Library Preparing for Full Schedule of Fall Events and Displays
by Elizabeth Cate, Collection Development Librarian
Sedona AZ (September 27, 2011) – In October and November, several perennially popular events and exhibitions are taking place at the library and elsewhere in the community, so mark your calendars!
The library will participate in the third annual Sedona Book Festival, which is being held October 1, from 9 am to 5 pm, at the Sedona Center for Arts and Technology, Yavapai College, located on Arts Center Drive in Sedona. Sponsored by the college and the Well Red Coyote bookstore, the festival features exhibits by local, regional and national authors, publishers, and writer’s organizations, in addition to a variety of other attractions.

The keynote speaker for this year’s festival is writer Diana Gabaldon, author of the best-selling Outlander series. Additionally, Lisa Schnebly Heidinger will present a talk about Arizona history, and Sedona chef Jeff Smedstad will demonstrate how to prepare chiles rellenos. The Sedona Performers Guild will provide musical entertainment. Admission to the Sedona Book Festival is free. We hope you’ll stop by the library’s display table while you’re there.
If you enjoyed recent displays at the library such as the Verde River, Verde Valley Weavers, and Kindred Spirits exhibits, you will appreciate the upcoming Sedona Camera Club and Sedona Gem and Mineral Club displays. The Camera Club’s exhibition of works by local photographers runs through the month of October at the library. The Gem and Mineral Club will exhibit a selection of gems and minerals at the library October 12–15. Northern Arizona University will staff an information table near the library’s main entrance on October 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Chamber Music Sedona kicks off its Evening Chamber Music at the Library program on October 5 with guitarist Tom Sheeley.
Arizona Humanities Council speaker Gregory McNamee will be featured on October 12 at 10:30 a.m. at the main library in West Sedona and at 1:30 at Sedona Winds, presenting the program Arizona Place Names: Names on the Land.
Local organizations will present programs that are free and open to the public. Northern Arizona Audubon Society takes you on a journey to the Antarctic with Brent Bitz on October 25. The film Iron Jawed Angels will be shown on October 26 by co-sponsors the League of Women Voters and DORR.
The Friends of the Library’s fall book sale is scheduled for October 15–23. At the sale, you can peruse through thousands of books, music CDs, audiobooks, DVDs, and VHS tapes. Donations for the book sale will be accepted through the end of September.
Although the Friends of the Library’s Festival of Wreaths events do not begin until November, it’s not too early to start designing your wreath or table-top tree. The drop-off date is Friday, November 11, and you can deliver your creation to either the main library or the Village of Oak Creek Service Center. Last year’s contributions to the wreath festival raised $14,000 for the library. Don’t forget that each wreath artist will receive one free admission to the Festival’s preview gala and sale, which will be held on November 13. More information about the Festival of Wreaths is available at the library.
Please check our events calendar regularly for details about future exhibits, events, and programs. An online version of the calendar is accessible through the Events link on You can also pick up a printed copy at the front desk or the reference desk.