by companies that stand to benefit from their installation.
References: Dr. Klinghardt
Santa Cruz Public Health Dept study explained:
Cheryl Harter, MD, MD(H)
What is a smart meter?
@Jennifer Perry – A ‘smart’ meter is a device that records usage of your electricity consumption and sends the information via wireless. It emits microwave radiation and is constantly communicating with whatever other wireless devices a property owner has in his or her house, which has been previously proven to be harmful (1947) and permanently damaging to DNA.
There is no federal mandate requiring everyone to have a ‘smart’ meter. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 recommends that utility companies should offer devices, such as ‘smart’ meters if the consumer requests it.
Consumers are being manipulated into believing that the installation of these devices will help decrease their usage, however, because of the nature of wireless, these devices actually use MORE energy. In addition, there is no data supporting the claim that Americans are using too much electricity. In fact, since the advent of digital technology about 30 years ago, our usage has remained static and is projected to remain so.
So the underlying reason for the push by the utilities is to allow them to enter a ‘new’ industry, “Big Data.” They will then be able to sell all of our personal data to third parties, as well as trading as investors in that market.
EMF Have Been Around For Decades, Ever Since The First Radio Transmitters Have Been Put On The Air, Let Alone Hundreds Of Thousands Of Watts Emitted By TV Transmitters. Overhead High Tension Lines Also Are ATremendous Source Of EMF. Any Household Appliance That Has A FCC Sticker Emits EMF. Many Cable And TV Remotes Are RF And Many Times More Powerful Than Cell Phones. If We Are Going To Look At EMF Let’s Not Single Out One Source, Let’s Look At The Whole Picture Which Has Been EScaluating Over Decades.
I’m not uninformed, but this has be puzzled???? Can we have a CLEAR and official explanation about this article, so we aren’t going off in various directions in ignorance, which might harm our safety????
We are exposed to more EMF from the sun and ambient noise than all the man generated signals combined. Please don’t believe all the hype in either direction (for or against) technology unless you have real facts to support it. This doctor has her therories, I have my electrical engineering education, and APS has their Arizona Corporation Commission edicts. Then there are the conspiracy therorists or privacy nuts.
Just relax and do what you feel comfortable with and ignore this high frequency garbage!
You will find the information in the email below from Rob States, an engineer in San Francisco, to be quite fascinating. You can also listen to his thirty minute radio interview with an online radio show. In that interview, Rob gives his reasons why he believes smart meters are so nasty for people.
Rob speaks about transient voltage spikes from SMPSs in smart meters being very sharp and fast, on the order of 70,000 Volts/second. He says this is necessary for the smart meter to work. This waveform is much faster than the spikes caused by SMPSs in appliances we have had in our houses for decades (computers, printers, etc.) and to which people, even the EHS, are accustomed. Rob also discusses how these fast spikes from smart meter SMPSs travel throughout the house and neighborhood, and their synchronized nature from many houses simultaneously.
This sheds a great deal of light on the issue of why some EHS clients are so affected by smart meters, where they could tolerate other devices up until now. This has been a mystery to me, and I realize it is not just from the RF, because the Itron smart meters used in Southern California have a power flux density much lower than other brands of smart meters used elsewhere in the country and Canada. My own Gigahertz Solutions HF-35C used by a friend of mine in Washington, DC measured over 2,000 uW/m2 at over 30 feet for a GE brand smart meter, while that same meter measures only 8,000-15,000 uW/m2 at 3 feet and 300 uW/m2 at 8-10 feet for Itron Openway smart meters here in Southern California. I measure much more than that at the same distances from cordless phone base units, Wi-Fi-enabled routers and certain cell phones.This is from a letter email blast of Rob States, an Electrical Engineer from MIT.
When I first got into the SM movement, my utility “paid me a visit” – with a State Senator and two utility henchmen – one named Michael Hertz. Hm, small world. They were pretty smug. That was 200,000 views of my Dark Side video ago.
I’m to busy to keep in touch with everyone I need to, so I’ll just email blast this to the planet.
I collaborate with a PhD Electrical Engineer on the SMPS. You are not far off. First, utilities hire the handicapped – good engineers just never work for them. The high priced talent at ANY utility are the economists and sociologists who bamboozle the public utility commissions. I figure the bribery guys are also pretty well paid.
But the guys that blew it were the manufacturers. The SMPS shows up on the test bench as a 4 volt ripple on a 120 volt signal – not worth bothering about. But I am constantly astounded by how deadly that signal is. First, is SURROUNDS you in your house – and I think the mode of conduction to the inhabitants is the ambient electrostatic field, which is nearly impossible to shield. Sensitives get DEADLY SICK soon after exposure, and after that they are SENSITIVE. They can’t go places that they used to. You ight be able to build a wave trap to stop it, but the signal is load dependent, so it moves its frequency around.
Here is my tutorial on dirty power.
I have done a TON of field work on measuring and fixes. I think the electrostatic field is what has consistently stalled progress. We are also hard pressed to measure ground currents. If you have engineers, get them to listen to Dave Stetzer on the Deagle show.
In a community with Smart Meters, there is a significant increase in ground currents, and no one I know has figured out how to measure them. If you can’t measure it, you can’t fix it. Ground currents would get into your house through power, through your grounding rod, through your water line, through your gas line. Isolating all of those just on speculation is easily $10K.
There are some nutritional strategies for reducing symptoms. Deagle has some remedies (mentioned in the Stetzer interview). One biochemist recommended a high cholesterol diet. One sensitive uses vitamin C after being RF dosed. Currently, we don’t have an effective network to collect and disseminate practical tips. Everyone who get this disease has NO HELP – doctors are useless. Some of the devices on Less EMF make symptoms much worse. Currently, it is all a crap shoot.
Sensitive can’t use computers – death on a stick. That means the can’t ORGANIZE. Double death on a stick. And this group is going to be pivotal in our future legal actions. I think sensitives should run a laptop, but remote the screen – DON’T SIT NEAR THE COMPUTER. The LCD screens seem to be much quieter, but visit an electronics store, stand near a screen or two, and see if one of them doesn’t bother you. You also remote the keyboard and mouse on a USB signal. If the screen or keyboard extension wires gives you trouble, you can ground shield them. The big problem with laptops are the DC to DC converters and their external power supplies, but you can put those a ways away, and if need be, could build a Faraday cage, or a mu metal cage around it. Engineers and physicists know how to design a fix like that, so recruit one.
Dr. Bill Deagle used a magnetic pulse machine to improve his EMH symptoms. It is a $20K machine, but you can lease them. I’m working on a strategy where I assemble enough sensitives to load up a machine for a few weeks. I then approach a chiropractor and say, lease this machine and I’ll supply you with enough customers to pay its early lease. If this works out, you will have an endless stream of customers, and all by word of mouth.
A “chiropractor”, you say. Here’s the deal. The bankers have medicine pretty well sewn up. I could tell stories, but to cut to the chase, the chiropractic profession jumped through hoops for decades (over the continuous suppression of the FDA) to get independent certification. There are SOME chiropractic offices that just crack your bones. But SOME offices have a back room, with a dark field microscope, a Rife machine, a Rhodin coil, … every suppressed piece of goods on the planet. The CAN NOT ADVERTISE, but if their entire clientele comes from referrals, this is a way around things. So, the chiropractor you would approach about leasing an PMT-100 has a back room like this.
We beat Southern California Edison in a small claims suit a couple of months ago. I need to type up the details, so maybe this weekend. We have the legal brief they used in court (PDF files). I also have the whole trial on a scratchy MPG file – if there is a volunteer, we could get a transcript out on the proceedings.
To all of you, from my grateful heart,