By Tommy Acosta —
Sedona, AZ
There was a time in my life when I did not believe in UFOs.
I would laugh at my friends or anyone who expressed belief, make fun of them, and ridicule them for being so naive and stupid.
One would think that if these imaginary objects were real, we, with our advanced radar and such, would see them zipping in and out of our atmosphere.
It was fun for me to make those tree-hugging believers in little green men feel dumb.
I loved casting doubt on the charlatans who claimed to have been in contact with extraterrestrials.
I would debunk whatever theory they came up with. For example, how come, with all these great cameras we have had since forever, no one ever got a clear and clean photo of one of them?
Or, why haven’t they contacted us now if they are real?
Believers sell books to other believers, and theorists make dumbfounding comparisons between pyramids and Mayan space helmet-wearing gods flying in winged vehicles.
Then we have the crop circles created by pranksters to smear the fertilizer for believers in flying saucers.
Everyone wants to believe there is something bigger than themselves, hoping that space beings are coming to free us from the chains of human misery.
Forget about it.
I could never be sucked into such a childish, ignorant, stupid, uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, illiterate, and ridiculous belief system.
That was until this fateful day in 1998 when all my preconceptions were shattered.
I think it may have been the pot. But I’m not sure. Maybe I had a Transient Ischemic Attack and didn’t know it.
Whatever happened changed my outlook on UFOs and our relationship with extraterrestrials.
I now believe in Tom Dongo and other UFO luminaries. My apologies to those I have persecuted for their beliefs when I was younger.
To read what happened and what changed me completely, click HERE.
Fact or fiction? A product of a universe-sized ego? Rantings of a madman? You make the call. (:->

I respect your belief in what you believe. When I was very young (about the same age as you in your story) I too had fantastical visions to include one of what looked to me like Lucky from Lucky Charms that lived inside the walls of my childhood home and called me to join him there.
I was frequently ill as a child having been born with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck 3 times and both lungs full of fluid. I suffered from step throat, ear infections and extremely high fever on numerous occasions. That is when my visions occurred.
I think you were frightened and in pain with fever and your mind created a vision of tranquility for you? Maybe you also saw what you think you saw? Who really knows since nobody has ever been able to produce concrete evidence that what they experienced was real.
In the early 1970’s I had a bad childhood friend/acquaintance who was a cruel bastard! He even went so far as to have his neighbor shoot my childhood dog just to scorn me while pretending to be a friend. Anyway, this clown called the Michigan State Police Post in my hometown and prank reported seeing a UFO with a dramatic bullshit voice. Within an hour the local radio and television news stations were reporting dozens of calls reporting a “UFO” over the town.
Well I know for a fact there wasn’t any such thing because I witnessed this jackass make it up and call it in first hand. Hysteria and delusion followed and all because of a boy crying wolf!
Not saying that is always the case and I’m not ruling out extraterrestrial life especially since we do not live on a FLAT planet in a FLAT universe but until I see tangible physical evidence of their existence and physical indisputable evidence of their visiting earth I will remain highly skeptical especially after seeing first hand the things our military puts into our atmosphere and stratosphere (which was decades ago now, I can only imagine what they are launching these days).
I’ve met many non Americans who believe that our technological advances over the past 100 years could only have been achieved by mining technology from the alien spacecraft they allege we have stored in Area 51. In reality we are not as advanced as one might imagine. Look how much difficulty we are having landing a lunar lander on the moon again. No idea how we achieved that in 68 with far more primitive technology but somehow we did. No way in heck we have such alien extraterrestrial technology without the general public having hard evidence of it by now.
I’m intrigued by they hypersonic craft our fighter pilots have recorded at great distances as they seemingly went from the air to submarining below the oceans surface. Problem is we have zero “physical” evidence of them and anyone who has worked with CCTV know that they are prone to developing “ghost” images resulting from long term fixation upon a single view. Perhaps they are Rushers non hypersonic hypersonic missiles being flown in international airspace? Hopefully the next time a US fighter pilot sees one of them they get permission to shoot it down so we can resolve the mystery at hand once and for all?
Either you have an impessive imagination, or you were “chosen” to receive unique healing and love during an impossible challenge. Either way, your writing is transformative. Continue sharing your gift.
You are a gifted writer, Tommy.
what happened to your interview post? It was a good interview. You seem to be a good person at heart and I apologize for ranting on posts of importance to you like this one. If you say you saw those things I believe you because I wasn’t there but value your opinions. So hence forth I will refrain from corrupting your posts.
I also appreciate having a fairly unimpeded place to voice my opinions when people post outrageous outlandish outright nonsense such as the paranoid filled post about migrants being bused into Sedona. I’m just a stubborn minded combat veteran who doesn’t want our country to become a dictatorship like it is leaning toward under the Orange Insurrectionist and Thief and it is incredibly difficult to see after nearly 15 years of fighting against dictatorships.
I lived in Orlando for 14 years. Through my then husband’s medical practice group, I met a man who had a degree in nuclear medicine technology. He trained in the military. He claimed that each summer, one by one, each member of his childhood family was taken by aliens for study and then returned. There was no escaping them and the family resigned itself to the aliens returning. Crazy as it seemed, he was an everyday normie. His account changed how I felt about reading stories such as yours.
What a beautiful story, Tommy. Reading it I almost felt as if I was there, with you, as if I too was remembering, helping you deal with what was happening to you. I cannot imagine what it had to be for you when you woke up paralyzed, unable to move even a finger, and only eight years old. I love reading what you write on, and I agree with almost everything you say. Except for your last article titled “Death.” You, have come a long way and if there is a destiny to fulfill, fill it. Don’t turn away. Don’t give up. No matter how dark all seems to be right now. The light beckons. You are going to be fine. Just like before you will shirk the challenge and move into the next chapter of your history. You are in Sedona, right where you are supposed to be. Stay the course and be free. It’s your destiny.
Well, well, well. So I see your are still up to your old tricks. Stirring up the muck. Creating chaos for the sake of chaos. It’s like you never lost sight of your purpose. You know how to create emotion. And emotion makes the world go round. Ask Bruce Lee. Emotional content is what delivering a message is all about. I really like the back-and-forth fusillades between your readers. I’m also a fan of JB. He’s witty. Keep up the good works. We are at the tunnel’s end.
Thank you Amot I appreciate the understanding and compliment. Sorry if I come off as crass I truly care about my fellow humans and M’erica too despite it being at its most gut wrenching point in my lifetime. I’m hoping Democracy survives and we learn a hard hard lesson in reality just like the German, Italian and Japanese fascists supporters had to do as we and our ALLIES rolled over them like a giant steamroller because their ideology was and is detrimental to mankind whether they want to admit it or not.
Russia has become the new Army of Hitler while Trump thinks he’s a Mussolini with his Black Shirt Proud Bitches and Oaf Takers but is far from it intellectually even though both are noted Draft Dodging Cowards. I met Mussolini’s great grandson at the Italian Naval Academy in Livorno Italy where he was a cadet becoming a submarine commander. Seemingly normal guy and intelligent but he held the same bat shit crazy beliefs his great upside down swinging grandfather did.
And Xi and Un bring up their rears as Hirohito‘a Tojo Army with Iran as the Gestapo of them all with their dirty bags of tricks on the battlefield.
The only reason anyone attacks me for what I am saying is because they have nothing substantive to counter my points such as Insurrectionist, Commie Lover, Privileged Draft Dodger, Thief etc. with because they know those points are 100% true and accurate no matter how much the Peter Pumpkinhead wants to deny it. That is why he is and should be facing very serious charges for and not be allowed to use political influence, intimidation or running out the clock on them just like ANYONE and EVERYONE has had to do since our state and federal legal systems were established. In fact he and his supporters in Congress should have been arrested at the Capitol on the morning of January 6th and charge with Treason and Insurrection and we wouldn’t be here today if they had been.
There’s NO deep state in our Federal government either other than the zealots he put into office. He didn’t drain any damned swamp either. He stocked it full of sycophants when he took office, tossed a few back who saw through his bullshit and lies and then he re stocked the swamp again again!
Time to take the money making out of politics and time to impeach some Supreme Court MAGGOT Judges too! They are NOT serving the will of the moral majority of Americans who believe in democracy!