By Tommy Acosta
Sedona, AZ – The world is ruled by superhuman beings that are extremely intelligent, powerful, talented and ruthless…miles beyond the average bear.
They have ruled since the beginning of conscious time. Swifter. Stronger. Smarter than most of humanity.
They were the tribe leaders. The creators and builders of the pyramids. Empire builders. Kings. Queens. Royalty.
They could read the stars. They knew when to plant, built machines, weapons — yet on the positive side, they fostered art. They created value. They preserved music. Built cathedrals.
Their families have ruled through the centuries getting ever stronger as technology advanced.
All the wars, conflicts are their fault, as each group of super-humans take what others have by force.
They create chaos. They subjugate the human species.
Every war, every armed conflict is caused by them.
They build and destroy nations at will.
And now they have AI and the power to manipulate anything or anyone they want.
They have the tools. They have the weapons. The weak are doomed. The strong rule.
It’s the life of the people they feed upon; their bodies and their labor, that keep them in power.
Even the food we eat is not meant to nourish but to sicken us so we have to rely on the drugs they make to survive, while they rake in the bucks hand-over-foot.
We are their slaves. They owned the castles, the plantations, the land, the museums, art, they own it all. The planet is their playground.
But then there is the belief in a God watching over them all the time loving and protecting them, under the guise of the religions of the world with all their riches, pomp and circumstance.
Meanwhile these super-humans that believe only in force use the concept of God to turn believers into ignorant servants living in misery for a false promise.
How sad.
Technology has improved to the point where they control every single bit of information that the public is allowed to perceive. All knowledge, news, is filtered, and people only hear, see or read what they want us to.
CNN and Fox news are but instruments by which believers are programmed to hate each other and repeat the mindless bullshit they are fed daily.
The same with political parties and affiliations. We pick a side and argue with each other, while the elite profit from the dissonance.
In wars sometimes the elite lose. Sometimes they win. Sometimes, they merge and become even more powerful.
They have ruled the Earth since jump street and still do now. And they are preparing the planet for what’s coming next.
They are hollowing out mountains and building underground fortresses for themselves, families and servants.
What do they know that we don’t?
Until now, the planet had been maintained in a deadly balance by these superhumans, as they divvy the earth up between themselves and families.
Maybe it’s a giant asteroid speeding towards our planet they fear because there is no escaping it, spelling doom for them as well as for us.
No worries on nuclear war. They won’t let that happen to their kingdoms. They and their extraterrestrial collaborators got that under control.
Until then, they will maintain their choke hold on the people of this planet, continue with their profit-motivated wars, and prosper.
Like always.
Insightful and based on valid information…. AND, the more psychopathic forces on this planet and elsewhere feed off of both ignorance and fear. The more of us that move into unconditional love and peace, the less power they have over us. Many humans are moving into higher dimensions of consciousness and I think that will change a LOT.
Close to the best piece written by Tommy Acosta. All of the basic assertions are true. Disclosure under Senator Gillerbrand’s bill/law, will shortly validate Acosta’s claim that the Aristocracy, headed by Aliens have created an illusion of society and religion.
The truth will make it out of the hidden and in the next few years it will be revealed that humanity was created by Aliens.
History and Religion will be rewritten.
We are not alone.
Yep, we will have a lowlife like this in the White House next January. Here is a taste of the filth that runs out of his mouth!
“Grab them by the p—-,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
During the deposition last October, Carroll’s attorneys quoted the video to Trump then asked, “That’s what you said, correct?”
“Well, historically, that’s true with stars,” Trump replied.
“It’s true with stars that they can grab women by the p—-?” Trump was asked.
“Well, if you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true,” Trump said. “Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately, or fortunately.”
“And you consider yourself to be a star?” Trump was asked.
So next will be the excuses? The he didnt say that? Oh everyone does it?He was just joking?
Yep you who voted for him, now you will feel the pain with all of us! But hey those poor billionaires need more tax breaks! You? Not so much!
You got a crime family in the White House today. 200,000 + dead Americans from Fentanyl, cumulative inflation, 20%, disasters in small towns and major cities. 230,000 missing kids, a trillion in debt every 100 days, regulations all over the place and a green new deal that is only green because of the billions thown out of DC to the scammers.
How many rapes and murders are you happy with due to the kast 4 years open border policy?
Ya, you really got it good Sedona Dave whoever you are. You lost, we won. Deal with it. I’m Betting you can’t.
The criminals got tossed, the adults are in charge.
Time for more tax breaks for the rich! That always lowers the debt!
And yes people will keep dying! You right wing hate mongers will deserve everything that happens!
And man I will rub your faces in it the whole time!
I enjoyed Mr. Acosta’s screed until I got to his reassurance that there would be no nuclear war and remembered his prediction that Putin was not planning to invade Ukraine.
Tommy Acosta has penned a new Marxist Manfesto where the human struggle always has the oppressing “Aristocracy” on top. That is, Acosta replaces the class struggle with a perpetual race of supermen headed by extraterrestrial beings. Unlike Marx, Acosta sees no historically driven conflict for freedom bettering the human condition. As Acosta suggests, we live in Thomas Anderson’s Matrix “where nothing is real” and where “there’s nothing to get hung about”.
Acosta seems to imply that extraterrestrials have been on Earth since the beginning of human history . Is it true? Were creatures from another planet here on Earth before humans? Was our species created by Extraterrestrials? Was the “missing link” created by a DNA creature from another planet?
What about the Book of Genesis? Is Acosta suggesting that God did not create man and woman?
Can living creatures be created ? Has man created clones of mouflon lambs? Where is Acosta’s theory taking us?
Are you saying that specific families have ruled the planet over the ages and are still doing so while hiding in plain sight? Are you saying they control everything behind the scenes and are aided by extraterrestrials? That’s pretty far out Tommy, even for you. But this is Sedona and I am sure there are plenty of nut jobs out there who would agree with you. The only people that are in control now are those of us who elected our leader Donald Trump. Finally, we the people have a real leader and when he cleans up the government America will enter its new Golden Age. Hopefully the twin twits JB and Hall will be silenced and will not allow any more criticisms of our leader, either. Do you hear that Tommy? Don’t allow them to disrespect our president. Your reputation is at stake.
Thank you for going beyond politics and writing down the bones of those who run Earth and how they live on a completely different trajectory than the masses, the “regular folks.” What a clear, concise, and truthful explanation of why things never change regardless of who the latest puppet in the White House is or any other global leadership position.
I also find it interesting that several of the politically charged comments above echoed precisely what this article gave voice to:
“The same with political parties and affiliations. We pick a side and argue with each other, while the elite profit from the dissonance.”
I don’t find this editorial far out at all. But rather a straightforward factual explanation of the big picture of life on Earth.
I appreciated reading this intelligent, refreshing, and worthwhile piece.