Sedona AZ (March 19, 2015) – The announcement of the 36th annual Native Plant workshop marks an early harbinger of spring. Sponsored by Keep Sedona Beautiful (“KSB”), the Saturday, March 28 daylong program will cover topics ranging from managing invasive species to designing landscapes using water-saving features and drought-resistant plants.
The Workshop location is again as in past years at the West Sedona School, 570 Posse Ground Road from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Advance ticket price is $35 for the General Public. Admission the day of the event is $45.
Keynote speakers for the event are Prescott College professor and naturalist Walt Anderson and Janie Agyagos, Red Rock Ranger District wildlife biologist. Professor Anderson’s intriguing topic is titled “Plant Parenthood, or Do Violets Have Blue Genes?” exploring how plants have been shaped by evolution. Ranger Agyagos will focus on how climate change is and will affect Arizona’s wildlife and plant species and summarize scientists’ predictions of future southwestern effects due to climate change.
Seven workshops, of which attendees can select two, include pertinent subjects not only of interest for garden/plant enthusiasts but anyone new to the area to learn about their botanical Southwestern surroundings. Workshop topics and their presenters are:
- Insects & Diseases of Native Trees & Shrubs with Bob Celaya, Arizona Statewide Forest Specialist
- Native Plant Walkabout with Al Cornell, Training Officer for Verde Search & Rescue
- Landscape Design with Drought Tolerant Regionally Adapted Plants with Pete Cure, Arterra Landscape firm
- Saving Water beautifully: Use Native Plants in the Landscape with Steve Miller, Owner, The Native Garden nursery
- Issues Facing Honeybees and Native Bees in the U.S. with Jeff Schalau, Associate Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
- Efforts to Manage Invasive Plants in Riparian Areas
Anna Schrenk, Program Manager, Friends of Verde River Greenway. - Native Junipers of the Sedona Area
Jean Searle, Area Native Plant Landscape authority
A byproduct of the Workshops is the opportunity for home gardeners to learn ways to preserve natural features on their properties with an emphasis on native plants to create the transition from true native areas while still adapting to the area climate and wildlife.
For more information and to register, please visit or call KSB at 928-282-4938.