Sedona AZ (February 3, 2013) – Smart Meters are quickly becoming an issue in many cities and towns across America. Many Sedonans are concerned about possible side effects of Smart Meter deployment and are asking questions about their safety and possible adverse health effects. There is also a large segment of the community who know nothing about Smart Meters.
In an effort to understand and educate the public, is researching the Smart Meter phenomenon and will share the results with its readers.
At this time, Arizona Public Service (APS) has not installed any Smart Meters in residences in Sedona. APS says they are scheduled for deployment later this year. At this time customers may request to opt out of the Smart Meter program however opt out rules have not been formally adopted by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). ACC has jurisdiction over all matters connected with public utilities in Arizona. The Sedona City Council has offered to hear arguments for and against Smart Meters after the ACC has made its ruling.
“A smart meter is usually an electrical meter that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes.[7] Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Unlike home energy monitors, smart meters can gather data for remote reporting. Such an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) differs from traditional automatic meter reading (AMR) in that it enables two-way communications with the meter.” (
There was a big protest on smart meters in some california coastal towns. The community had call centers also to notify when they saw the company truck in the neighborhood. they kept trying to sneak the meters in, but the town was able to keep them out. There concern was for personal health & for the bees!
Smart Meters are just the tip of the Agenda 21 iceberg, and another way to control what we, as American citizens, do in our private lives. Personally, I do not want some government minion telling me I cannot run my dishwasher and my A/C unit at the same time in the summer – that I’m using too much of their precious energy. I don’t want anyone telling me what I can and cannot do in my own home.
It is long past time in our country to return to the principles of our founding fathers – personal responsibility, respect for others, and an appreciation of those rights for which they fought so long and so hard.
Thank you for publishing these facts and warnings.
Is it possible for the City of Sedona to pass an ordinance preventing their installation city wide?
As I understand it, even if you do not have one on your house, your neighbor’s meter could disrupt your pacemaker or insulin pump. Is that your understanding?
I recognize that the idea of “smart meters” perhaps originally came from the idea of saving money by not having meter readers, and now has been extended for the idea of the “smart grid” which itself needs work as it has long been neglected with patches on patches, or band aids, but I also think our Federal Government is up to no good regarding our rights as citizens. For that reason I oppose “smart meters” as they are currently being proposed. However it does beg the question of the similar harm due to cell phones and the like and I see no movement by the general population to ban them.
Bill Eich
Smart meters are wireless two-way transmitter cell phone base stations…they beam non ionizing radiation toughout your home and your town. Soon you’ll have 3 cell phone base station smart meters…water, gas, electricity, beaming toxic, carcinogenic radiation. Cell phones are voluntary…If you’re stupid enough to have a cell phone go ahead…but don’t kill me with it. Just like cigarette smoke, or asbestos, cell phones, tanning beds etc….. these are voluntary…That doesn’t give anyone the right to FORCE these toxins on you…and you can’t force “smart” meters on people either. They don’t save energy, they aren’t necessary…it’s simply big corporation scheme to increase their profits and growth.
If the City does indeed wait to make a “ruling” about ‘smart’ meter deployment AFTER the Arizona Corporation Commission, it will cost us residents DEARLY. The City holds the franchise agreement with APS, it is up to our elected officials to represent us by protecting our safety and our families’ health, not to mention our security and safety.
At 05:05http you can watch Nancy Baer and Monnie Ramsell give public testimony to the Sedona City Council at the 01/22/13 City Council Meeting
At that meeting, Monnie presented her calculations about the costs to everyone citywide if the City waits to made an “opt-out” decision, using figures similar to California’s and what an APS disgruntled employee had noted in his submission to the Arizona Corporation Commission docket.
We also showed a brief video of a California property-owner addressing her city’s council about she “opted-out,” paid for her neighbors to “opt-out” and had to flee her house to live in a tent in the desert.