Sedona AZ (December 10, 2014) – Arizona Public Service (APS) filed with Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) on December 1, 2014, a Memorandum detailing its support for their Opt-Out Schedule (Schedule 17) fees and an Order putting into law their request. The Opt-Out hearing will be held in a public meeting in Phoenix on Friday December 12, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The ACC offices are located at 1200 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007.
This open meeting has issues contained in the controversial “Smart” Meter debate that has been of national concern: privacy and confidentially, “Smart” meter health concerns and the recently issued ADHS Public Health Evaluation of Radio Frequency Exposure from Electronic Meters report, and the matter of Opt-Out Fees.
Warren Woodward, a local “Smart” meter opponent, has been instrumental in bringing the “Smart” meter issues to the docket of the ACC. The Sedona Smart Meter Awareness group has also been actively involved in keeping the alleged hazards of “Smart” meters in front of the public.
Docket No RU-00000AQ-14-0014 Public Concerns about privacy and confidentiality will be heard. Warren Woodward maintains ” “Once personal data is taken it is no longer private. Period”
Docket No E-00000C11-0328) The report by the Arizona Department of Public Health (ADHS) in question can be found here: A critical analysis was submitted to the ACC by Kenneth Weaver, an respected expert on Radio Frequency energy found on “Smart meters. Mr. Weaver is expected to speak at the open meeting on Friday.
Docket E-01345A-13-0069 Memorandum filed by APS with regard to Opt-Out fees will be heard. Additionally, Elizabeth Kelley of Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure Electromagnetic Safety Alliance Inc filed a motion to postpone the issue of Opt-Out fees and further requested that all “Smart” meters in Arizona be removed.
There are 4 ways to participate:
Requests to speak in person may be filed at:
A link will be provided for a streaming video feed just prior to the beginning of the meeting on Friday December 12, 2014,:
f you wish to listen, by telephone, to a hearing being held in Hearing Room 1 in Phoenix, you may do so by calling the Corporation Commission “listen Line” at (602) 542-0ACC(0222), the fourth number is a zero not an “o”. Remember, hearings are subject to change of time and may be canceled at the last minute.
If you wish to comment in writing follow this link: will video the meeting and present selected pieces as news.
These three matters are of significant importance to the citizens of Arizona and has the potential to have far reaching consequences in the world.