Sedona AZ (October 6, 2021) – Professional portrait photographer Gary Glenn will present at the meeting of the Sedona Camera Club starting at 6 p.m. on Monday, October 25th, at the Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona. Doors open at 5:30.
Due to Covid-19 concerns about safety practices for indoor events, all attendees are required to wear masks. The Sedona Creative Life Center venue will allow for social distancing and we will not serve refreshments to further mitigate risk.
Anyone can take a picture, but no one can capture character, personality and tell a person’s story like Gary Glenn can.
In his presentation, “The Motivated Photographer”, Gary will share his key techniques for making the most powerful portrait photographs. Gary’s goal is to give his subjects the best photograph they have ever seen of themselves – capturing the unique qualities that make them who they are. His methods of lighting, posing, capturing expression and creative compositing will help anyone who wants to make wonderful portraits of people. You won’t want to miss this entertaining and interesting presentation from one of America’s top image makers and professional photography coaches.

Glenn’s 40+ year career includes operating a studio in the midwest, making AeroArt and Food Art and performing technique and marketing seminars around the USA. Gary is one of the world’s leading trainers of Photographic Business Marketing/Sales Skills and is known for his Personal Branding Images. His seminar schedule took him to Australia and an Australian company invited him to consult in the Portrait and Wedding Industry.
After training thousands of studio owners and photographers around the globe for many years, Gary entered the world of film making. When one of his films was accepted by the Sedona Film Festival, he came to Sedona to represent the film. That opportunity started a whirlwind romance with Sedona and 6 years ago Gary moved to the US permanently.
Working in several locations in the US, here he is known as the Sedona Image Maker. He has created Heirloom Personality Portraits of many notables in our community, including our Mayor, Fire Chief, Police Chief and other influential personalities. You will also see Gary photographing at numerous local events capturing the vibe of community goings on. Gary is very involved in the Sedona community and is a member of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce Board.
Visit for more information on Gary’s work.
Presentations, hosted by the Sedona Camera Club, are free to members. There is a $5 fee for guests. Local photographers are encouraged to join to support bringing high-quality speakers to promote interest in photography and develop photographic skills. Membership costs $35 for the whole year. For more information on the Sedona Camera Club, go to