Red Rose Inspiration for Animals is proud to announce our newest program, Gentle Hearts Service Dogs. Part of our mission is we promote programs that connect animals with people. Gary DeGeronimo is the Founder and Director of Training for this exciting program with Red Rose.
Gary has dedicated the past 30 years to canine behavior with more than half that time dealing with Service and Therapy Dogs. Through education and experience, he has gained the ability to assist those with special needs. Gary has taught and advised others wanting to work with dogs, written several training manuals, attended many educational events through organizations he has belonged to such as The Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Association of Professional Humane Educators, and more. Gary has taken courses through The Delta Society (Now Pet Partners) in Service and Therapy Dog Education, as well as published articles as a member of the Dog Writers Association of America.
Gentle Hearts was formed in order to provide trained and qualified canines as Service Dogs for those in need, with a particular focus on children with autism. Most other disabilities are addressed, as well as working with existing service dogs who need a little brush up. We also offer assistance to those who already have dogs and wish to determine if they are capable of becoming a Service Dog.
Gentle Hearts has a Therapy Dog Division for those who desire to train their dog as an outstanding Therapy Dog Volunteer. Whether you are seeking registration in Pet Partners, Therapy Dogs Incorporated, Therapy Dogs International, or another organization, we can assist you in reaching those goals.
Gentle Hearts is committed to providing the necessary training required and will assist persons with disabilities to acquire and educate their own Service Dog.
Gentle Hearts Service Dogs will follow many of the ideas and philosophies of Gary’s good friend and colleague the late Fran Elliott, and Gary created through the work of The Hairy Angel Foundation over the past 15 years. In addition there will be some new and exciting concepts to Gentle Hearts Service Dogs, such as the use of appropriate and evaluated Shelter/Rescue canines as Service Dogs.
We feel there are many dogs in shelters and with rescue groups that are not able to show their full potential due to their present situations, and with proper evaluation and guidance, these Special Dogs will be able to share their Special Talents, and love, to those who need them.
Gentle Hearts Service Dogs believes that properly trained Service Dogs allow people with disabilities a greater independence and an ability to enjoy daily life. No one should be denied a Service Dog due to financial constraints. Gentle Hearts will do what it can to provide and train dogs at no cost to families in need of a Service Dog, when possible. This will be achieved through the generous donations of caring people, and the dedicated volunteer puppy raisers who provide the necessary socialization and training.
Speaking of Volunteer Puppy Raisers, we strongly believe that they are the heart and soul of most Service Dog organizations. The reward of being a puppy raiser is beyond words. When you have watched these Special Dogs grow and develop during the time they live with you, and you have given them all the education and love, you will know in your heart, as difficult as it may be to send them off, that you are a part of a life-changing experience for someone who needs that Special Dog in their world.
In conclusion, Gentle Hearts Service Dogs invites you to watch us grow by going to our Facebook Page under the same name, visiting our Website www.gentleheartsservicedogs.org and consider joining us as a volunteer. There will be more opportunities coming soon. Of course, we are most grateful for your donations so that we can continue, at no cost to the families in need, trained Service Dogs. Become part of a great organization, and feel your heart grow! For more information contact Red Rose Inspiration For Animals at P.O Box 74, Sedona, AZ 86339 or 928-282-5278