Sedona News – The Sedona-Oak Creek School Board will hold a virtual Governing Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 4PM. The meeting will operate in the same manner as regular Board meetings, including motions, Board comments and votes. There will be no Call to the Public on the agenda for this virtual meeting.
Instructions for Accessing the Governing Board Meeting Using Zoom
Allow your computer to install the free Zoom app to get the best meeting experience. If you are not able
to attend on Zoom, SOCUSD will post a recording of the meeting on our website after the meeting has
concluded. The meeting can be accessed via this link:
Meeting ID: 853 5524 3485
Passcode: TJ7dXG
I. Call to Order Randy Hawley
II. Pledge of Allegiance Randy Hawley
III. Roll Call of Members Randy Hawley, President
Lauren Robinson, V-P
Karen McClelland, Member
Maria Husted, Member
Barbara Trautwein, Member
Hunter White, Student Rep
IV. Statement of Welcome Randy Hawley
V. Governing Board Member Comments Board Members
VI. Student Representative Update Hunter White
VII. Superintendent’s Update Denny Dearden
VIII. Approve Order of the Agenda Including the Randy Hawley
Consent Agenda and Minutes The consent portion of the agenda is to expedite routine matters that must be
acted on by the Governing Board of Education. All items approved will be done by one non-debatable motion passed
unanimously. Any item may be removed for debate on request of any member of the board, staff, or public. Items removed
from the consent portion of the agenda become the first item of business on the regular agenda.
Consent Agenda
1. Minutes for Governing Board meetings: February 1, 2022
2. Payroll vouchers – 16-17
3. Accounts Payable vouchers – 2230-2232
4. Gifts and donations –
5. Fund balance statements –
6. Personnel – Attached
IX. Business Items and Presentations
A. 2022/23 Certified Salary Schedule and Stacy Saravo
Classified Salary Schedule (5 minutes)
Strategic Plan Alignment: Effective Use of Resources
ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible action to approve the Certified and Classified Salary
Schedules for SY 2022/23.
B. Certified Contracts for SY 2022/23 Stacy Saravo
Strategic Plan Alignment: Effective Use of Resources (5 minutes)
ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible action to approve Certified Contracts for SY 2022/23.
(A.R.S.§38-431.03(A)(1) – Personnel.)
C. Classified Letters of Employment for SY 2022-23 Stacy Saravo
Strategic Plan Alignment: Effective Use of Resources (5 minutes)
ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible action to approve Classified Letters of Employment for SY
2022/23. (A.R.S.§38-431.03(A)(1) – Personnel.)
D. Administrative Contracts for SY 2022/23 Stacy Saravo
Strategic Plan Alignment: Effective Use of Resources (5 minutes)
ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible action to approve Administrative Contracts for SY 2022/23.
(A.R.S.§38-431.03(A)(1) – Personnel.)
E. Update on Sole source List for SY 2021-22 Stacy Saravo
Strategic Plan Alignment: Effective Use of Resources (3 minutes)
ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible action to approve the updated Sole Source list for SY
X. Other Business Randy Hawley
Future board meeting dates and agenda items:
XI. Adjournment Randy Hawley
EXECUTIVE SESSION: All persons present during an Executive Session are hereby reminded that it is unlawful to disclose
or otherwise let know anything which has transpired or has been discussed during an Executive Session to or with any person
who is not present, other than a current member of the Board. To do so is a violation of A.R.S. 38-431.03, unless pursuant to
a specific statutory exception.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: The Sedona-Oak Creek School District intends to comply with the A.D.A. If
you are disabled or physically challenged and need special accommodations to participate, please contact Dennis Dearden,
Superintendent of Sedona-Oak Creek School District, at 928-204-6800 at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting.