Browsing: mel copen

 “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech…” by Mel Copen Sedona, AZ   (December 11, 2011) -…

From Order to Chaos By Mel Copen Sedona, AZ (November 2, 2011) I’ve often written about a concept from the…

By Mel Copen Sedona AZ (October 2, 2011) – These days, many Americans have lapsed into a feeling of despondency, helplessness…

Re-writing the US Constitution By Mel Copen Sedona, AZ (July 13, 2011) – Back in the late 1700’s, when our…

An Interesting Opportunity for an Organized Consumer Rights Group By Mel Copen June 28, 2011 Sedona, AZ June 28, 2011…