By Tommy Acosta
Sedona,AZ — Is it just me?
Over the last few weeks and months we have seen cargo ships take down bridges, military helicopters smash into commercial jets, military jets fall out of the sky for no apparent reasons, fires burn down communities, floods rampaging everywhere and one disaster after another.
Now, we have an aircraft carrier colliding with a huge merchant ship near the Suez Canal making one scratch their head on how two giant ships could possibly crash into each other in a sea that is miles wide.
Another thing, inquisitive people out there may wonder, is why so little of the aircraft carrier’s February 12 midnight collision has been discussed on major TV news media outlets.
It’s like ho hum news. While the military helicopter and jet crash got weeks of coverage.
Nothing from Trump or claims it was DEI’s fault. Nothing from the Defense Secretary that investigations are being launched. Nothing from military brass. No press conferences. Nothing on FOX News, CNN or any of the big guys.
One has to wonder why the lowkey coverage. Perhaps it’s just the government, the Navy being too embarrassed to give it too much press.
Maybe they don’t want our enemies gloating about it.
Spokesmen for the Navy did say aircrafts could still be launched from the USS Harry Truman flight deck but say nothing about landing them when the missions are accomplished.
Also, it appears that the aircraft carrier’s elevator, apparently the one that brings up aircraft from the interior of the ship, was damaged.
The Navy also reported that the ship’s hull was pierced, above the water line. Luckily.
According to reports the ship is now heading back to port to assess damage and needed repairs. Meanwhile the volatile region is now left without substantial U.S. air coverage, indefinitely.
So, who were the culprits? The ship’s, crew? Was the captain asleep at the wheel? Was it the carrier’s fault or the merchant ship’s fault? Was it, gross negligence? Or was it, AI taking over the ships’ and crashing them into each other as a test to see how far it could stretch its muscles in anticipation of a cyber takeover?
It just boggles the imagination how this could have happened, with all the radar and GPS tracking and people manning the bridge that no one noticed the ships were heading for a crash.
Was it just an extremely stupid and incompetent act by the captains of both ships or something sinister and premeditated?
This is not the first time our military ships crash into other ships in the middle of the ocean.
Maybe all these mishaps, helicopters smashing into passenger jets, military jets plummeting o the earth, etc., are simply bad luck?
But I doubt it. Something is amiss. We can feel it the air. Something is rotten over Denmark…
No, it aint just you, tommy.
The Establishment News Media is too preoccupied with Trump fires.
Having served on a carrier in congested sea lanes, it is amazing this does not happen more often, especially during flight operations. I was on the USS Ranger when it ran into a tanker and we all got t-shirts proclaiming “cutting edge of the Pacific Fleet”. I was part of the Air Wing, and nowhere near the ships controls!
There was also the US merchant marine ship that struck the Italian Cruise Liner the Moby Prince and an AGIP Oil Tanker off the coast of Livorno Italy in 91. This was largely swept under the rug by both Italian and US governments despite having incinerated hundreds of people aboard the Moby Prince.
Just so you know the place of impact indicates the Truman was struck on its port side. Under international rules of the road the carrier had right of way for the following reasons. A ships “danger zone” or the area they are burdened to watch and avoid collisions is from the bow to two points off the starboard beam. The carrier was in the other ships “danger zone” and that ship failed to keep clear. Rule number two is the least maneuverable ship has right of way. A ship the size of of the Truman takes miles to stop and maneuvering is slow and difficult. The officer of the deck on the Truman no doubt had the offending ship on its radar and also its course, speed and closest point of approach. As the right of way rules called for the Truman to “hold its course” and the other ship to maneuver to avoid a collision. By the time the Officer on the Truman realized the “burdened” ship was not changing course to avoid a collision there was probably little they could do on the Truman except sound warning signals and attempt to avoid the Collison. We have heard almost nothing about the offending ship and why they failed to follow the international rules of the road.
Just so you know, the Truman has nuclear reactors on board and regardless of the “rules of the road” as you call sea faring, the Truman has the added responsibility of avoiding crashes with other vessels regardless of their location. I’m certain the ship Dali hit the bridge Francis Scott Key was supposed to follow “the so called rules of the road” but did not and could not. Just as with automobiles each operator is 100% responsible for avoiding crashes with other vehicles and vessels at all times. Anything that happens when all operators do their best to avoid collisions is called an “ACCIDENT” but if a ships commander were to hold position regardless of imminent collision is called “Wanton and Wreckless Disregard for Safety.”
IN the early 1960’s I was a fleet officer of the deck (OOD) on the newly commissioned aircraft carrier KittyHawk. To get such a position it was required that an OOD have at least 1000 hours of bridge experience as an officer under a qualified OOD. We learned to use radar extremely well. We could track the size and courses of ships more than 3 miles away. By size we could identify them within reason. We knew from experience that large commercial ships often had no one on the bridge at night – especially oilers. We took that into consideration and changed courses slightly for a few miles to avoid a collision and then got back on track. Today Google type navigation is heavily depended upon and it has flaws. One of these is it takes into account “the Rules of the Road that defines which ship has the right of way.” that all ships are supposed abide by. Realistically many international ships ignore them and always have and likely always will..
Moreover when a commercial ship has no one on the bridge it, if course, ignores the rules of the road and stays on a straight course.. In the 1960’s Navy OOD’s knew that and so, checking our radar, we turned well in advance to avoid collisions. I am not aware of any aircraft carriers having collisions with ANY other ships while I was in the navy (1960-1963). In my day if you were the OOD or the Captain and had a collision your naval career was once. Not any more.
There is no justification for these collisions. Navy ships nor oilers do not go out to sea in hurricanes. Navy ships have radars.
A few years ago, after two serious collisions between aircraft carriers and oilers the Navy began a practical retraining program for their OODs – I wonder if it is still going strong? This collision makes me wonder.
Exactly correct! And you didn’t even mention the fact that there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of ships that operate in the dark without utilizing mandatory GPS tracking and identification transponder systems. If a military ship commander were to Assume that if they just abide by the “rules of the road” and ignore the needs for extraordinary surveillance while underway they would be complete damned fools, especially if they are operating nuclear powered ships and or carrying nuclear weapons on board which is the case with the USS Truman.
Not only do navy vessels have radar they have radar that scans the air, sea surface and subsurface so there is absolutely zero excuse other than ignorance and negligence for striking anything not intentionally trying to them- ever!The Truman being a carrier also means it was being escorted by a frigate or destroyer and has aircraft and small watercraft constantly running interference for it. The Commander was sacked because he was after all overall responsible for the safe operation of the ship. Whoever was on watch or performing any form of watch at the time of this incident should also have been fired. Usually the UCMJ protects officers from the severe type of punishments enlisted personnel face for even the slightest of infractions. However it can also end the career(s) of anyone the military or POTUS/Congress wants to get rid of and the service member(s) they seek to destroy have absolutely no way of defending themselves against the very entity trying to ruin them. All military punishments are dealt out by career JAG and other Field Grade Officers who would never bite the hands that feeds them. If a field grade officer steals hundreds of thousands of dollars and are caught they generally are sent to the pentagon to pour coffee for the JCS, get one last promotion and then are forced to retire with full benefits to include base housing and a staff to mind their every bowel movement. If a Private steals a candy bar from the base store and are caught they are immediately demoted, face imprisonment and or re-training, receive a Dishonorable Discharge and are basically screwed for life. Laws and punishment should be equal for all in and out of the military. One should not be able to get over simply because of status, position or wealth to delay delay delay justice or use of campaign funds to illegally pay your legal fees. Just as Trump does nearly daily to avoid justice for his very very real crimes. So he is correct when he says there are two justice systems. One for he and his wealthy elite pals like Elonia and those who kiss his arse daily. And there is one for all others where if you have little to no money you have little to no recourse but to be unfairly punished by a legal system designed to protect the white and wealthy while taking a great big shite upon everyone else.
Problem is there is no active federal government oversight thanks to Boer Afrikaaner Elonia and his Hitler-esque Nazi loving DOGE Team of Incels dismantling and firing every form of government oversight just as Hitler did with the German government when he became Chancellor following his Trump-esque attempted coup against the German Parliament and his brief stint in prison where he penned his version of Project 2025 in a manifesto called Mein Kampf. History is repeating itself and not for the greater good! Quite the contrary, it is the Greatest Evil!
Winter is nearly here!
Trump administration labels 8 Latin American cartels as ‘foreign terrorist organizations’
Guess the Orange Jackass who thinks he is smarter than everyone else was too busy on Epstein Island during Ronnie Raygun’s ill fought “War on Drugs” failed miserably against the very same Cartels. Trillions of dollars wasted, lives lost and zilch to show for it!
Also note that there are no European, Eurasian or Rusher Organized Crime Groups being put upon that list! Hmmm why could that be exactly when they engage in the exact same murder, mayhem, drugs, theft etc. both here in the US and abroad. And usually do so in concert with one another. Attempting to destroy only half of the problem leaves half of the problem functional and a problem. If you task the military to do something don’t do it half assed! Even lying W knew better than to declare war upon one group of terror organizations and ignore the rest. Which is why to his only credit we had GWOT or The Global War on Terror.
Many of these Cartels have invested in millionaire not billions of dollars worth of military weapons, ammunition, vehicles and other equipment and have proven ready and willing to use them. They know very well how to evade detection and have eyes and ears at all levels of government and all over the globe.
Ask Jeremia Perez or Sanford Bach. They know all.
Well -well-well, look who crawled out from under his bloody rock. If it ain’t the war mongering industrialist himself, Sanford Bach. How much money did you make today selling your bombs and missiles to the other war mongers of the world? How many thousands of innocent women and children hav been blown to bits by the weapons your factories produce? I thought by now God would have given you cancer or some other fatal disease people like you deserve. The differed between you and other members of the military industrial complex is that you revel in it and are proud of it and could not care less how many people get killed by your obscene business. I know you are dancing around naked waving pompoms because you put Trump into the drivers seat again and this time around it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy. But what happens to your blood soaked billions if he does end the Ukraine war. This is conundrum for you for sure. So, what are you going to do about it? Nice to hear from you again, you monster.
Well stated Jeremiah! Unfortunately every truthful word you spoke likely fell upon deaf ears. The Rusher/Q Anon propaganda that has infected their thought processes is strong like the “force” on Star Wars.
Keep telling “truth to power”! MAGA is beginning to face backlash for their hate and ignorance! MAGA stoopidity writes itself:
Donald Trump Accidentally Insults Himself: ‘Who Would Ever Sign A Thing Like This?’
The president recently rebuked a 2020 trade deal known as the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement even though he signed it. 😂😂😂😂