Keep Sedona Beautiful to Receive 5% from Sales July 20
Sedona, AZ (July 7, 2011) – Keep Sedona Beautiful (KSB), Sedona’s oldest non profit, will receive 5% of all sales on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, from New Frontiers. The Litter Lifters will be the beneficiaries of the funds. From KSB’s web site about Litter Lifters:
“Litter Lifters are those citizens who volunteer to remove litter from our roadsides. Upon reflection, it may seem a small matter compared to personal issues or the national and global picture. Or it might just go unnoticed. However, the absence of litter on our roads is meaningful. It shows we care and take pride in this place. We believe visitors are more likely to return to a clean environment.
Keep Sedona Beautiful currently manages over 100 volunteer Litter Lifters, covering over 60 miles of roadway. A significant number have served the community for many years and in a few cases, over 20 years.
Because we favor less sign clutter on our roadways, you may not know that KSB Litter Lifters cover the entire length of SR 179, including, as you know, some very challenging segments. Only a single sign at each end identifies Keep Sedona Beautiful as the official Adopt-A-Highway permittee.
Our dedicated KSB Litter Lifters need everyone’s help. In fact, we currently need a few good folks to help on a regular or temporary basis. We provide all the tools; you get all the good feelings from a worthy contribution to our community. By the way, when you see a Litter Lifter, give a honk and wave to those tenacious folks wearing the bright orange vests, true heroes among us.
Call KSB at (928) 282-4938 or email at for more information on how you can get involved.”
Many prominent citizens have been, or are still, Litter Lifters: Bill Eich, Citizen of the year 1999, Bill Kusner, former KSB President, and Harry Newman. Most Litter Lifters prefer to remain anonymous.
New Frontiers
5% Wednesday, July 20
Benefits KSB Litter Lifters!
Our Mission
“Keep Sedona Beautiful, Inc., acting through the stewardship of its members and volunteers, is committed to protect and sustain the unique scenic beauty and natural environment of the Greater Sedona Area“
Just some of our Bell Rock Business Sponsors.
Let them know you appreciate their interest in keeping Sedona beautiful!
New Frontiers Natural Marketplace
CR Ranch Community Association
Village of Oak Creek
eSedona Wireless
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Dear Steve,
Not the early summer heat, hot and dry, or the humid “monsoon season” will stop the KSB Litter Lifters. This dedicated corps of volunteers cares for over 60 miles of Sedona roadways year round.
How can you help? It’s easy … just shop!
Volunteer opportunities are also available, become a Litter Llfter close to your home or work or volunteer to help increase the 5% Wednesday donation.
Read more below …
Shop, Grab a Bite to Eat or Drink
New Frontiers Natural Marketplace
Wednesday, July 20th
KSB Bell Rock Business Sponsor
See Flyer Here … New Frontiers 5% Wednesday for July
Help keep the Sedona roadways free of litter by helping the KSB Litter Lifters. Just mark your calendar NOW for a Big Shoppig Day at New Frontiers Sedona.
Check your pantry ——— Now’s the time to replenish anything you’re getting low on — food, vitamins, personal care items, deli items.
Check for items on sale ———- Stock up and freeze ’em … Don’t hold back! KSB is getting 5 % of all sales.
Plan a summer party ———– A Big Party!
Plan a picnic ———— A Big Picnic! Get everything you need at New Frontiers.
Let your neighbors and friends know ——— Carpool for NF 5% Wednesday on July 20th.
STORE HOURS: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
1420 W. Hwy. 89A – at Old Marketplace, Sedona
Volunteer to
Staff the KSB Table
Wednesday, July 20
Help spread the word to residents and tourists alike about all that Keep Sedona Beautiful does and has been doing for almost 40 years!
On Wednesday, July 20th, the day dedicated by New Frontiers to donate 5% of all sales to KSB, we will have a table in front of the store. We need your help to let others know about KSB and how today they are helping to keep Sedona beautiful.
Spend an hour at the table and then Shop Shop Shop!
Call Jan or Wendy 282-4938 or email to sign up.
STORE HOURS: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
1420 W. Hwy. 89A – at Old Marketplace, Sedona
Sedona Wish List!
Just Click the Sedona Wish List button above where you’ll find local non-profits, including KSB, and their wishes!
We’ll include the Sedona Wish List button in every newsletter … Visit often to see how you might help fulfill a wish.
Keep Sedona Beautiful | 360 Brewer Road – Pushmataha Center – | Sedona | AZ | 86336

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