By the Ghost of George Carlin, guest writer for Bear Howard Chronicles
Sedona, Az –Hey, folks, let’s talk about something we think we understand—democracy. You know, that thing we love to brag about but barely know how to use. People say, “Your vote counts!” Yeah, sure, but nobody ever follows up with what it counts for. Lemme spell it out for you: when you pull that lever, check that box, or slap that touchscreen, you’re not just picking a guy or gal in a fancy suit—you’re signing up for everything that person stands for. Everything. And you can’t just walk away later like, “Oh, I didn’t know he was gonna do that!” Too bad, Sparky. You bought the ticket, you took the ride.
Let’s break down complicit. I’ll tell you how I see it: Complicit means you didn’t just watch the car crash—you handed the guy the keys, loaded his playlist, and said, “Floor it!” It’s not just about what you do; it’s about what you let happen. If you stand by while somebody burns down the neighborhood, guess what? You’re part of the fire. And voting? That’s you handing someone the matches.
Take 1968. Nixon shows up promising to get us out of Vietnam. Yeah, right—get us out? The guy escalated it! You voted for him because he said he had a secret plan. Guess what? The secret was: he didn’t. Surprise! Fast forward to today—2024—Trump waltzes back in, waving that “Make America Great Again” flag like it’s a clearance sale banner. First 30 days? Feels less like Great Again and more like Germany, 1934. You remember Germany, right? Yeah, they used to be a democracy, too. Then one guy with a shiny uniform and a bad mustache talked the people into letting him take over, and boom! Next thing you know—genocide, book burnings, and mandatory goose-stepping. Not so great, after all.
But hey, let’s not act surprised. Trump voters let it happen. That’s the kicker with democracy—it’s a group project. And guess what? If you voted for Trump, you’re part of the group. You voted for the guy who’s burning the house down, congratulations—you’re holding the lighter fluid. Even if you thought you were just sending a message or protesting the system, guess what? The universe doesn’t grade on intentions. You hit the button, you own the outcome. And saying “I didn’t know” is like lighting a fuse and acting shocked when the bomb goes off. Wake up!
And for those of you standing on the sidelines thinking, “Not my president,” I got news: he’s still running the country you live in. You don’t get to wash your hands and walk away. Part of living in a democracy means holding people accountable—including the people who voted for the guy who screws it up. The responsibility doesn’t end on Election Day. That’s when it starts. Democracy isn’t a Netflix subscription you forget about—it’s an every damn day commitment. If the guy you helped elect starts dismantling the Constitution like it’s an old IKEA shelf, you better be first in line to stop it.
Our memories of the 2024 election are very clear – Trump told us exactly what he was going to do. He wasn’t vague; hewasn’t talking in broad generalizations, and he was very exact in his agenda for the future of America.
Now, here’s the thing. If you voted for Trump in 2024, promising to “Make America Great Again,” but now you’re seeing America start to look like a black-and-white newsreel from the 1930s—yeah, that’s on you. And guess what? The rest of us? We’re not gonna let you forget it. You’re not just complicit—you’re branded. For life. You don’t get to hide behind “Well, I didn’t know he’d go that far!” Yes, you did. We all knew. And now, every time someone asks who got us into this mess, your name’s on the list. You’re a Trumper. That’s right—a Trumper. And for the rest of your days, people will look at you like the guy at the party who spilled wine on the carpet and then tried to blame the dog.
Look, rebuilding America after this mess is gonna be like trying to fix a sandcastle after a tsunami. And while the rest of us are out here rolling up our sleeves, patching up the Constitution, and trying to make things halfway decent again, you Trumpers will be standing there with that same dumb look you had when you said, “He tells it like it is.” Yeah, he does—like a drunk uncle at Thanksgiving, except now he’s got the nuclear codes. If the first 30 days are what the next four years are like – he killed America. We have to start all over. We need to find a new George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to lead out of this mess. And I doubt that they will be a Trumper.
And don’t think history’s gonna forget, either. This isn’t like your embarrassing haircut in high school—this sticks. Fifty years from now, kids are gonna be reading about this in textbooks (if we even have books left after the library burnings), and your grandkids will ask, “Grandma, Grandpa… were you a Trumper?” And what’re you gonna say? “Well, sweetie, I thought he’d fix the economy…” And your grandkid’s gonna look at you like you just farted at their graduation.
Here’s the deal: democracy isn’t magic—it’s work. And when you hand the wheel to someone who drives the country into a ditch, you’re responsible. No refunds. No excuses. You vote for the guy, you own what he does. And if what he does is wreck the place? You clean it up. Or at least stand there while everyone else does and keep your mouth shut.
Bottom line? Complicity isn’t just being there—it’s letting it happen. And suppose you voted for the guy turning America into a rerun of “Dictatorship for Dummies,” congratulations. In that case, you’re part of the reason the rest of us are out here with shovels and duct tape trying to hold this place together.
So, next time? Think. Or don’t—but if you don’t, don’t whine when people point at you in the grocery store, whisper “There goes that Trumper,” and walk the other way.
If you are upset with what Trump is doing you most likely don’t really know what he is doing! Keep watching!
People are confused about a “democracy”. America was never designed to be a democracy which is basically mob rule, but instead it was created as a Republic., you know–the Forefathers. Trump and our wonderful military have stopped the mob rule of the elites who would like to see us all dead and they are reinstating the Republic and handing it all back to us on a silver platter, no thanks to those who are sleeping through the truth of this. Then the ball is in our court. God help us because the whole country of citizens shirked their duty to God and country, or we wouldn’t have needed a Trump in the first place. Relax, his turns out well; you’ll see!
Do you have anything to back a word of what you say that isn’t bullshit propaganda about how America is not a Democracy! Funny how we called ourselves “the beacon of Democracy for the world” for over a century now. You MAGA morons are completely blind to what Dumpy’s end game is which is to completely destroy the rights of all marginalized people to include WOMEN and he is bent upon weakening or destroying America’s government institutions out of retaliation for having been RIGHTFULLY CHARGED for INSURRECTION, TREASON, Theft of GOVERNMENTAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, attempting to thwart a FREE and Fair ELECTION THAT HE LOST BIGLY!
“Stopped the mob rule of elite’s “😂😂😂😂😂 how is that exactly? By having the wealthiest man in the world for hundreds of thousands of mid-lower income M’ericans? That’s rich! And it would be funny if it weren’t absolutely true.
Keep on believing and spewing the lies, Rusher Propagada and utter bullshit!
You took the words right out of my brain and expressed them so perfectly!
“… democracy. You know, that thing we love to brag about but barely know how to use.”
“We?” Poor Bear, speak for yourself (and get help).
I know the ignorant believe America was not and has never been a true Democracy yet it is the closest thing to a true Democracy as ever has been. The rest of the “free world” thought of America as a “shining beacon of democracy” until Trump got elected to destroy it from its Follicle to its roots. Somehow these ignoramuses think that a Totalitarian Fascist Criminal Regime is better than democracy, freedoms and rights. What they fail to realize is that although they may grant power to the corrupt, the corrupt does not disseminate its wealth and power to anyone but themselves and they too will become fodder of MAGA’s leadership.
Hitler lived like Elonia does today during WWII while the rest of Germany starved and died! Trump and his Criminal allies are doing the exact same thing to this country and you will pay the price for your ignorant subservience to his crimes and hatred of all things Democratic, legal, fair and just!
Democracy- you know that thing millions of US Troops died defending???? We may have never achieved Democracy Nirvana but that’s no reason to allow a Fascist Orange Draft Dodging Treasonous Felonious DICKtator to destroy it and replace it with HATE, GRIFT, LIES, CRIME and DECEIT like MAGA wants!
Democracy- that thing the Orange Draft Dodging Treasonous Insurrectionist Felonious Putin Puppet is handing to Putin on a cheap Chyyyner made fake gold platter:
Macron tries to sway Trump as U.S. backs Russia over Ukraine in U.N. vote
The French president is seeking to preserve U.S.-European ties even as the United States under Trump may no longer be a reliable partner against Russia.
So damned sad that we are betraying everything M’erica was ever intended to be for a Convicted Criminal bent on destroying it so Putin can rule the world for the rest of his Criminal life. Bigly Sadd! And you who anointed him King Nothing are complicit as can be! Don’t forget to tell your “Saint Peter” what you did in the name of all things hate-filled when you get to your imaginary heaven.
Here’s where you call me a hater for telling the truth……
Is this article real? Or is it just meant to be divisive? I mean, it seems like you guys have lost your minds and are having difficulty comprehending the real world.
First, “don’t whine when people point at you in the grocery store, whisper ‘There goes that Trumper,’ and walk the other way.” Whatever you think of him, DT did better with virtually every demographic in practically every county in the U.S. Here in the real world, droves of people did indeed walk away snickering but certainly not in the way you’re talking about. Instead of reflecting on that, you post this? It can’t be real.
Second, outside of folks who collect campaign buttons, no one is going to remember or care who anyone voted for. As much as I wish there was a place where you moral majority folks could go walk away to, there’s no such Xanadu. You’ll still be here making matters worse, shouting about random stuff, trying to distract everyone as you hand over Sedona to real estate developers and hotel empires. And I’m guessing you won’t be satisfied until you pave the whole place (and pay outrageous sums to do it). And that’s what’s annoying, not if you voted for Carter or Bush, Obama and/or Trump.
And lastly, you must think pretty highly of yourselves if you think the threat of to “walk the other away” is in anyway worrisome to anyone. If you’re in front of me in line at the grocery store, I’d appreciate it actually.
Trump is a Draft Dodging Treasonous Insurrectionist Felonious Commie Lover and you think he’s better than every Democrat President ever because he tells you he is without a shred of evidence to prove a damned word he says because he’s a liabetic. But hey, some people like Democracy and some like living in a Fascist DICKtatorship run by an Orange Clown.
You confuse Trump’s incompetence with that of the Sedona city government? Cities all over the world are growing. It is not unique to Sedona and yet you whine that it does? And you are most likely against abortion, birth control and women’s rights while complaining about population growth. Mayberry/Mt. Airy RFD is a big city now as well and Andy and Barney are long gone, the world has grown! Stop living in the 1800’s!
PS people are not impressed by your stupid MAGA or Trump Hat and try desperately to avoid having conversations with you because you have been brainwashed to the point that you know not what reality is.
Lets get something straight from the start!
You live in town here, and you dont know who the Trumpers are? Yes Im in public all the time and try to avoid them………..absogodlutly!
You cant miss them they puff out their chest talk about all the great things he is doing, and those libtards better watch out!
I remember the Vietnam war well, watching on the old black and whit Zenith TV. I Remember the draft. So I can say I have followed politics for over 60 years.
I have seen what one party has done over and over. The criminal behavior of one party, and here we stand now.
You think the none stop fire hose of lies, disinformation is normal? Is it helpful? What good does it bring to the world? Can someone find one thing Qanon was right on? Just one! Please?
Just saw the new bill that cuts Medicare and Medicaid, wow. Cutting money to people who are either sick, disabled, poor, elderly helps America? Is that what a good Christian does?
So yes when I see those Trumpers not only will I give them facts. I will just keep asking over and over thanks…Thanks for nothing. Your “guy” is screwing all of us. Yea and I will hope they get hit the hardest. As some poor child or a sick and dieing person will suffer from the hand s of the ignorant!
“Is this article real? Or is it just meant to be divisive? I mean, it seems like you guys have lost your minds and are having difficulty comprehending the real world”
We haven’t lost anything other than our Democracy, Human Rights, Civil Rights and Equality. We recognize that the US and many other countries in the world have become Authoritarian Fascist Dictatorships run by angry fascist racist morons.
You on the other hand think everything is peachy keen because white dumbasses are getting employment priorities over more and better qualified people of color. You think that the only people who deserve to have rights are wealthy, white homeowners. Everyone else is just an annoyance to you and your MAGA brainwashed brethren.
You want to live in Paton Place USA where only you have rights. Everyone else is just fodder for the MAGA Hate Movement.
The economy is absolute Shite! Trump is screwing over Ukraine in favor of Putin’s land grab lust, the entire US government is in extreme disarray thanks to the world’s wealthiest Nazi at a time when World War III is just around the corner. Anti vaccination ignorance is causing disease that we’re dormant thanks to vaccines to become active and deadly again while a MAGA Brain Worm ignorantly dismantles the NIH, CDC, FDA etc. And yet somehow you think Trump is the best thing to happen to America and the world since the British ruled the country.
Such ignorance! Such bullshit! Shame on you!
“Second, outside of folks who collect campaign buttons, no one is going to remember or care who anyone voted for“
So you say!
Names of 425,000 suspected Nazi collaborators published
You will ALL be remembered for your treason and collusion don’t you worry about that. You may not face repercussions directly but someone among your family and friends will especially with the advent of social media, data bases, analytics and archiving.
I didn’t realize the Gilbert Goons opened a chapter in Sedona. You guys are coming in hot! It’s difficult to take some of this nonsense seriously, but okay, I’ll play.
I don’t know where to start, but for some reason the Vietnam War and Nixon made an appearance. This is weird. For the record, Nixon’s accomplishments also include founding the EPA, Title 9, starting the War on Cancer, ongoing school desegregation, the 26th amendment (expanding voting rights), the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and oh yes, the Paris Peace Accords ending the war in Vietnam with a (mostly) U.S. victory. Bear ignores this and seems to think the lesson of Nixon is a sham election (which it wasn’t). I think the lesson is that things are complicated and the people shouting loudest are the least informed. This means you.
Literally, the only thing I said about Trump was this: “DT did better with virtually every demographic in practically every county in the U.S.” It takes about 15 seconds to search the web for the evidence. Btw, NPR went further, noting that Trump “expanded his coalition with historic demographic shifts.” So I assume you’re sending your hate mail and idiotic assumptions to NPR as well. Yes?
(And can I just pause and lament the fact that you all are calling me Mega Maga but I never got my hat. I don’t really care but feel like I should get a hat out of it at least.)
Thom Wolf: I don’t confuse Trump with Sedona city government at all. I think what’s happening here is far more anti-democratic. Again, the actual record is important. An employee in city government apparently tried thwart a perfectly legal ballot referendum. That employee was removed. I understand that people make mistakes and while I’m not someone who demands a pound of flesh, I do appreciate the ounce of integrity. It was the right thing to do, unfortunately. But next, the city used special administrative maneuvers that prevented a referendum on increased funding for the parking garage (and road), which would have iced it. I know the people who pulled the packet and I’m reasonably sure that the requisite number of signatures would have been gathered. What do you make of that?
To me, it’s the people here who seem to hate the idea of more democracy. That’s right, you’re the bad guys.
And incidentally, I’m not against growth. But I don’t think it means handing the whole place over to Paris Hilton. While it’s one way to grow, I think it’s irresponsible. I think you’re irresponsible and a bad steward of this special place. A few more nickels for hotel chains seems to be your preference, no matter the impact. I find it very ugly. Disgusting if I’m being honest. Instead we should champion small, locally owned enterprises. You know, sustainable growth that matches the town’s capacity and preferences.
City Council and Staff are proposing very significant changes to Sedona. It would be very easy to have ballot referendums on the most controversial matters. I think we should have a referendum for things like code changes that increase building heights, high dollar spending (beyond maintenance and emergency response), and all development on public lands. Will it slow things down? Of course. Is that okay? Of course.
I think it takes a special kind of anti-democratic jerk to be against that.
And look at these comments about “never forgetting” and archiving voter retribution lists. Again, I’d encourage you to reflect on what you’re actually saying here. You sound like the bad guys.
“To me, it’s the people here who seem to hate the idea of more democracy. That’s right, you’re the bad guys“
More Democracy? Where? Definitely not here and not now! Besides according to MAGA morons there never was such a thing. Hate is not telling the truth about hate! Hate is hate!
Gilbert Goons 😂
Sedona doesn’t have enough teens to make a gang.
Nobody is threatening anyone on here. And nobody other than the MAGA Criminals known as The Cyber Ninjas and Trump’s Fake Electors have done anything improper with anyone’s votes. You’re just being reminded of how you will be treated by history and you don’t like what you hear because it’s factually true. Can’t have your Bigly Beautiful Chocolate Cake and eat it too!
Nixon was such a good person and POTUS that his name remains infamously forever linked to the Criminal Illegal Watergate and other “Plumber” break ins. He rigged South Vietnams elections, authorized assassinations and well, LIED about every aspect of the American War in Vietnam. Such a great leader of Corruption that is! And Dump and his sycophantic cronies who lusted Nixon’s Criminality like Roger Stone are cheering the Orange Criminal on in his years in office as Criminal Grifter in Chief. Tricky DICK was a War Criminal as well as USC Felon. So of course you like the Criminal DICK’s who somehow managed to get elected as POTUS despite being Criminals!
Regardless of what you claim about ill Douch’es popularity nothing you can ever say will ever change the FACT and TRUTH that he is a Draft Dodging Treasonous Insurrectionist Felonious Commie Loving Putin Puppet! Sure he does goodly things for the wealthiest of M’erican’s like giving tax cuts to his friends and family of the Criminal Wealthy but he has not and will not do jack to fix the economy, lower pharmaceutical prices, make medical care available to all M’erican’s, address Climate Change or make housing affordable and available to everyone. Because that’s what a leader of the masses does! Not the self enrichment grifting that MAGA loves! He sure had a lot of time and money wasted on his megalomaniac GAZA Grifter propaganda video. Did Elonia and his crew of pubescent douchebags say a peep about it? Of course not because we must do as they say not as they do right?
Can’t wait to see the response of wealthy white M’erican’s do when their food is no longer able to be harvested and processed, landscaping go to expensive white owned landscaping businesses and our infrastructure fall into further decay than it already has when King MightASS has all the people currently doing the work for little to nothing get deported by the MAGA Gestapo.
BTW- since you have such grand designs on assaulting and insulting Sedona’s government why don’t you run for Mayor and show us how it’s done. I’ll make certain I don’t miss a single meeting if you do!
“And look at these comments about “never forgetting” and archiving voter retribution lists. Again, I’d encourage you to reflect on what you’re actually saying here. You sound like the bad guys“
Wasn’t the bad guys who archived the list of Nazi Conspirators and it won’t be bad guys outing NOTsee Conspirators. Sorry but you have your history and definition of “bad people” very very wrong. Which is the common theme amongst MAGA cultee’s who believe every word Jim Jones Dumps and Elonia tell them. Are you a halocaust denier as well? Do you call the victims of mass genocide the “bad guys” too?
You and your MAGA cronies had absolute coronaries when Clinstone got caught lying about getting a blow job and you lost it even more when a “black” MAN got elected as POTUS and had the gall to wear a brown suit! The absolute Horror! But you lie spin make excuses for all the actual Felony Crimes of Nixon, Raygun, Bush Sr, W and most of all record Felony holder ill Douchebag!
And since when is Rusher M’erica’s BFF? Here’s a secret: it absolutely positively is NOT, will NOT be and NEVER has been our Friend! Hope you like living like the Rusher’s your MAGA cult and Leader are suddenly so fond of because that’s exactly where we are heading!
Bear, JB, et al: so let me get this straight…
The 77+ million Americans who voted for Trump are Nazis and you want to put them into some kind of database so you can snicker at them in the grocery store? This is your plan to make a better world? I’ve studied many social justice movements and I don’t recall seeing this particular approach. When is a fair date to judge this plan?
And meanwhile here in Sedona you want to limit democracy as much as possible in order to hand it over to real estate developers and hotel chains? Chaotic endless development = good; measured slow growth = bad? Is anyplace in America allowed to be a cute, small mountain town or should everywhere be Manhattan?
If the theme of the OP is about culpability, consider this: there are really only two ways to ruin Sedona, a natural disaster and overdevelopment. We can recover from a fire. I’m doubtful we could recover from overdevelopment. And you seem to be doing everything in your power to get us there as quickly as possible, including the shady stuff.
Yeah… I need to seriously reconsider my views on Home Rule now. You sound like a bunch of goons who can’t be trusted with a place as special and unique as Sedona.
“The 77+ million Americans who voted for Trump are Nazis and you want to put them into some kind of database so you can snicker at them in the grocery store? This is your plan to make a better world? I’ve studied many social justice movements and I don’t recall seeing this particular approach. When is a fair date to judge this plan?“
This is not Social Justice this is what you might call Karma. No need to put anyone in a data base because you are already in numerous different ones already. We all are. The difference is that you choose to support a Fascist Criminal and any crime he commits while screaming bloody murder when a marginalized person gets human rights. You’re the one who continues to make excuses for the crimes of MAGA and yet apparently live in terror that people will know you did? Why is that?
Where’s your outrage over the Cyber Ninjas Criminals who took our ballots out of state to Colorado and did who knows what with the data???
Where’s your outrage over the data Elonia and his younglings are illegally accessing and doing who knows what with???
Democracy is not a “break it you buy it” concept! When you break it, it is broken forever!
When you show that the Sedona’s City Government’s objective is to “pave every square inch of Sedona” as you claim please post the evidence. 99% of the trails around town are in either State or National Parks and the Sedona government has no ability nor authority to develop upon that land. The rest already has development or is trust land. So apparently your solution to the continued development of Sedona is to build skyscrapers and mega resort hotels vs. affordable housing, needed parking space etc.? Really? And those monstrosities add to Sedona’s natural beauty how exactly?
PS I have no affiliation with any other writers on here despite knowing a small number of people by name or face who both share and oppose my opinions from various interactions with them in public. Nothing nefarious just the product of living in Paton Place, Un USA
TJ: I totally agree with you that no one has done anything improper with anyone’s votes. (One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about Arizona is the high competency of statewide services, from the way our DMVs are operated to how we run elections. Pretty convenient compared to other places I’ve lived.) But a city employee was removed for a reason. The City Council did use administrative procedures that limited citizen engagement so they could build the parking garage. Those slimy techniques often seem cheered-on by people here, by the same people claiming to be champions of democracy.
And I’m glad you mentioned facts…which are more important to me than intentions. Simply by my stating a fact about the previous election, the goon squad on here has made quite a lot of assumptions about me and let the hate flow hard. It’s like you’re rabid. I’m getting a kick out of it, but it strikes me as unkind, unprofessional, and excessively dim.
Nixon gets a lot of hate in a similar way to Trump. He was a criminal monster, etc. etc. I don’t particularly care who you hate, but my point about mentioning that his accomplishments also included the Paris Peace Accords, Title IX, and so on, is that things are complicated. And I’m also pointing out that no one remembers or cares how people voted in Nixon’s day. I could be wrong, but my guess is that it will be the same thing here. (And similarly, you’ll find quite a lot of inconvenient facts about Trump’s first term if you look.)
But again, I think the point of these articles is to make everyone angry and distracted while they overdevelop Sedona. But since you all seem hellbent on handing over Sedona to real estate developers and hotel empires, would you support Trump building a hotel here in town? Endless growth at all costs, right? Maybe he’ll even sweeten the deal and throw in 5 or 10 workforce housing units.
Should I do you all a favor and send an email to Trump Enterprises letting them know Sedona is open for business?
“TJ: I totally agree with you that no one has done anything improper with anyone’s votes“
Not what I said exactly. I said nobody except for the Cyber Ninjas and Trumps Treasonous Fake Slate of MAGA electors has done anything improper with our votes because the aforementioned very clearly illegally did!
“And I’m glad you mentioned facts…which are more important to me than intentions. Simply by my stating a fact about the previous election, the goon squad on here has made quite a lot of assumptions about me and let the hate flow hard. It’s like you’re rabid. I’m getting a kick out of it, but it strikes me as unkind, unprofessional, and excessively dim”
That’s what complimenting corrupt treasonous criminals wins you! Congratulations! But it’s not hate to state the truth it’s just the truth!
“Nixon gets a lot of hate in a similar way to Trump. He was a criminal monster, etc. etc. I don’t particularly care who you hate, but my point about mentioning that his accomplishments also included the Paris Peace Accords, Title IX, and so on, is that things are complicated“
No accomplishment in the world changes the fact that both Nixon and Trump were/are corrupted criminals. You may like criminals running our government but sane people do not. It’s definitely not a standard other countries we have invaded to take out similar criminals such as Noriega and Saddam look up to us for. I don’t hate Trump and did not hate Nixon! I hate what they have done and do because it is Criminal!
We lost Vietnam regardless of how many NVA/VC/CHICOM Soldiers America killed. We lost because Nixon lied about what we were doing there and why, bombed Cambodia and Laos without Congressional approval, committed hundreds of Mai Lai style massacres of innocent civilians etc. Do you admit this to be true because it most definitely is! Or do you deny it like you deny the Criminality of Nixon and Trump?
I could care less if you ask Criminal Trump to build another shady grifter bankruptcy palace here in Sedona. It will eventually be destroyed or removed just like the Confederacy Era Statues of Criminals who fought against our government have been. If you feel Sedona needs that kind of hate symbol then by all means reach out to your Fueher and tell him of your lust and praise of all things Criminal and would he please build an architectural monstrosity. Hell man, have him build it atop Capital Butte so that the world can see where the money he’s grifted from you all goes.
I mean this honestly: TJ Hall, I’m impressed. Thank you for being honest and representing the views of most of the folks on this site.
It really is endless growth with no limits for you guys. It’s the value you hold above all else.
Community preferences don’t matter to you guys.
Evacuation and public safety don’t matter to you guys.
The integrity of local government doesn’t matter to you guys.
Responsible resource management doesn’t matter to you guys.
Not even your passionate disdain for Trump and the idea of him building a hotel here are you willing to champion any limits whatsoever.
Whatever else I might think about you guys, I’ll never question your ability to commit. I mean, just for the sport of it, I’m so tempted to lobby for a Trump hotel in Sedona just to see if you guys really mean it. Because that’s stone-cold commitment. But I don’t want more hotels here so that leaves me in a lurch.
I’m not going to touch most of the rest of your comments—I don’t understand most of it. Like, I don’t what a “cyber ninja” is but it sounds dumb.
And I still can’t believe we’re talking about the Vietnam War on a Sedona thread in 2025. But you guys seem to have a lot of passion about it. There’s been quite a bit of literature over the years challenging some of the initial/traditional assumptions about it. Chomsky’s Rethinking Camelot is probably the most succinct in my view. In case you’re interested:
Anyway, you’ll be happy to know that I’m done here. Good luck!
You need to read “A Bright Shining Lie” if you want to learn why Nixon was and remains a Treasonous Felonious Criminal just like Dump is!
What’s your issue? Sedona growing or Trump and Nixon being your Presidential idols? You seem to combine both as if the Sedona government is some rogue anti Trump Deep State entity. I know you feel entitled to 40 acres and a mule but you are not!
History is relative. History does repeat itself! Trump is a Fascist Criminal Moron! Those are FACTS. Vietnam is relative because of jackass Nixonian sycophants who think his criminality was just fine normal POTUS behavior which it absolutely clearly was not. The same jackasses who propped Nixon up are also propping up Trump’s Criminal Regime.
Cyber Ninjas- really? You don’t know the name of the MAGA sycophants who illegally removed our ballots from AZ and took them to CO. The same jackasses who insisted that any mail in ballot that contained bamboo remnants in the paper must be Chinese fake ballots. THEY illegally delayed election results for weeks insisting that Biden somehow rigged the election, all of which they disproved themselves and very painfully admitted that any and all miscounting of ballots favored Trump not Biden!
There is nothing more shameful to America and American History than having a Convicted Felon and Insurrectionist as POTUS and then suggesting that anyone should allow him to build anything when in actuality he should be in a solitary cell in a super max prison for life especially after his shameful display of support for Putin over Ukraine and our Allies! Shame on you and shame on him!