Information and Perspective by Warren Woodward
(December 9, 2014)
I was very suspicious of the “smart” meter microwave radiation measurements that were in the “smart” meter study recently completed by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS).
So for $135 new, I bought the exact same type of measuring device that was used in the study and compared it with other, more costly and accurate measuring devices.
As you’ll see in my video, the Tenmars TM-195 used in the ADHS study is grossly inaccurate. Like the study itself, it’s so bad it’s scandalous.
As I wrote in my report on the ADHS study, “In a cynical sense, the Tenmars was the perfect choice for the ADHS study – a pitifully inadequate meter for a pitifully inadequate study.”
Watch my YouTube video exposé here: or search YouTube for Video Exposé – The ADHS “Smart” Meter Study Is Grossly Inaccurate.
If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to read my full report, “A Pattern of Incompetence and Fraud”. The cheap, inaccurate Tenmars TM-195 is only one of the many major failings of the ADHS study. Sadly, the study is a fraud on the people of Arizona.
My report, “A Pattern of Incompetence and Fraud”, is posted several places online, including:
and here: