Forest Plan Revision Moves Forward
Sedona, AZ (September 7, 2011) – As summer draws to a close, the Forest Plan Revision process is rocking and rolling along! In early summer, the Plan Revision Team worked with the Coconino National Forest leadership and resource specialists to incorporate the input received from the public during our most recent phase of informal comment (February/March 2011) into the proposed revised forest plan. Per the environmental analysis process (NEPA process), we also developed alternatives that addressed the public input that wasn’t incorporated into the proposed revised plan.
At this time, the Plan Revision Team is hard at work drafting the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Upon the release of the proposed revised plan and Draft EIS, you will have 90 days to provide your official comments. Once the 90-day comment period has concluded, we will update documents in response to comments received and release the Final EIS and a Record of Decision (ROD), finalizing the Forest Plan. No decision is final until the ROD is signed (currently anticipated at the end of 2012).
As always, we appreciate your interest in our plan revision effort and look forward to continuing to work together to create a strong and sustainable Coconino National Forest! Please share your comments or questions via email at the following address: