Absolute Truth is the truth of reality. It is actual truth. Being actual truth it cannot be described in the language of a dream, although many have tried. When we attempt to describe actual truth in thought, it only describes thought not truth. If we want to know actual truth, we must let go of all attachment to thought.
Relative truth has its usefulness in the dream. We observe things working beneficially in our life over and over again relatively consistently and through the scientific method of observation of results, of cause and effect, we can feel comfortable that this is relatively true until it no longer gives the same beneficial and consistent results. It’s pretty obvious. We don’t need to be a scientist to observe what works and what doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work quite as well when we accept the relative truth of others. We can use this as the beginning of our experiment to try for ourselves and observe the results. If they are consistently beneficial over time, then this is a useful relative truth for us until it no longer is.
It’s best to keep a very open mind when it comes to relative truths. If we become attached to a certain thought because it once worked or simply because we believe it without even testing it in our life because an expert said it, then it is no longer a functional and useful relative truth. It’s simply brainwashing.
When we are brainwashed, we are no longer capable of observing whether or not it is consistently beneficial in our life. The attachment to this thought creates a barrier to open and unbiased observation and we fall deeper into illusion where we trust our thoughts more than and even instead of the simple observation of life.
This is no longer even relative truth. It has become the delusion of conditioned, programmed thoughts. And since we are no longer observing the simple cause and effect happening in the dream world but are instead believing our thoughts which are even further removed from this relative reality, we end up suffering because we are no longer able to discern what is truly beneficial and what is not.
Relative truth is functional in the dream and can be beneficial if we have an open, unattached mind that focuses on direct observation more than thought. Think of your life as being a continuous science experiment where you are always observing the direct, first-hand results. Only use the advice of experts, including scientists, governments, doctors, media, friends, or spiritual teachers as another experiment to try but without any attachment or belief. Try it if you are interested and think it might be beneficial. Then observe the results. Are they beneficial or not?
Is your life happy, healthy, filled with joy, peace, and love? If so, then what you are doing is beneficial. If not, try something else until it is. If it is not consistently happy, healthy, filled with joy, peace, gratitude, and love, keep experimenting. Notice what works and what does not. You and your life are the science experiment. Let go of attachment to any beliefs as these will only get in the way of your direct observation.
Doing this will eventually lead to the path of awakening and Absolute Truth which is entirely beyond all thought and relative truths. In Absolute Truth, there is no longer a you or your life. Nothing is as it seemed before. Limitless peace, bliss, and love are simply here without any cause at all.
Practicing the direct observation of relative truths is a good way to live. Freeing yourself from attachment and belief in all thoughts so that you are able to observe clearly is a critical part of this. As long as you are living in a dream, this scientific method is a beneficial way to do so.
In many ways, the direct scientific observation of your life in relative truth helps you open to Absolute Truth. You will observe how your thoughts contribute to suffering, fear, anxiety, and unhappiness. You may notice moments when you are not focused on your thoughts where you feel happy, peaceful, or love.
It’s your experiment. It’s not up to me or anyone else to tell you what you are experiencing or what to observe. That would only bias the observation and compromise the experiment. Don’t let anyone’s thoughts, including your own, interfere with your clear and unbiased observation. Remain open-minded and observant. Let go of any goals or desires. Just observe. When happiness is here, notice it. When unhappiness is here, notice it. Already this is teaching you.
Editor’s Note: A Zen monk, artist, author, and spiritual teacher Peter Cutler helps people experience the awakened consciousness that is always available to everyone. For the past twenty years Peter’s openness to the Pure Energy beyond the limitations of thought and separation have helped hundreds of people directly experience the Pure Boundless Energy of their True Self through direct transmission or Shaktipat. In some cases people have experienced freedom from chronic physical illnesses, but far more profoundly dozens have awakened to their True Nature. Visit https://n-lightenment.com to learn more.