By Tommy Acosta
(March 8, 2020)

Pathetic, that’s the word that best describes the Establishment Democrats painfully obvious effort to take Bernie Sanders out.
I mean, how appallingly transparent can they be?
Could it have been any more obvious that the plan was for Mayor Pete and Amy to drop out right before Super Tuesday and endorse Joe Biden just in time to tip the scales? Then Bloomberg drops and is now working to elect Biden?
Even the Liberal airwaves, CNN and the rest, went to work diminishing Bernie weeks before Super Tuesday while plumping Joe Biden.
No doubt. It was a plot. Brazen and in-your-face.
It was like an invisible hand reached in and pushed the reset button.
Suddenly Biden was the resurrected king and Bernie a pauper.
The pundits kept saying how Biden fought back and took the lead when Biden essentially did nothing but play their game. There was no fight.
The Establishment Democrats have to know if they let Biden carry the torch they are doomed as a political force in this nation. He will be exposed as incompetent and unable — physically deteriorating and unfit for the job. The president will crush him in the debates. The Democrats will become irrelevant.
And then what will they do? What recourse? Who can save them?
Or do they have a sinister plan. Something no one has considered?
Aha! Yes!
Hillary is the plan!
That has to be it. They can’t be that thick headed to think that Biden stands a snowflake’s chance in hell of winning.
They know he will become a political liability in short enough time.
So they keep him viable as long as possible while they continue to further malign and neutralize Bernie. Bernie will be shunned and given very little airtime by the major news outlets as they focus on the Biden gambit.
Biden will have a major senior moment on the air. The world will know he lost it. And that will be the time to bring in “The Woman.”
Just saw a TV special promo on the Clintons baring their souls and letting most of it, all hang out. The tone was emotional and repentant.
The timing is perfect.
They are softening up the public and getting ready to jump in. I’ll bet we are going to hear a lot more about the Clintons in the coming days.
Bernie? They will do anything to stop him. There is no compromise on that. He is a threat to their continued existence.
To win, they have to prop up Biden long enough to get him to get to the convention, if he does not lose his marbles before that.
That’s when he will be dropped into the garbage can of political history and they bring in the big guns.
I know. It sounds a tad far-fetched but think it through. How could the Establishment Democrats be so dumb to back Biden as he falls part?
Imagine what the Republican candidate will do to him on that debate stage.
Maybe they are counting on the “Regretful” vote (those who voted for Trump who now regret it). Not enough. Can’t have a person experiencing the onslaught of dementia, leading the nation. They need Hillary.
I just don’t see Bernie gaining traction while Biden is being kept artificially alive. Logically then, if they will not let Bernie have it and Biden is proven incapable on national TV, it’s drastic-measure time — and that measure is Hillary, who they hope will unify the party and defeat the Republicans.
Just goes to show how manipulative the Democrats are. You will never see that happen with Republicans. What you see is what you get. Hillary will lose if they put her in just like before. I’lll bet the Democrats are happy the market is sinking because it would make our president look bad. The market will recover and the virus is a hoax. Liberals probably started it to get rid of Trump.
I have been an established Democratic my whole life which has paid off as I just got my Coronavirus vaccine. Nothing wrong with promoting Deep State conspiracy theories that create fear and hysteria no matter which party one patronizes. Just be transparent about it!
Zach, Satire right?
Zach Richardson – If you have the coronavirus vaccine, you’re the only one in the world who has gotten it and likely the CDC guinea pig since it doesn’t exist (yet).
Biden has the deep state nod of approval; Bernie is toast (again). Biden will likely chose Hillary or Michael Obama as a running mate. He’s so old and frail it’s also a probability that he won’t outlast his term as president. When he steps down, then we’ll either have a female or transgender president.
The best coronavirus “vaccine” is simple common sense and basic hygiene. The same simple common sense goes with Bernie – he is the Madhatter from Alice in Wonderland. So, I absolutely agree with Tommy on Bernie’s treatment. He alone will destroy the democrats – this is why they can’t have his lunacy in the White House. The only benefit he provides is making the likes of Biden or Hilary appear “sane” by comparison. Unfortunately, the democrats haven’t fielded anyone capable of leading this country.