Sedona News – Sedona Toys for Tots is accepting family requests starting October 15 for toys for the holiday season.
Toys for Tots provides toys, books and stocking stuffers to children newborn to 14 years old living in the Sedona area. Families may register at the Sedona Community Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry or at West Sedona School. Registration is also available at Sedona Toys for Tots provides one bag of toys for each family. Families who request toys are pre-screened to assure there are no double requests. Sedona toys for Tots is sponsored by the Sedona Area Veteran & Community Outreach (SAVCO).
Toy collection boxes will be placed in Sedona and VOC businesses the first week of November.
Reservations are being taken for the annual Tots for Tots Gourmet Italian Dinner Fundraiser held on Sunday, November 13 from 4 – 6 pm at Sedona Winds Retirement Community, 405 Jacks Canyon Road, VOC. The dinner is $35 per person and the funds are used to purchase toys for less fortunate Sedona children. Make reservations by calling 928 284-1021 or email Make your checks payable to Toys for Tots. This is a much looked forward to event to kick off the Toys for Tots season.