By Tommy Acosta

Sedona News – We as a nation will never be unified again and this is why.
It’s all about perception. Two people can look at the same thing and they both see something totally different from one another.
One can hold a dime up between them and the one to the left of it would see an inscription different than one observing it from the other side even though they are both looking at the same coin.
Let’s take Biden’s recent press conference, for instance.
For those who support him for sure they saw a revitalized President, strong, patient and enduring as he stood there at the podium, fielding questions for two hours.
Those who hold him in low esteem saw a still-confused bumbling senior citizen, fielding puffy questions and making a fool of himself with nonsensical and irrelevant answers.
Same President. Same speech. Yet, diametrically opposed observations by observers looking at the same thing.
One has to wonder. Why?
Perhaps it’s because of the belief system infusion both sides are programmed with.
You have the Conservative and Republicans being given their arguments and perspectives through the TV programs they watch like Fox News.
We have the Liberals and Democrats believing, accepting and adopting the perspectives fed them by CNN and the other channels.
Then there are those who do not believe any of the arguments spouted by either side, seeing instead an invisible hand behind the programmed arguments that maintain the divisions in the country for profit, and control.
Who is right? The mimickers of the left-or-right wing arguments that are provided for them by manipulators? Or those who believe they can see through the curtain these invisible manipulators operate behind?
Let’s consider the Covid brawl between those who believe the vaccines are the only way out and those who don’t.
Both sides can agree the virus is killing people, especially the old, obese and those with pre-existing conditions. Yet, both sides remain entrenched in their adopted belief systems.
The pro-vaccinators believe that only when every human is vaccinated will the pandemic end. But the other side does not believe it will ever end because the vaccinated are spreading it and getting it as well.
Anti-vaccinators say they want a choice. Pro-vaccinators and mask adherents say they should not have one.
And where do they get the information from which to form their beliefs and opinions? From the media of course. They pick and choose which arguments to believe that are provided for them.
What about the Sedona City Council? We have citizens looking at the same council. Yet, one side believes members to be incompetent or worse, while the other believes them to be dedicated citizens doing their best to steer the city into the future.
Perspectives. It’s all about perspectives and these perspectives are shaped by the belief systems viewers adopt, more so than by anything else.
Are there any truths in this universe at all? Only in the realm of physics are there absolutes.
A cell phone could not work, or a computer connect to the internet without replicable facts that form the foundation of things that work.
But in the realm of beliefs, there will always be tension between those who believe one way and those who believe another.
Where does truth stand in this dichotomy of opposing beliefs and perspectives?
Actually, it doesn’t. Beliefs are lies and never true when encapsulated by thought.
We can think this way or that way but the thoughts we harbor are only reflections of perceived truth and not truth itself. Basically, they are lies fed to us by those who profit from our gullibility.
We form opinions, like this writing. It is only an opinion of the author that in no way can be considered truth, other than by him or readers who would agree with him.
Belief is to lies, like mortar is to bricks. Belief is the glue that holds the bricks together and props the wall between what is true, and what is not.
The lesson? Believe nothing. Doubt it all. Observe yourself being programmed by the media inputs to your consciousness. Break through the wall of thoughts we are penned by.
I do doubt it all and try to be open to many perspectives. There is not just “the other side”. There are many shades of gray. Thanks, Tommy. I agree with your untruth.
Thank you, Tommy – yes, as long as people choose to get their “information” from the nightly bobbleheads of either persuasion, they are being led around by their media-nose-rings. This is the cause of an intentional effort towards division, an Agenda of Greed that cares little for anyone else (pay attention to the advertising – this is who is paying for the fear-based message). For those with the capacity of independent thought and consciously willing to seek multiple sources of information, they will discover the common slim threads of truth weaving through the tapestry of perception and opinion. We all have fear-based filters that we use to jump on whatever the fear-based bobbleheads spout, and all division is based on fear. With fear being the influence of darkness – which is very loud on this planet right now. We will always find truth in love – and physics 😉
We have to remember that everyone has a right to their opinion and be respectful of that right. It’s OK to disagree. It’s OK to agree to disagree. It’s time to turn down the shriek-o-meter.
As the COVID narrative unwinds, we have to stand up and look at where we are right now. It is time to think outside of the box – and to throw out the idea that to go against the MSM narrative does not mean that ideas are racists or unsustainable or caused by global warming. When we get thru this and come out the other side we will all be stronger for it.
For example, the City of Sedona is wringing it’s hands over Airbnb and a shortage of housing for their workers as if there’s nothing they can do about it. This is so far from the truth that it is laughable. There’s a lot the city can do.
They can publish truths about Airbnb, like the fact that Airbnb gifted BLM with $500,000, which was then used by the co-founder to purchase $1.4 million in real estate. Just how does this buy benefit the black community and why does Airbnb support a group that is hell bent on burning our cities and rioting? There are a LOT of property owners who do not support this – they really don’t want their hard-earned money to be used in this manner. Whether a property owner agrees with the politics of Airbnb or not, if there were other STR platforms available that actually benefitted the citizens of Sedona and cost less, it will be an easy sell to switch from Airbnb to a city sponsored site. The city already is a landlord, being a STR property manager would be an easy addition and would create a large fund for that lower wage earners that are so badly needed here.
Why doesn’t Sedona create a Short Term Rental office where property owners can list thru the city so that the fees they pay can be used to subsidize rents for people who work in Sedona? Why not offer STRs as long-term housing with the city using collected STR fees to help pay up to half the rent to make it affordable? This would immediately improve the housing situation in Sedona.
This is only one suggestion – there are many others.
The way to get back to getting along requires just one thing – turn of the TV. The MSM is lying.
Wonderful and true. Question is, do we want to change our beliefs about everything?
Although you mention physics, you do not mention science as a place from which
to base reason.
Yes, we all have different beliefs — but reason is about balance and science is one part of
reason and balance.
A good place to be is in neutral and in observation —
A good way to live is with respect of all —- we are one — with each other and with this living
and breathing earth.
I think we can all benefit by remembering your last paragraph, Tommy, which (IMHO) does ring true. You and Michael both mention the laws of physics as a cornerstone of truth, and I would agree. The divisions we all feel could probably best be mitigated by a active appreciation of Quantum Physics, which is proving we are united at an atomic level. Elevating this fact from a “belief” to a “knowing” would likely protect us from the effects of the programmers we’re all subject to.