By Sean Dedalus
Sedona, AZ —
Editor’s Note: The article below by contributor Sean Dedalus was published July 4, 2044 predicting what happened in last night’s election and Trump’s victory. I believe it was so accurate that the article deserves reprinting.
The Aftermath is actually a prelude to the Beginning of Donald Trump’s Second Term as President of the United States. All of the polls show the majority of American Voters believe Joseph Biden is unfit to serve another four years as the President of the United States.
Formal meetings have advanced to outline what to do at an Open Convention should President Biden decide not to run. Today’s general plan is that President Biden, Clinton and Obama will endorse Kamala Harris.
Independent of Donald Trump, polls leading up to today, suggested that Joe Biden was steadily losing support with the American people. The only politician doing worse than President Biden was/is Vice President Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris has been criticized for her meandering use of “salad” language and non sensical speeches. She was in charge of the Immigration Invasion and failed to report to the Battlefield. The American taxpayer will be forced to pay trillions for the housing, food medical care and prison costs associated with the illegal entry and squatting of millions of illegal aliens.
Biden/Harris completely screwed up the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is true that Biden left billions of dollars of modern weapons in the hands of the Taliban. Weapons that will be used to kill American soldiers that are stationed in the Middle East.
It is true that the cost of living has skyrocketed through the ceiling under Biden/Harris.
It is true that Biden and Harris have encouraged the Ukrainian War, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousand men, woman, children and the complete decimation of one of the finest economies in Europe. The people of Ukraine are now refugees scattered throughout the world. The media and governments have lied to the world that the war is about democracy. The war has been between the NATO Mafia and their Russian counterparts. That’s all it really is. Nobody was elected by the people. The people are now gone.
The Ukrainian people were doing fine under the Russian puppet government. Under the NATO puppet government there has been nothing but horror and death.
Under Joe Biden, Hamas has gotten away with murder and rape. Biden’s decisions have actually given support to Hamas and prolonged the objective to execute or imprison each and every member of this organization of murderers bankrolled by Iran.
America’s reputation and influence have indeed waned because of Biden’s misunderstanding of world events. The Chinese have greatly expanded their Navy and rolled out fleets of new aircraft carriers, submarines and aircraft. Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan are being threatened every day with Chinese Expansion.
The Biden Administration has printed money on xerox machines. The value of the American dollar is not respected in the world the way it used to be. Biden has printed trillions of dollars to pay for illegal aliens, foreign wars, pardoning student loans, letting other countries use America to pay their debts and allowed bands of little terrorists like the Houthis attack commercial ships on the Red Sea and fire missiles at American War Ships.
There is little doubt that Biden has used local district attorneys like Alvin Brag, Leticia James, and Fani Willis to spend millions of dollars on cases that are frivolous and are really part of the Biden re-election campaign. Bragg filed charges that Federal Election Agents turned down. James filed a suit alleging that Trump inflated the value of his property when the banks never complained, and Fani Willis has just made a mess of everything in Georgia. People who scream he is a felon are exaggerating the seriousness of the conviction to mislead you.
Emotional Trump Haters scream that he is a convicted felon not realizing that all the charges arise from the same set of facts and are the lowest nonviolent felonies in the book, but more importantly millions of people with criminal convictions empathize with Donald Trumps because they know from experience that the prosecutions were and are purely political. Thus, the louder Trump Haters bolster political prosecutions the more they make Trump a hero to the truly disenfranchised.
We need not elaborate on influence peddling, the role of President Biden in taking his son to Ukraine and China and Hunter, brother James and other family members making millions of dollars for providing access to the Vice President.
Biden, the Democratic Party and the Media lied for years when they said the Hunter Biden laptop which contains loads of incriminating evidence was Russian misinformation. This is just fact.
Robert Mueller and two other Investigators concluded the Russian Collusion allegations as 100% falsehoods promulgated by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party and the usual media suspects like Morning Joe, Rachel Maddow, the New York Times and these types of people. This is just fact.
For the aforementioned reasons and much more, Donald Trump will win in a landslide. He will win not because he is smart, not because he is good, not because of any skill or talent. He will win because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are completely incompetent, and the American people know the news people are liars and manipulators. The American people understand that the Media is part of the political parties. There is no independent press. There used to be but no more.
The rich people give us Trump or Biden Harris. They did that. Biden was coherent at one time, but no more. They did not foresee his rapid decay. There is no way the American people will let Biden or Harris back in the White House. The new campaign lie is that “90 minutes does not define Joe Biden.” This is stupid and insulting to the American people. We have seen Biden falling down, walking in circles, speaking crazy stuff, leaving top secret documents in plain view inside his garage, falling off his bike, falling off stages, talking to invisible people, and facial expressions indicating he is having out of body experiences, all, for the past three years. This is not about 90 minutes, it’s about years of aging.
If Biden was an airplane pilot, everybody would jump out of the jet. He cannot be commander in chief. It is just a fact. It is plain to see.
Trump will advance the greatest modernization of the military in the history of the United States. He will develop weapons to check the Russians and the Chinese. He will financially choke the Iranians once again.
He will ensure that Hamas is completely crushed. Each Hamas leader will be brought to justice. He will exterminate the Houthis and return safety for commercial ships on the Red Sea.
Trump will unfortunately abandon Obama’s work to curb fossil fuel and protect the environment.
Trump will dramatically bring down inflation, cut the budget, tax the Chinese, end America’s financing of never-ending wars.
Trump will clean house at the Justice Department and unfortunately will unearth all the evidence on Biden, Clinton and other Trump haters that misused their elected offices to illegally keep the democrats in power. Politicians that used campaign money for personal use will be prosecuted.
Trump will pardon himself.
Trump will appoint two more judges to the Supreme Court.
Trump will hire 20,000 Immigration Judges and begin to deport 20 million illegal aliens.
The Republicans will take over the House of Representatives and the Senate and pass a bill providing that children born in the United States of illegal aliens are not automatic citizens and are subject to deportation.
Trump will do more for African Americans and Hispanics than any president in the history of the United States. He will continue his efforts to give convicted felons a second chance, increase funding for Black Colleges and work very hard to create employment opportunities for African Americans and Hispanics.
Trump will cut taxes for all Americans but mostly the rich people.
Trump will create an AI branch of the military targeted to create the most advanced hardware and software in the world that can take control of any and every other electronic device.
Trump will land the first human on Mars.
Trump will be bigger than Reagan.
A word on democracy. Every year people commit crimes by gathering fraudulent ballots. This has been going on since the founding of the country. Just google voter fraud and you will see political operatives are arrested every year. When criminal acts change the outcome of the elections people go to jail. The point is both parties cheat, have cheated and will continue to “stuff the ballot boxes”. Criminal penalties must be enhanced to stop this practice of fraud. If you need proof to buy cigarettes or drive a car, you should have identification to vote. All that racial discrimination rhetoric is promulgated by white politicians. The Republicans and the Democrats cheat. Cheaters must go to jail. Most of the cheating is with the mail in ballots.
Democracy means the majority rules.
Democracy means separation of powers. The Executive, the Legislature and the Courts.
Democracy means individual rights, state rights and federal rights.Democracy means a Free Press, not a monopoly of corporations owned by the rich.
Democracy means the press is the watch dog over the government not the propaganda machine for the two major parties.
Democracy means only citizens can vote not illegal aliens.
Democracy means free speech.
Democracy means the Justice Department provides justice and is not a tool of the president to harass or imprison his opponent.
Democracy encourages civility, although civility is not required.
Lately there is much vulgarity in the Opinion pieces of Sedona.Biz, Personal insults should have no place in a newspaper that protects the free exchange of ideas
Democracy means due process and equal protection of the law.
Today, we do not live in a democracy.
We are lied to by the people in charge.
They have power and money.
They own the media.
They steal from us.
The only difference between the Republican Party as symbolized by the elephant
and the Democrats as symbolized by the donkey is one will get you nowhere quicker than the other.
Trump’s re-election will shake up the United States.
You lie and misconstrue FACTS as much as the Draft Dodging Insurrectionist Commie Loving Twice Convicted Felon!
“The Ukrainian people were doing fine under the Russian puppet government. Under the NATO puppet government there has been nothing but horror and death.“
Oh really and you know this how? Fucker Carlson? RT, OAN, Marjorie Traitor Greene? Yeah Rusher has a grand human rights record and the Ukrainians should just suck it up and get decimated from the face of the earth? Never in my lifetime could I ever have imagined M’erican dumbasses like you siding with Rusher over its illegal war of aggression against an independent free and democratic neighbor that is not only a genocide of their Slavic brethren but of their own young men and women in uniform who are being forced to fight or get shot, blown out of the sky, poisoned and tortured.
99.9% of what you have written is Rusher, Chyyyna and Dumps lover Un’s propaganda!
Only one party is taking rights away from M’erican’s and that is the MAGGOT party! Only one party staged an Insurrection on our Nation’s Capitol to thwart the just and legal certification of a LEGAL election! Only one party is throwing their hypocritical Bible thumping bullshit on M’erican’s, only one party gives tax breaks to the Uber wealthy and nobody else! That party is the MAGGOT Party and only the MAGGOT Party! Shall I continue?
And BTW the Mueller report in no way shape or form stated that Rusher Collusion with the Dump Administration was non existent. On the contrary it clearly states that there were strong signs of it but would likely not be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt because it was done in the shadows with little to no record of it. Member this one- Or how about this one-
Or possibly this one- ?
Probably not because you only hear and repeat ad nauseam the Orange Insurrectionist Liar and Thief! Definitely no RED FLASHING Warning Lights there whatsoever 😳!
The Orange ill Douchebag STOLE and ILLEGALLY WITHHELD and HID TS/SCI documents his administration wrongfully stole from NARA and refused to give back so the FBI did their fuckin jobs and went in and recovered the ones they could find only to be labeled DEEP STATE ASSASSINS by the Commie Traitor Dump and his jackoff compatriots like Black Shirt BenaDick Bannon, Disgraced Show Polish Brain GHOULiani, Stephan the CAMP CAPO Miller and the MAGGOT Reich members in the House and Senate.
Major Bone Spurs is the only POTUS in history to openly attack and demean M’erica’s Military Leadership, KIA, MIA, POWs, GOLD STAR families and our disabled veterans. Yeah Mr 8 Paid For Medical Deferments is a Patriot 🤮.
You are so brainwashed you cannot even support the values M’erica was founded upon and instead pledge blind allegiance to a Criminal Thug Asshole!
Today, we do not live in a democracy.”
* Because of Dump and his MAGGOTS!
“We are lied to by the people in charge.”
* Yep ill Douchebag and most MAGGOTS do nothing but lie every time they open their sucks!
“They have power and money.”
*😂😂😂😂 And who was it that self proclaimed to be a multi billionaire, gave tax cuts only to the wealthiest of M’ericans and refuses to disclose his tax records like every legitimate POTUS has done for decades? And who profited BIGLY by jacking up his cheap asses resort rates for his staff and security apparatus that tax payers ultimately had to pay so he could play goof with his tiny white balls on a daily basis even though he clearly lied when he said he would not have time to play goof? Who was that orange ass?
They own the media.”
Which ones? The Rusher propaganda news parodies such as Faux Mewes, One Asshole Network, Brain Wars, RT, NONews Maximum Stupidity, X Files or Truth Untold? Or are you referring to all the other legitimate accredited REAL News organizations who were just fine until Dump told you they weren’t. You know, the ones he used on a daily basis to promote his lies and grift!
They steal from us.”
They sure as fuck do! They sell salacious sac religious bibles for BIGLY profits, they sell cheap Chyyyner made suits, ties, dresses and shoes to their constituents for Yuge profits, Bit Coin and hilarious trading cards depicting the orange brainless tardigrade fat ass as a slender muscled Draft Dodging Stallone/Rambonehead type Treasonous Traitor, phoney Valentine letters to the First Lady to smack a Presidents hands away from her, sell rundown shithole properties for over inflated prices while exaggerating their size and value just like Dump does himself!
Yep you got a winner there Han’s con der con NOTsee!
Biden may not be the Self Acclaimed Bigly Bestest Dumbass that Dump is but he is far far more legitimate, honest and Patriotic than any MAGGOT will ever be!
MAGA!! YOU need serious help bro. No more wars, no more child slavery. TRUMP BABY! CLOSE THE border
Mr. JB
If a majority of the American Voters decide to allow Mr. Trump to be President of the United Stated again, will you describe the majority of Americans in the same way, language and disposition as you today describe Americans who you think support Mr. Trump?
Mr Sean D.
well gee let’s see. Dump lost BIGLY in 2020 and has yet to be truthful about it. In fact he and his Gestapo wannabes like Black Shirt BenaDICK Bannon continue to spit out lie after lie about it. So naturally if somehow he does get the majority vote my opinion of those who vote for him if they in fact actually do (because you know elections can be RIGGED) will remain unchanged. They will forever remain the NOTsee fools who returned the Draft Dodging Commie Loving Twice Impeached Felon Criminal to his perceived throne in the White House (Not Whites Only House) to complete his destruction of our Government, Constitution and Democracy as a whole. I currently consider you all the same way a non Nazi would perceive Hitler and the Nazi Party’s rise following his insurrection against the German government and his stint in prison which was ultimately pardoned by the Nazi equivalent of our NOTsee SCOTUS criminals who write and approve laws to punish the minority while ignoring the crimes of those in power. That’s how I and most NORMAL PATRIOTIC (not Patriot cause there’s a Yuge difference) M’erican’s who served their country see you. What will YOU do to change that perception? Go along just to go along? Or wake up and refuse to allow the insanity to continue? Hmmmm?
How can you even think I’ll Douchebag and all the things he stands accused of as normal unless you’ve lost touch with reality.
I and others on here have said they would be fine with electing any Dem or Republican who is not an Insurrectionist, has no criminal record, can pass a TS/SCI security clearance background check without putting their thumb on the scale like Dump did for his main squeeze Ivanka and her wife Jared the android, has no ability to profit personally while in office from personal businesses as Dump has BIGLY done, respects our Constitution and Laws without trying to subvert them at every turn as Dump has done, respects science and is environmentally responsible not a Drill Baby Drill Ecological Dumpster Fire, works with our Allies (not the Russians, N Koreans or Chinese like Dump) which ill Douche refused to do and even Bigly Ass Slammed the Serbia President at NATO HQ (Putin must have been mad at the Serbian President for siding with Ukraine over him for a short period of time so he had his Orange Manchurian Candidate sucker ass him). But all you can do is ignore the Orange JulieASS’s crimes and transgressions to get revenge upon Liberals and Democrats for giving people equal rights. Poor us white men who didn’t get a job or accepted to a college because someone with brown skin was more qualified than them-oh boo fuckin hoo! Perhaps you idiots should have spent more money on public education and less time assaulting those trying to educate you and your children!
You NOTsee’s can attack Biden’s cognition all you want butt you have to successfully sell all of Dumps lies, crimes, insurrection, theft of vital to national security documents, attacks upon our KIA, MIA, POW, Active Duty Leaders, gold Star families and disabled veterans. And if M’erica decides they want ill Douchebag because they think he’s the Messiah Incarnate despite all of those aforementioned FACTS then we will all reap the clown circus you have sewn!
And I know, I know Peter Pumpkinhead insists he’s the most innocent man to walk the earth ever and the Democrats are the ones doing all the things he actually did do but denies without plausible evidence to support his lies so you Will continue to attack me and anyone who just wants to save our nation from the Bigliest Con and Con Job in Rusher history!
312 electoral and Trump won the popular vote. We kicked your arse back job
Yeah can’t wait for the Insurrectionist Felon to actually do something other than play golf and act like the ass he is. He’s one for three on winning elections legitimately. M’erica has lost Bigly be his one and only legitimate win. His quick 24 hour end to the war in Ukraine will come and go just as his replacement to Obama Care was coming any day now for the past 9 years! You voted for his ignorance and you will be held responsible in the history books.
Looks like AZ stands to lose 25,000 jobs because of his ignorance. Yea! Right? Go Team MAGGOT!
Seems your lot has an issue with fighting aged voters seeing through the lies and misinformation. Gonna be tough for you Seniors to fight an actual UnCivil war.
Hopefully the idiot you elected won’t try it. We’ll certainly see soon enough.
Poll: Trump backed by majority of veterans, but not younger ones
How 5 key demographic groups voted in 2024: AP VoteCast
Sean D. do you or do you not support Dump? Your writings indicate you do. If not clarify your position and I may apologize to you unless of course you do support the Draft Dodging Insurrectionist.
“Biden/Harris completely screwed up the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is true that Biden left billions of dollars of modern weapons in the hands of the Taliban. Weapons that will be used to kill American soldiers that are stationed in the Middle East.“
What would you care anyway?Aren’t they’re all just Losers and Suckers according to the Orange DRAFT DODGING Commie Loving Insurrectionist Criminal!
Guess we should’ve just stayed in Afghanistan and continue to lose soldiers on a daily basis for 20+ years rather than take the risk on pulling out which sadly cost 13 of my fellow Comrades and Patriots who wear the uniform (unlike Major Bone Spurs and his criminal family that has never served) their lives. Could have been far worse considering the Kaos that ensued which has occurred and resulted in the loss of life every single time M’erica has pulled out of a hotspot. And as for the few weapons mostly without ammo and many vehicles left behind, the GOP under Ronnie Raygun (GAVE) IRAN, IRAQ and the CONTRAS far more stolen US Military chemicals, weapons and ammo than was left behind during the hasty US Withdrawal
that are still being used against Americans, our allies and innocent civilians, they also provided a shit ton of stolen US Military weapons and equipment to Bin Laden and his Mujahideen cohorts to do battle with Rusher soldiers with. Many of those weapons were used against our troops as we invaded Afghanistan following 9/11.
Tricky DICK and Clumbsy Gerald Ford left trillions in US Military hardware in Vietnam where’s your outrage over that?
You have none because you have selective outrage based solely upon the lies and hypocrisy you have bought into.
Holy $hit! Your ignorance is mind blowing.
While I applaud your writing skills, your content is sheer stupidity! No other way to explain it.
Sean is brilliant in his perfect analysis.
Come on man!
Mr. D,
I do firmly believe it is your responsibility as an American to pass your article along to the many people in your beloved state who only vote pure Democratic without even knowing what they’re doing.
They have drank the Kool-Aid and believe all the BS propaganda to ignite and fuel the ignorance and hatred of Trump.
Yet, ask why they hate him and they stumble over words because they really don’t know why because they don’t see the truth.
An old friend,
Dump the Draft Dodging Commie Loving Insurrectionist Impeached Felon Criminal brings plenty of hate upon his own criminal racist misogynist self. But you know what they say, “the toothless get ruthless”!
Only one party is loaded with science deniers, flat earthers, Anti Vaxxers, Q A-hole nuts who believe Rusher Propaganda like it is their silly asses fiction story book bible! And that party is the MAGGOT party “chocked full of brainless nuts!”
And only one party has had a POTUS commit high treason, insurrection and high crime felonies and misdemeanors! Again the MAGGOT Party!
Oh no Mary Anne I made it quite clear why ill Douchebag is a Draft Dodging Commie Loving Racist Misogynist Treasonous Insurrectionist Felon.
I posted dozens of links to prove my points on numerous occasions unlike you who only spouts un backed propaganda nonsense.
Your vein attempt to justify being the worlds New NOTsee Reich fall far short of truth and fact. You voted for lies, liars and criminals and that’s what you will be held accountable for in the history books for.
Welcome to the New world!
Have some more MAGA cool-aid you pompous self-serving MAGgot! I guess this is where we live. Trump will be the demise of democracy. I will never read your swill again. SEDONA.BIZ? Business is better than ever under Biden. Make no mistake, Trump will ruin this country just like everything he touches. Biden is pro-America, Trump is pro-Trump.
Sedona Biz is permitting you and I a voice. Unfortunately to be fair it is also giving the MAGGOTS a voice which I welcome. It’s their First M’erican Mendment Right they don’t allow others to use without using violence or threats of violence against them. I worked in Intelligence to Combat Terrorism both Foreign and Domestic for many a year. I’ve studied Bader Meinhof, The Red Brigade, Red Army Faction, Al Qaeda, Michigan Wolverine Militia and hundreds more. I’ve read hundred of in depth studies behind the mindset and backgrounds of those prone to join such groups. It’s great when they telegraph their every thought and move on social media. Helps to create the Big Picture of what is going on and also leaves a slew of evidence to use against them in the future. So let them flap their brain washed yaps and meanwhile bitch slap them back on here with REAL FACTS not the Alternative ones shovel fed to them by the Orange Jackass Draft Dodger and other propagandists like Fcker Campbell Soup Boy Putin Loving Carlson, Lies Social, Q A Hole or Brain Wars and other platforms that Vladimir is very very pleased with for aiding him in crushing our Democracy. They go against everything M’erica has proclaimed itself to be since WWI and especially WWII and proclaim themselves patriots for their attempts to thwart a free and fair election their Orange Clown lost Bigly. They’ve brutally and unapologetically attacked law enforcement en mass, caused significant damage to the Capitol Building, Stole classified documents and computers from Congressional representatives locked offices and work place desks on the House Floor, they’ve physically threatened and assaulted poll workers, jurist, sitting judges, scientists, doctors, academia, religions other than EvilAholes who think themselves Christians as they rape, kill, pillage, burn, commit adultery, incest, are gluttons, pedophiles, racists, thieves and even blasphemers as they point their crooked fingers at others to deflect from their hypocrisy and claim without evidence that others are doing exactly what they are guilty of themselves. Think Pizza Gate!
They’ve forgotten the millions of M’erican lives lost fighting Fascism and Fascist Communism only to welcome it right back here in M’erica where it all started when we committed unparalleled genocide and numerous other atrocities of the rightful owners of this land we call M’erica. Hitler loved how we disposed of the evidence in unmarked mass graves and began the Holocaust by using that very same method until Eichman showed him the crematoriums and gas chambers.
If you stop posting your views and opinions on here they win. So I implore you to stay on and give back to them twice what they throw at you! But do it with facts you can back up. They hate this immensely because they are unable to do the same with the garbage they spew.
“A word on democracy. Every year people commit crimes by gathering fraudulent ballots. This has been going on since the founding of the country. Just google voter fraud and you will see political operatives are arrested every year“
Yes and 99% of them were submitted by MAGGOTS (as was the major election fraud case in NC) just as they set into operation their FRAUDulant slate of fake electors in multiple states to ILLEGALLY overturn a LEGAL and JUST election result where the Orange POO Ba lost BIGLY. Wasn’t “dead people”, “dogs” nor even migrants it was MAGGOTS and a couple of Dems who legitimately thought they were eligible to vote because they were either Students attending college in another state than their home state or were pardoned Felons who rightfully thought their rights had been reinstated.
That’s what the document FACTS show despite the lies spewed daily by the MAGGOT Party. So if anyone merits scorn and scrutiny for election fraud it’s 100% the MAGGOT Party! Which is why we will have issues in the upcoming election!
Absolutely the most un American thing I’ve have ever seen or read and I’ve read many a manifesto written by the likes of Anti American Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kaczynski. And to think Stephan Miller chairs this coup in the making. Disgusting, un patriotic, extremely fascist crap 💩!
“I’m out here on these streets, getting ready to unburden myself — you know what I mean? HAHA!” said Harris. “I’m starting to see what can be, not what has been, right girl! HAHAHA!!!”
After years of repeatedly envisioning what can be, unburdened from what has been, Harris reportedly feels like her vision is about to come to fruition. “I watched the debate last week, and I immediately started to feel like maybe, just maybe, what has been was about to be unburdened,” said Harris. “It’s like a yellow school bus – who doesn’t love a yellow school bus? It’s like a yellow school bus going to space, which is so big. No one could imagine that because they are burdened by what has been, which is yellow school buses that don’t go to space. HAHAHAHA!!!!”
It just proves how uninformed Republican voters are!
There is no good with anything the GOP does. They have proven it for over 50 years.
“Ho Ho Ho, Happy Independence Day ! ”
Joe Biden
Now that’s a Yuge difference from the lies and threats of retaliation and retribution that Draft Dodger Dump spewed in his July 4th propaganda messages to the nation.
A lot of emotion and misinformation parading as facts is in the main article.
Bottom line is if Trump wins he will use with immunity the new found powers just created by the Supreme Court to enrich himself; to punish those who disagree with him; to limit the power of the people to protest against him; to cease supporting the Ukraine thus allowing Russia to take it over; and also follow the other paths of the agenda a for 2025 created by has loyal followers that is based on what Trump has stated he wants to do, all of which will devastate our democracy.
Trump moreover doesn’t understand economics at all. For example, he doesn’t understand that when one puts import taxes on Chinese or other foreign goods those taxes are all paid by we Americans not by the Chinese or other foreigners.
A Trump presidency is a very serious threat to Americans in general, except for the few he keeps in his inner circle and some billionaires who will benefit from lower taxes and less regulation of their businesses.
Nw to Biden: Biden is obvious more frail. He has trouble finding some words quickly but his logic and understanding of the USA and the world is solid.
Thanks for a good summation why many will vote for Trump, even some of those who have ignored the signs of Biden’s creeping dementia.
Trump also has onset dementia, but only one of them is a convicted felon and has been twice impeached. And only one of them is hell bent on division and revenge because he got caught attempting to overthrow a free fair and legal election.
i for one am afraid to voice my opinion in the Sedona Biz for fear that these men will call me names, curse and insult anybody who disagrees with them. But I agree a good opinion as to why many will vote for President Trump.
Golly gee mister editor I fear for my life because some big mean nasty men said truthful things about my criminal candidate. Make it stop! I only wanna hear lies and conspiracy theories!
Brigitte S. you won’t get attacked for speaking truth, presenting facts and being honest rather than spewing lies, falsehoods and conspiracy theories.
Hi Bridget: Don’t be afraid of those tree hugging, incense burning, tie dyed shirt wearing, candle lighting, disgruntled hippie patriot impersonators like JB, and his sycophant cohort, TJHall. Just like them to pick on a poor defenseless woman like yourself while at the same claiming they are heralds of free speech. Don’t be afraid of them. They are minimaly endowed ruffians who think their pens are their penises spewing ignorance in the comments section of I will protect you from them because I am a better writer than all of them put together and my pen is sharper and bigger than theirs. Bug off boys and pick on someone your own size, like me. If you got the testicular guts to try. Tommy is a gentleman and he will not let them pick on you. So screw you JB and the camel you rode upon. I ain’t afraid of you and I will defend my sister in the comments section battlefield of
Lions and Tigers and Truth Oh my! So you’re going to protect your “sister” from truth and fact and support lies, conspiracy and a Draft Dodging Insurrectionist Criminal Moron! Wow how noble, careful you don’t trip and fall on that sword of yours!
“Don’t be afraid of those tree hugging, incense burning, tie dyed shirt wearing, candle lighting, disgruntled hippie patriot impersonators like JB, and his sycophant cohort, TJHall. “
Lady I guarantee you that I am as far removed from your accusations as Draft Dodging Major Bone Spurs Dump is Democracy. I was fighting M’ericas enemies when he was fighting VD on Epstein Island so suck upon my “testicular guts” as you so Christianly put it!
“So suck upon my “testicular guts” as you so Christianly put it!”
Thanks for the invite JB but I don’t do “tiny.” Further, I no longer am just a Christian. I am a “Born Again American.”
That’s the spirit my deranged Conspiracy Theorist! Guess you only like suckin the big ones?
WTF is a born again M’erican? Is that like a Christian who lived their entire lives sinning declaring themselves born again so as to wipe their wretched slates clean?
Bottom line is you are a FAR RiGHT NOTsee and nothing more nothing less.
When are you going to post some amazing FACTUAL information about the poor Orange Draft Dodging Commie Loving Insurrectionist Felon for us to FACT check?
So then, you admit you are tiny? My poor, poor JB, king of the run-on sentences and never-ending adjectives, forever saddled to ignorance and insignificance, throwing pebbles at a jet you can never reach. Trump is our hope. He is our salvation. He is our Messiah and he will free us from the chains of ignorance that not only bind you and your cohorts to the past but to the gates of eternal irrelevance as well, as we soar to the great heights America will achieve when He is elected president again.
And you should stop with all those cute little word spurts that make your rantings so hard to decipher, like “Snot-C” and “M’erican’t.”
In the name of Donald Trump, l bless you, Mr. T and Pamela.
“Trump is our hope. He is our salvation. He is our Messiah“
Nothing like focusing on online grammar while worshiping an Orange Draft Dodging Misogynist Racist Impeached Commie Loving FALSE IDOL! Think you need to re-read the lessons of Jesus Christ in your Dump sac religious Story Book because you fall way short of its intended lessons.
Big, Tiny who cares. You like DICKtators and Facism in M’erica (How Dump slurs his words). Just be honest and state what you want him to do and why you are such a proud sycophant supporter of his lies and conspiracy nonsense.
And so far as my attacking ill Douche with FACT and TRUTH hurting your sensibilities while you have openly attacked Biden with lies, misinformation and conspiracies.
Admit it you want M’erica to be all white, all Christian, a Police State, No homeless, no LGBTQ, no Civil Rights, Higher taxes for the middle and lower classes while giving BIGLY tax breaks for the wealthiest of M’erican’s, you want history to only show Anglo America as never having committed colonialism and genocide of First Nation People, no mention of the cruelty and inhumane slavery done by Anglos, No science or scientist, no government oversight such as OSHA to ensure M’ericans are safe in their workplaces and elsewhere so that wealthy businesses can get away with sub standard and potentially lethal products, you want the EPA deleted from government so everyone can go back to senselessly contaminating the air, land and sea. Admit it that’s what you and all MAGGOTS want! But you hide from stating the truth because you all know the outrage it causes among Patriotic Democratic, Freedom Loving M’ericans.
This is what you consider Patriotic and that’s quite sad. Considering the fact that Trump has attacked true patriots like John McCain just because he wouldn’t play the game of a fascist lunatic whom you now refer to as a messiah despite his breaking every Commandment and Law in the books.
Mr Hall you’ve got to be careful citing CNN because in MAGGOT world the only real news comes from either sources Dump profits from directly such as Lies UnSocial and Faux Mewes or Rusher propaganda sources like Slate, RT, OAN, NewsHacks and Brain Wars. All of which are so honest and truthful that they have confessed to being News Satire not real accredited news sources so as to escape punitive law suits against them for spreading lies and disinformation as they do 24/7!
And you best stop telling the truth about ill Douchebags outright criminality and allow folks like Mary to tell her lies and spout conspiracies with impunity or she’ll attack your penis!
Mary you’d seem very upset that JB attacks your candidate with truth and fact while you can only counter with lies misinformation and conspiracy. Try being honest to yourself and everyone else for once “sister”.
PJ, This is what happens when mental healthcare is non existent in M’erica!
Where will you get your news from now Mary? I’m still waiting on your update on where those Chyyyner military battalions are now located inside the Continental US you claimed were here 2 months ago.
Mary Ann you lie and spew nonsense and conspiracy period! Why are you so so very afraid of the truth that you want it silenced?
“So screw you JB and the camel you rode upon. I ain’t afraid of you and I will defend my sister in the comments section battlefield of“
How did you know I rode a camel while I was deployed to Iraq during Desert Shield/Storm ? I mean the Draft Dodging Insurrectionist wasn’t there so who told you zactly? Maybe you was tracking my MRNA micro chip?
She probably heard it on RT (Russian Television).
LOL JB! That is too funny but sadly a necessary response to insanity and lies.
Are y’all not in the land of peace/harmony and vortexes? Yikes. Maybe too much time on lap tops. Get out and live your lives, off the internet 🙂 Happy Wednesday.
Guess you have zero concern for the direction the country is headed in and prefer to ignore what is happening. That’s your choice but does nothing to make anything better
Omg. Be afraid. Be very afraid. While I lived abroad during Reagan I was called on many times to defend the US in words. Even tho’ I was a democrat, it was easy. (Berlin Wall times.) This is soooo much scarier. We can’t let it happen. Europe’s opinion DOES matter. Trump is a laughing stock over there…SO much more than Biden. At least Biden has an administration behind him. What will Trump’s administration be? There’s so much in the air only months before an election. VP? Who the hell would do it? Who would dare? Sorry, my friends, but, seriously, somebody: describe our next administration if Trump takes it. What can we expect as a Nation??
OMG if Trump is elected it’s the end of “OUR democracy.”
That would be the democracy that mandates experimental gene therapy and opens the borders to every criminal and terrorist in the world.
Good riddance.
Notice you avoided all the other things that come with a Trump MAGA autocrat dictatorship? Why is that? And if you are referring to the COVID MRNA vaccines, well sorry to inform you but they have saved lives. The lives of Americans, your family, neighbors and possibly friends if you have any. But you probably don’t care about any of them as you are willing to contract and spread deadly viruses to them.
The term “safe and effective” was first used to market thalidomide.
You might want to look that up.
True sheep, (whoops believers) always trust big Pharma. Any idea how many BILLIONS big Pharma has been fined? Don’t believe me. Look that up yourself too. Baaa.
Yep Mary, your naivety will kill us all………….And I will make damn sure every one of you will be publicly humiliated before the brown shirts come for me…………..Then they will come for you, and your ignorance! Hope you practice white supremacy and your vows to Trump the great orange hope!!!
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
Enjoy your ignorance and hatred………..You were warned, but can see you dont listen.
The MRNA jab saved lives?
In just my immediate friends and family group, one friend had a stroke 4 days after the vax, a cousin 62 built like a bull, dead by heart attack at 62. Mother, instant dementia. Nephew, 22, brain fog and dementia. Friend, MD, 45, brain fog and hand tremors. Another friend, Bells palsy, mid 40’s.
Lots of people “died suddenly”.
” There are no so blind as those that will not see. ” CNN, MSN and the Government has never lied to you. Hey, why is Chris Como taking the “horse paste now?” You don’t believe Bill Gates is a eugenesist.
Biden is good for another “4 more years.” The newest Supreme Court justice can’t define a woman and men can become women . Covid was just the flu. Look for the statistics for flu deaths during the covid scam, almost none.
Keep believing the bioweapon you took saved lives. You claim I’m ignorant, but I bet you don’t look into “Died suddenly.”
You probably just believe in Government and Big Pharma, not God. I can’t help you. I tried, I tried to get so many people to not take the bioweapon.
God bless you.
Everyone dies, sometimes suddenly whether vaccinated or not but more often for the unvaccinated than not. You posted a lot of hysteria but no statistical facts other than nonsense from non experts who make money off of conspiracy theories and hysteria. Why is it you trust what Trump says if Government lies? He was POTUS and numero uno in charge of the Government during the onset of COVID. He takes full credit for the vaccine you wrongfully assail without any fact to back up. Your family members who allegedly died from the COVID vaccine had an autopsy why not post those results for all to see to back your claims. And those who supposedly developed Bell’s palsy and other complications surely have medical records that show their conditions were caused by the vaccine as well. So why not post some evidence with your wild accusations? Chris Cuomo like Rudolph Giuliani are both idiots so one can only expect them to do idiotic things. Proves nothing other than he is an idiot if he is in fact using Ivermectin horse crap.How about a link from an accredited news source to back your Cuomo accusation? Facts matter and so far you’ve presented NONE.
I believe in government, democracy, freedom, equality, science and medicine. You believe in conspiracy theories, ignorance, no science, no working scientifically developed medicine, violence, full on oppression defiance, anarchy, fascism and zero oversight for anything or anyone.
Chris Como on video taking ivermectin in his own words.
You will probably say you don’t like the source or it is a fake. You could look it up yourself but you would rather make mindless rants.
Get your booster ! If you don’t believe it’s a bioweapon you should be fine.
Had every booster there is and zero side effects whatsoever.
It’s not that I don’t like your sources, it’s that they are conspiratorial and unsubstantiated bull. And again, Chris Cuono is an idiot so what’s your point? That he’s a big idiot?
Get your Biden/Harris gear from the official site.
I’m sure you identify with the model. She personifies the dem voter.
Only MAGGOTS waste their hard earned money on cheaply made Chyyyna crap that their FALSE IDOL ill Douche hocks to them non stop! Have to work your way past the Dump Pence 2025 crap to get to the crap with his gross KFC Bucket Face superimposed upon Draft Dodger “Sly” Stallone’s 1980 roid rage body image.
I don’t buy Candidate crap from anyone nor do I donate to anyone because they are all individually wealthy and should have to pay their own way into politics not get wealthy off of their position like Dump did while playing golf with his tiny white balls 24/7 .
I feel so sorry for JB and his twin puppet Hall now that Trump trounced Kamala and ensured America’s future for generations to come. Perhaps now you have been rendered speechless and I expect you to treat our new president with honor and respect. Stop cackling and get with it. You lost.
We feel sorry for your hate and ignorance! Just remember you voted for ill Douchebag and Fascism not I. I’m a true Patriotic M’erican not a sycophant conspiracy minded moron.
Glad you think the end of Democracy is humorous. BTW I’ll be here every day all day to call out your lies and baseless fact less conspiracies. Enjoy being a devout NOTsee!
You voted for the insurrectionist felon not us. You must be proud of your ignorance?
You think because your guy won an election that it makes all his crimes disappear? He’s still a convicted felon (maybe not by title after he pardons himself but by law) no matter how many elections he wins with help from Putin.
Who lost what? Harris lost the election and I lost my country to Fascist and Fascism.
You have lost your moral compass and common sense. Millions of Germans voted for Hitler and praised the gas that parted his ass cheeks as MAGGOTS have the Dumpster. Look what happened to those Nazi’s as their world was filled with firestorms like the ones that decimated Dresden.
I’m not one of those who goes along to get along and joins cults like churches or the MAGGOT movement. Unlike you I think for myself and don’t get my news and information from Rusher, Chyyyyner, N Koreaer or Irannn as you do as was made apparent when you parroted the Chinese Military Battalions hiding out in the US waiting for Biden to unleash them on your ignorance.
Never came to fruition because it never was and yet you posted it 100% convinced it true!
And if Biden, Harris, Walz the Obamas or Clinstones were the “deep state” dipshit Dump claims them to be then why haven’t they incited a treasonous insurrection? Why didn’t they have their armed minions surround state capitols and polling stations in order to intimidate people? Where are their slates of fake electors? Where are their followers screaming out hang ……! ? They’re nowhere because you were lied too over and over again by the Orange Felon who did those things and more and then lied, spun, deflected, delayed and made a mockery of those facts.
But again, I am happy you’re proud of yourself. I know which side of history I’m on and it’s definitely not your side.
Bigly Sadd Night for Democracy!
The M’erican people have chosen Fascism over Liberty Freedom and Justice for All. Speaking of Justice if ill Douche was truly innocent he’d challenge all of his high crimes and misdemeanors in court. Instead he will pardon himself, the Jan 6 Insurrectionis assholes and likely will pardon criminal morons like the jackass who put out hate filled boobytrapped Democrat political signs in Phoenix. After all Felonies are a Bigly Badge of Courage and Criminals attract Criminals and Criminality.
WTF are you attempting to say here-
The Ukrainian people were doing fine under the Russian puppet government. Under the NATO puppet government there has been nothing but horror and death.
Ukraine was a sovereign nation until Putin illegally invaded it and began murdering men women and children! If that’s doing just fine I can’t wait until you describe the ultimate forthcoming disaster under Das Fuhrer Orange Minisculweeni as he bilks more taxpayers out of their hard earned money while playing golf 24/7.
Don’t be discouraged JB and TJ. I truly enjoy when you post comments because you speak truths. Not like that Mary Ann and others like her. The forces of good may have lost a battle But we are in it to win the war. Trump is the true face of evil. He is dangerous and he has his followers fooled. We must correct and expose him for his web of lies.
Mr Galt,
truly appreciate that. I’m only discouraged that people like her feel Government is about her and what does she get from it. Tax break for the wealthy- She’s ecstatic. Help the poor and less fortunate-She’s screaming political malfeasance! Put a Koran or Tora in a classroom- she cries out blasphemy and not in her kids class! Put a Bible or 10 Commandments in a classroom-she orgasms with glee!
She confuses herself with Patriots and Patriotism by supporting a jackass criminal who slanders and defames M’erica’s POWs, MIA’s, KIA’s, Gold Star Families, our Wounded Warriors. Who has defamed and demeaned our FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, BLM, Capitol and DC Police who did and do their jobs, he just deflects investigations into his criminality by falsely accusing his accusers of fictitious law violations. He has broken hundreds if not thousands of laws as well as every single commandment in the book and yet she considers this clownfish in drag “the Messiah”. I’ve read the Bible and I do not recall reading anywhere in it that the Jesus/God/Father/Son rollo broke laws or commandment so one has to seriously wonder WTF is wrong with people?
I must say that I actually congratulate the Treasonous Insurrectionist Felon on having won his first election fairly. Because he would have resorted to calling for violence again had he lost again. Butt he won so I do congratulate him for that and only that.
Just wondering what’s next. He’s a cookin uppa somethin Bigly and it isn’t good for millions of your fellow M’ericans. I can see him arresting Harris, Biden and everyone in the house and senate he loathes more than everyone else he loathes while being sworn in. Hopefully I’m wrong and if I am I’ll admit it when his swearing in is over and nothing comes to fruition in a reasonable amount of time afterward. Just like last night though we’ll have to wait and see what we shall see.
What I don’t see is Democrats acting like friggin degenerate children and ripping apart the Capitol & DC Police and Capitol Building. I don’t see a refusal to concede and I definitely don’t see fake electors or Harris claiming she won when she did not. That’s the stark adult level difference between law abiding citizens and the criminals in the MAGGOT bowel movement.
Putin, Xi, Un and the Ayatollah are all very pleased with last night’s results. Gee I wonder now that he is confirmed to be POTUS finale # 47 is he going to stop that little no big deal war in Ukraine over the next 24 hours as he claims only he can and likely will do by conceding the entirety Ukraine to his bestest bad guy bro Putin. As for Gaza and Palestine as a whole, their existence will be wiped from the face of the planet just as Hitler would have done to every living jew, gypsy, Slav, gay, journalist, communist etc. And all their lands would have become property of the Turd Reich.
Palestine will become prime beach front properties for convicted felon BB.
Hopefully our Allies have created back channel networks with the few remaining sane people in government that we have and are prepared to deny Dump access to their intelligence services.
It’s going to look like we’re living in the movie Idiocracy only it won’t be a movie! Flat earthers, election deniers, anti vaxxers, pseudo Evangelicals who break Commandments daily yet think they are Christ like, militia nut jobs, white supremacist will be playing with our government like Hermann Goring playing with his toy choo choo in front of Das Fuhrer! That actually happened look it up.
If I was a religious person I’d say pray for our country. But I’m not so f- it! We get what the majority wants! When the majority isn’t the minority as it now is. We definitely do not need nor want to make things easy for them. When they lie, spin and speak in unfounded conspiracy gibberish horse shit, call em out! I will!
Tough guy? No such thing! They all act tough but are the biggest whiniest cry babies ever when faced with danger. Tough guys are like the Great Oz, all bluster, fakery, lies and deception. People think Putin is a tough guy. He’s nothing short of a schoolyard bully bitch. Sadly people fall for their lies and deception and become indifferent and tolerant of their lies and crimes. How do they do this? I had to do some research and this is what I found this from the National Holocaust Museum-
Bosnia Genocide-
How the Nazis Manipulated the Masses-
I fortunately as history shows us, the masses and justice are truly blind especially when it comes to preventing genocidal hatred and violence. Nobody wakes up until it’s far past being too late to do anything.
This is clear. Thanks to the previous president and now the next president the message is Make America HATE Again
All the issues have been addressed above to the writers (not readers) satisfaction.
Charges brought against the prior president were because of what he did. They came after grand juries studied his actions or inactions. Instead of spending over $50 million in legal fees (and he thanks you very much for your donations) it was not his money, why didn’t he go to court and prove in a public venue it was just a “witch hunt” and “trumped up charges.” If he was so innocent prove it in court and say I told you so rather than getting cases continued or dismissed by Cannon and other judges he appointed.
Mr Johnson,
sane people understand every detail of your post. It is those who garner their daily orders from Rusher backed propaganda tv and internet sites. They believe ill Douche is the only moron in history to be set up, framed or wrongfully accused of things there are mountains of evidence proving he is GUILTY of! They believe him innocent because he and his MAGGOT MINIONS tell them he is innocent over and over without any shred of evidence to the contrary. They consider the Orange Adultery, Felon, Insurrectionist, Misogynist, Racist the Messiah incarnate who sells them blasphemous bibles cheaply made in Chyyyna sold for Bigly mark up profits to his deaf dumb and blind cult of brainwashed sheeple.
He is openly putting Project 2025 into action despite lying for the trillionth time this month and stating he had no affiliation to it! He’s putting a very very unqualified former Army Infantry 2nd Lt in charge of the Defense Department, an actor with zero government experience in charge of the CIA, a Jewish guy who would have betrayed his Jewish heritage and family in WWII in charge of Homeland Security, a psychotic dog shooting sycophant in charge of the US/Mex border etc etc. He’ll claim once again that he only hired the Smartliest most Loyalist NOTsee’s for his cabinet and then will disavow and disown them one by one as they fail to do his dirty work for him as he is too much a coward to do such things for himself. He’ll claim he hardly knew them. Hey may have finally drained the swamp but he filled it sycophantic incompetence and ignorance!
BTW- Marjoram Trailer Trash Greene has been a good NOTsee sycophant where’s her thanks for the handi j job? Perhaps she will handi j picked to head NASA and prove the earth flat and rid the planet of Jewish Space Lasers and Hurricane manipulation! 😂💩😂💩
Profanity laced rants and insults do nothing to address the many issues facing the United States. They diminish the arguments into childish gibberish that thoughtful people ignore. . If you have something important to say I suggest you clean up your act.
Then why does Donald J Trump do the same?