Sedona, AZ — Yes, it’s true. Evil does lurk in the hearts of humankind.
Like those who profit from the degradation, misery, sorrow, and suffering of others.
And those who make money from the use and production of weapons and other things that kill.
Those who purposely cause wars to maintain their blood-soaked profits.
Those who take pleasure in giving pain and hurting others. Those who persecute people of different sexual orientation.
Those who rape, kill, plunder, set people on fire, destroy homes and livelihoods, or injure others for pleasure.
Those who profit from producing foods that cause cancer and disease. Those who profit from the sale of drugs to treat the illnesses they cause.
Those who take advantage of the elderly and innocent, luring them into giving away their life savings to cold-blooded scams.
Even those who cheat people at the cash register or double or triple the price of services and items beyond their true worth.
Scam artists, thieves, looters, torturers, sex traffickers, organized crime members, exploiters, hard drug dealers—the list goes on.
And, of course, those who hate everything and everyone, regardless of who or what they are.
It makes one wonder why such evil is allowed to exist, makes one lose faith in humanity.
But there is a flip side to this because, just like evil, good also exists.
There is the inherent good in those who help others, treating fellow humans with respect.
People who stop their cars to assist a distressed motorist. Those who jump in to stop another from being hurt or attacked.
There are those who feed the hungry, help rebuild homes, find shelter for wounded veterans, and clothe and offer sustenance to the homeless and destitute.
There are those who pray every day for peace in the world, those who move through life loving their fellow humans and all of the Creator’s creations.
So, there is balance.
Night cannot exist without day. Up cannot exist without down. In cannot exist without out.
Perhaps we cannot know good without the backdrop of evil. Maybe it’s an eternal struggle playing out in the cosmos.
Some philosophers might argue there is no such thing as good or evil—that it’s all a subjective observation on our part.
Right now, the country is torn apart between those who fear the new president and those who love him.
Ask one person from either side whether the president himself is good or evil, and they will defend their judgment with emotion and passion.
Those from either side of the aisle see the other as evil while considering themselves good.
Some see the sale of bombs and killing machines for profit as evil, while others argue it is good because it keeps us free from subjugation by our enemies.
But most would agree that killing babies, murder, and taking pleasure in the pain of others is evil.
That is, most.