By Tommy Acosta
One of my favorite mind games, as many of you know by now, is imagining what I would do if I was someone else, in this case President Trump, and, my ambition is to become dictator for life.
I’m not saying this is Trump’s plan. I’m just musing what I would do if I was him and had that intention.
The first thing I would do is create a cabinet of sycophants who would trample even each other to gain my favor.

The next is issue barrages of executive orders that would destroy every regulation, plan, and organization favored by Democrats and Liberals, including DEI, the environment, the Department of Education, all WOKE funding, gender modifications, you name it.
I would also sic Musk on all government departments that I don’t want messing with me. Chop everything down to smaller pieces I could control personally. Use the money I save to build statues of me.
I would also threaten to jail everyone in and out of government that tried to take me out before I was elected.
Maybe I could not convict them, but I would scare the bee jeepers out of them as they tremble in the wings, not knowing my next move. Basically, castrate them politically.
I will continue to use FOX News as my personal propaganda machine, appearing daily. And I would instruct them to continue scaring the viewing population, with video barrages of cartel gangs raping and pillaging their way across the country.
Of course, I would label them terrorists so I could go in there and arrest or deport as many as I want but will still leave some behind to keep the fearing population locked in their homes, cheering me on to root them all out, while giving up their civil rights.
As for college demonstrators and demonstrations, I would identify each and every protestor and have them thrown out of college and blackballed for the rest of their lives. Non-citizens would be deported after keeping them in jail for a few months just for the heck of it.
Taking over the courts is tricky and the recent rulings telling me I can’t send to prison people I label terrorists have to be dealt with.
But even if they rule against me so what? What are they gonna do? Arrest me? I got an army, missiles and jets and all they have are gavels. Give me a break.
No matter what they rule, I am the president and I will do what I must to protect my country against an invasion by soulless, evil, monstrous sub-human animals that wish to destroy America, no matter what the treasonous and spineless Biden-appointed judges say.
My duty to save my country trumps them all. Tough cucarachas!
Then there is congress. The fear Republican elected officials have of me ensures they will vote in step to give me whatever powers I need to achieve my emperorship.
Yes. You guessed it. I will also alter the Constitution, forever. And no one better try to stop me, if the courts and congress know what’s good for them.
Also, I would need to deify myself. Sending Bibles with my stamp of approval and picture to schools and institutions is a beginning.
People will know I am the savior who will resolve all their problems if no one gets in my way, that is.
I know it looks like I am fighting to end wars but that’s not true. I would never double-cross my pals in the global military industrial complex, I will keep the money flowing by invading Iran when we run out of cannon fodder in Palestine Israel and Ukraine.
And last but not least, I will sign an executive order making any criticism of my presidency or me a federal crime, that would give me the right to send anyone who does to El Salvador to be imprisoned for life.
Of course, everything I’ve written above is simply political satire and could never in a million years. happen. I uh, not in four years, anyway.
That’s a spicy meaty ball Tommy! I know you were just “what if’ ing” but we’re long past “what if’ ing” ill Douche’s fever dream turned reality game show. Anyone with a “man” “woman” uh uh “camera” “tv” brain can see the textbook historical reenactment of “How Hitler Came to Power”! Hitler did it by first attempting an Insurrection against the Reichstag then by corrupting Judges with his Antisemite’ Bible-Mein Kampf into seeing his point of view regarding the state of the German Economy and the “Vermin” responsible for the Motherland’s every woe and they outright pardoned him for his insurrection. He then ran for Chancellor and with the help of his “Brown Shirt” “Proud (BOYS)” terrorizing the German populace into electing Hitler as Chancellor. Hitler then set about dismantling every aspect of the Reichstag, flooding the benches with simpatico Clarence Thomas type SCOTi PO-S corrupted pro Hitler Judges, shut down Germany’s educational system and made himself Führer for a Reich and the rest is history. At least for those of us who are not Holocaust and Fascist Deniers, or attempt to re-write history by lying, denying and supporting all things criminal and fascist so long as it doesn’t hurt their pocket books. Which we are beginning to see in “town halls” with MAGA Morons and Dem jellyfish where people on both sides are pissed off! And the common target of their ire- DOGE, MUSK, TRUMP in that order. MAGA wants to know from their spineless non town hall speakers what in the F they are doing and why! And the Dems want to know what their spineless representatives are going to do about what the F is going on and why! Both are a day late! That ship has sailed! Very very clearly they have been, are and will continue to wantonly destroy our government and country.
But your Spidey Senses seem to be tingling properly Tommy 😉
Sorry tommy, this is precisely what sleepy joe biden did, only on the opposite side of the aisle
Thought sleepy Joe didn’t do anything at all? Care to specify what he did do and back it with some facts? I mean Biden didn’t cause an Insurrection, wasn’t charged with 30+ felonies with many more of his crimes such as massive classified documents theft and refusal to return them where he basically has gotten away with rape, fraud, corruption on a grand scale solely because he was a convicted felon running for the office of POTUS.
Comparing Biden’s criminality to that of Dump’s is akin to comparing Mother Theresa with Adolf Hitler (with Dump being the latter of course). Sure Mother Theresa had flaws but they were incredibly minor flaws when compared to the library of Dump’s many many crimes.
Wow, you both nailed it!
The only pitfall is its all true and happening in front of our faces!
Now Im sure we will have some blind dingbat tell us none of that is happening!
3, 2, 1, queue up the dumb and ignorant………………………………………………….
Joe Christmas just answered your call 🤣! And you are correct, “it is happening in front of all of our faces”! But only half of M’erica can see it because the other half is deaf dumb and blind to it all as they have bought into all of the Many MAGA Lies and Propaganda.
-Not just non-citizens are being deported…….he currently is or trying to deport citizens that protest issues he does not also support.
-America is now getting what it asked for. His play book is Project 2025 which at least 25of his associates wrote. Keep in mind during the campaign he said – lied…..”I know nothing about Project 2025.”
-He always called people names. Now he has added unfounded labels – terrorist, traitors, etc.
-The Republican Party is now a cult. They will defend their leader no matter what.
-Elected Republicans are the real RINOS. They will not speak up. They just agree. Done. Mitch McConnell is only speaking up and telling fellow Republicans to “think for themselves” because his will no longer run for office.
Mitch McConnell the expert on how to be a Political Asshole is now trying to have it both ways. He is in very large part responsible for the Fascist direction our government and country are currently undertaking daily. Reminds me of Albert Speer who repeatedly claimed to just be “a lowly architect” of Hitler’s Reich. He was an architect alright who instituted the Nazi killing machine! Funny how absolutely cowardly “tough guy” fascist behave when someone is pointing a gun to their heads!
The Five Pillars Of Trumpian Repression:
Jb lives in fantasyland. I guess spending time worshiping crystals has taken up much of his time after four years of progressive hell. Facts???? So many to list but here’s a few.
1. Ignoring the supreme Court on cancelling student debt.
2. Lying about job numbers and having the most revisions in decades after false reporting.
3. Open borders that he said he didn’t have the authority to close.
4. Lied about laptop authenticity. Then had lame tony blinken get corrupt to former intelligence officials to sign a letter saying it was Russian propaganda
5. Drove the price of energy through the roof
6. Took inflation to over 9 percent
7. Botched Afghanistan withdrawal
8. Two wars under his presidency
And that’s just a few Einstein
But don’t worry my crystals worshipping idiotic friend. Trump will fix it all.
Do you get your news from RT or just Fox’s news parody show? What two wars did Biden start? Please specify by Operational Name and Location as well as date of the so called wars Biden allegedly started.
You must enjoy a different type crystal than JB does my feeble minded propaganda victim because nothing you have said has any relation to the truth.
Are you on drugs???? Or just dumb??? Ukraine and Middle East Einstein all on his watch not to mention the botched Afghanistan withdrawal
Are you on drugs ??? Dumb??? Or brain dead????
Have you heard of Ukraine and the Hamas massacre in Israel?????
Put the bong down .
Biden started neither so you must be the one using “crystals”! Putin started Ukraine and Hamas indirectly started conflict in Gaza by doing to Israel what it does to Palestinian civilians on a daily basis.
Provide the War Declaration from Joe Biden to Congress and it’s Congressional Approval by White House Order Number and Date for Ukraine and or Gaza.
Perhaps something factual like this-
You can’t because it never ever happened!
Prove it did and then perhaps we can have a civilized discussion. Unless you are willing to admit you lied and cannot prove a damned thing. At which point we can also begin having conversations based on truth and fact.
Where do you get that I worship crystals ya crackhead? I’ve never once mentioned crystals.
At least I don’t worship “FALSE IDOLS” like all of MAGA most certainly does the Orange Felonious Draft Dodging Insurrectionist. And I tell the truth backed by fact, rather than what’s that Commandment about lies that Dump violates numerous times a day called? Oh yeah, “though shall NOT LIE!” There’s a couple others he likes to violate routinely as well like Coveting His Neighbors Wife, Gluttony Adultery and Stealing but I’ll save those for the next time you falsely attempt to prop his Criminal Fascist Ass Up as a Good Person when he is the furthest thing from it!
Perhaps you should read that $100 altered and therefore sac religious Dump Bible in and of itself let alone selling it especially for personal profit! Can’t get much worse than that when it comes to the church which is why the Pope has called Dumpy Boy out numerous times!
Think your horse looks pretty but he’s a big fat loser and he’s going to bring this country and world down much more than he already has!
Hey jb doesn’t everyone from Sedona worship crystals???? Lol. I see you’re a typical Democrat that has no sense of humor. On the bright side your movement is dead! The good guys won. You lost 37-13 across this great country. And in the total county count in the US you lost by a rate of 5 to 1! Just the facts my friend. You’re lucky I’m not in politics in Arizona because I would sell the red rocks to mining companies and tell them drill away. Lol
So if you’re not a crystal worshipper from Sedona what are you doing on here other than lying and trolling?
And please do come waste lots of money digging and mining for nothing in Sedona. There’s a reason there are no mines here and it’s because there isn’t anything worth mining here. Please have your crews stay at Sedona’s expensive resorts and eat in its fanciest eateries. Also rent your vehicles and equipment here. Make us wealthy while you waste your money just like you wasted your money and votes on Donald J Criminal.
Hey Joe Jackass what do you worship? I personally do not worship anything and no one. Are you a good Christian talking the way you do? Definitely not so you can’t be a Christian so what are ya?
Well every single one of your so called facts with the exception of possibly number 7 are absolute propaganda and lies without any damned proof or fact to back them. So all you did was compile a list of lies not fact so try again! And BTW- any Dem POTUS who ends a US war started by a GOP POTUS whether our withdrawal goes good or bad is going to be criticized. Getting out of stupid senseless wars is as difficult if not more difficult than fighting them!
Try again Joe XMas but try using some facts and truth rather than just a list of ill Douchebags greatest lies!
Lol. All this true and you my friend are totally delusional. Stick to crystals and aliens and under achieving in life
Funny you mention the Sedonite affinity for all things Conspiracy Theory. Your blind support of Trump and MAGA aligns far more with those of Sedonuts than anything else. MAGA is loaded with crystal worshipping Q Anon cultists and me thinks you are one of them!
Stick to crystals jb you’re clearly delusional
I see you have NO FACTS NO TRUTH whatsoever so you revert to claiming without evidence that I am delusional and on drugs? That’s a pretty delusional act on your part especially since I was only stating facts and truths about a Draft Dodging Felonious Twice Impeached Insurrectionist Treasonous Commie Lover! All FACTS but you attack me for stating them which will never ever change the Facts nor Truths about him and yet you think slandering me somehow will. It most definitely will not as I have Truth and Fact on my side as well as being quite thick skinned rather than being thick headed like you are.
Nothing on your lie list is true and I defy you to prove otherwise by presenting links to legitimate news sources for your claims. Try that and maybe we can discuss something. Until then you’re just a TROLL.
The Good Guys most definitely lost and FASCIST and FASCISM guided by Rusher Propaganda have won the day!
I am NOT a Democrat! I voted straight ticket Republican all of my adult life with the exception of voting g for the Orange Moron! I also served my country in uniform for 15 years, 6 of which were on combat deployments. Not all of us can say that now can we? Especially not the Orange Dract Dodging Clinstone Pal!
You drank the Rusher Kool Aid not I !
I am also not from Sedona and you’d be very surprised how many Fascist MAGA Morons just like you live here!
You are nothing and nobody other than a Fascist Criminal Insurrectionist Cheerleader!
Enjoy your can of Bud!