Sedona News – The Rotary Club of Sedona Village is offering Summer Camp Scholarships for summer youth programs. Four or more Scholarships, valued up to $750 each, will be awarded to students grades 6 through 11 who reside in Sedona and/or are currently attending a Sedona school. The scholarships are for programs that will enrich a student’s abilities and interests whether it be in music, drama, leadership, art, academic, sport or other.
To apply, students will find an online application at Select the SummerCamp Scholarship tab. The application process also includes telling why you would like to attend camp plus submitting a 2 to 5 minute video where the student demonstrates their abilities and/or tells of their passion in the subject of the enrichment camp they would like to attend. Also, a letter of recommendation is required from a teacher related to the subject of interest of the camp.
In the words of a last years awardee and 13 year old, Luke Metzger, “Getting this scholarship showed me that my community cares about young people who have goals and help them achieve them. I look forward to more fun opportunities with the rotary’s help and support.”
Don’t delay! Deadline for the application, video and teacher recommendation is April 15 and should be emailed to Send any questions to the same email address. The applications will be reviewed and scored by a panel of Rotary Club of Sedona Village members.
Scholarship recipients will be announced by April 30 and scholarships will be sent directly to the program the student indicates.
STUDENT SUMMER ENRICHMENT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2025- Four or more scholarships will be awarded, valued up to $750 each. DEADLINE FOR APPLYING: April 15.