By Bear Howard
Bear Howard Chronicles
Sedona, AZ –Women in America have made significant progress toward economic and social equality, but that progress isn’t guaranteed to last. Lately, political shifts have signaled that some of these hard-fought wins could be at risk. Since numerous voters backed candidates with misogynistic views, we could see a major step backward, making the fight for gender equality even tougher.
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This conservative, back-to-the-future political environment could undermine women’s rights and make it harder to close the gender pay gap or expand opportunities for women in the workforce. Pay transparency and equal pay laws could get sidelined as “too much red tape.” Women working in male-dominated industries like tech or finance might face even tougher challenges, while industries with more women could see less support or funding. On top of that, policies like paid family leave or affordable childcare
The gains women have made in leadership could also slow down or even reverse if outdated ideas about gender roles make a comeback. If the government isn’t prioritizing programs to promote mentorship and diversity, it becomes harder for women to break into top roles. Plus, with misogynistic rhetoric on the rise, the idea of running for office—or any high-profile leadership position—might feel even more daunting for women, especially with the increased risk of harassment.
Reproductive rights are one of the most vulnerable areas. Access to abortion, contraception, and other crucial healthcare services could face more restrictions under leaders who oppose gender equity. On top of that, protections against gender-based violence, harassment, and workplace discrimination might be weakened, leaving women more exposed and with fewer options to fight back.
A big part of this backlash comes from fear. Many men—especially those who voted for conservative candidates in the last election—feel threatened by the idea of women gaining more power. For some, there’s a nostalgic pull toward a society where white men held the lion’s share of control—at home, in the workplace, in the military, and even in schools. They see this traditional power structure as being under attack, and the rise of women in leadership or in traditionally male-dominated spaces can feel like a direct challenge to their authority. This fear of losing dominance fuels support for policies and candidates who promise to “restore” the old order, further entrenching gender inequality.
The cultural impact of these political changes could be huge, bringing back regressive gender norms and undermining decades of progress. Misogyny in politics might inspire a broader push against feminist initiatives, promoting a return to traditional ideas that limit women’s roles to home and family. This shift could be especially harmful to women already dealing with challenges related to race, class, or sexual orientation.
The women who are already most marginalized—immigrants, LGBTQ+ women, and women of color—stand to lose the most. Policies that promote equity and inclusion could be dismantled, leaving these groups with even fewer opportunities to move forward.
The good news is that women’s movements have always been about resilience and resistance. Grassroots organizing, advocacy, and building alliances across diverse groups are all tools to fight back. Holding leaders accountable, pushing for equitable representation, and challenging harmful cultural narratives are more important than ever.
Women’s progress is at risk, but it’s not a done deal. The fight isn’t over, and collective action can still make a difference. The stakes are high, but so is the power of people coming together to protect and advance gender equality.
That’s pretty wishful thinking considering Dump is bent on destroying all things normal and democratic. Think women can expect to live a true life Handmaids Tale or at best they can expect to be treated how Rusher men treat Rusher women which is property to be used and abused as the husband sees fit without any legal repercussions. At least until Dump is forced to do an ASSad and flee to Rusher to be with his fellow Communist Treasonous Criminal “love letter” boyfriends.
I’ve seen so called men act like so called women in Combat and vice versa. The most infamous sniper of WWII was a Ukrainian woman who was so impressive that Elenor Roosevelt had her flown to the US and put her on tour. As Special Forces Ret. MG Mark Milley said about women in combat, “Women have been in combat, and it doesn’t matter if that 7.62 [caliber round] hits you in the chest. No one gives a shit if it’s a woman or a guy to pull that trigger, you’re still dead.”
And that’s a Fact Jack!
Liberty unfortunately women will likely lose their rights to vote and serve in our Armed Forces, Law Enforcement and possibly in political careers. Women trying again will likely have to start in a pre suffragette environment. I wish you all luck.
QueMala didn’t lose because she’s a woman. She lost because she’s a moron with polices so dreadful that plenty of women voted against her.
She’s not a moron anymore that Draft Dodging Criminal Misogynist Racist Fascist Treasonous Twice Impeached Insurrectionist Clown Felon Dump is not a Draft Dodging Criminal Misogynist Racist Fascist Treasonous Twice Impeached Insurrectionist Clown Felon! But you prefer a
Draft Dodging Criminal Misogynist Racist Fascist Treasonous Twice Impeached Insurrectionist Clown Felon over a woman of color who laughs naturally. Criminal vs Cackler and you choose CRIMINAL! Bigly SAADD as ill Douchebag would say!
Liberty you’re confused! You claim to be a woman’s rights supporter and yet you prefer a Criminal bent on taking your rights away from you over a woman who is a symbol of women’s equality? You make zero sense whatsoever! Why because Dump told you she’s a communist, socialist, capitalist, fascist and you and he inferred that she is Muslim by purposely slurring her first name?
Can’t wait to hold Hillbilly Misogynist idiot Vance accountable for everything Trump does or does not do as you have Kamala for Biden’s job.
You are obviously at a minimum racist based on how you purposely misspelled her name. Are you as a so called woman for equality proud of that fact?
@LibertyLincoln not Liberty Lincoln-
The women who voted against Harris voted for Rascism and Fascism in lieu of women’s rights and equality. Them’s the FACTs. Many did so without realizing the consequences and regret their votes for King Ronalt McDonalt!
Better put up a candidate that is capable of the job instead of babbling idiots.
The first woman President will more than likely be a Conservative Republican, or a converted Democrat. Substance it what we require as a country. We had two miserable examples of women who wanted to get elected as president because they were women.
Sorry – doesnt work that way. There are some very strong women out there that can do the job.
Nah we elect Drat Dodging Commie Loving Veteran Hating Misogynist Racist Fascist Twice Impeached Convicted Felons instead and somehow that is better than a woman who laughs genuinely? Can’t have it both ways now, either we elect QUALIFIED non CRIMINAL people for POTUS without exception or you elect CRIMINALS like ill Douchebag. But since you wear horse blinders you think your way is best huh?
Let’s get this straight, you’re saying that electing a convicted criminal and known racist and misogynist is somehow better than electing a law abiding female cackler? Obviously you do because that’s what you voted for right? How do you square such absurdities other than just admitting you voted for a misogynist racist to be a misogynist racist? Please do tell
thanks TJ Hall… in Hello Dolly at Fox Studio I was a suffragette marching in a parade …Maybe 20 women marching for the vote.. wearing white dresses..
I just had that old memory.. thanks Liberty
Liberty I have always encouraged women to step out of their comfort zones and strive to do the jobs they want to do regardless of whether they are traditional male jobs or not. Women and all people deserve equality not the BS that is coming to suppress them!
Obviously some women feel that only certain women should be equal? You are a disappointment to women LibertyLincoln to say the very least! And your purposeful racially charged slandering of Ms Harris’s first name proves what a bigot you really are. Suffragette wannabe is what you are!
This is directed at @LibertyLincoln not thee LibertyLincoln which deceives who wrote what
Liberty I apologize for thinking the writings of @Liberty was you. My responses stand but to them not you. To you I apologize and ask for forgiveness.
It is this type of off base rethertoic from Mr. Howard that continues to throw gas on the fire that has raged since Obama starting dividing the country with race and misogyny.
Mr. Howard should get out more, participate in corporate America. But more importantly look at our new president elect coming in and the positions that women will hold in the cabinet.
Not to mention some of the strong women governors we have that are independent thinkers and not puppets of a specific party cabal.
You think a guy charged with sexual assault respects the women he selected for cabinet positions they are woefully unqualified to represent? I’ve seen and heard nothing but misogynistic statements from Trump since he has been filmed and quoted. He even admitted to sexually assaulting women on the Access Hollywood Tape for all of us to hear with our own ears. You picked a losing horse pal just admit it!
“It is this type of off base rethertoic from Mr. Howard that continues to throw gas on the fire that has raged since Obama starting dividing the country with race and misogyny”
So full of crap you are! The only dumbassed POTUS who HAS DIVIDED our country IS the Draft Dodging Commie Loving Treasonous Twice Impeached RACIST FASCIST INSURRECTIONIST FELON aka ill Douchebag!
I wasn’t a fan of the Clinstones nor Ubomba but they stood up for and fought for human equality and civil rights. That’s what their main political agenda was. Butt you think giving people equal rights divides M’erica? It clearly only divides White Affluent M’erica s who prefer racism and fascism to equal rights.
As for the current women holding political office and power, that is the direct result of equal rights not fascism or fascist POUSi! Dump has been charged with sexually assaulting women, he said on tape he enjoys molesting them because he can! He f-d around on “Melanie” while pregnant with Baron Von Shitass and screwed around on his two previous wives wile allegedly physically assaulting one of them. He was pals with Pedo Epstein and Loose Willy Clinstone and visited Pedo Island numerous times with other convicted sex offenders. Those are the Absolute Undeniable FACTS and yet somehow you still lust after the Insurrectionist CRIMINAL SEX OFFENDER ad nauseam!
So what was your point again? Oh yeah you don’t have one. Not a Factual Truthful one anyway!
Women’s rights movements began in the 1840’s here in the US.
And the Civil Rights Act passed in 1969.
Look it up yourself and learn something. Because your misogynistic racist claims that “Obama divided this country with race and misogyny” is complete and utter racism and misogyny in and of itself. YOU voted for racism and misogyny by voting for a racist and misogynist among other things criminal so you helped divide America, good on ya!
“But more importantly look at our new president elect coming in and the positions that women will hold in the cabinet”
Yeah like Tulsi Gabbard who is pals with the likes of ASSad and Putin.
Let me guess poor ASSad is the victim of a Deep State Witch Hunt too? Maybe Dump will offer him a job on his cabinet running our military? He likes murderous nut jobs over sane battle proven US Generals and Intelligence Officials after all according to his own slurred semi words.
Ill Douchebag spoke out against Ukraine’s use of long range weapons but not a peep about Putins genocidal long and short range attacks upon Ukraine or it’s recent use of the Rusher WMD the Oreshnik hypersonic missile. Gee wonder why that could be?