Arizona News – The outbreak of monkeypox puts all Arizonans at potential risk for the infection that is rarely fatal.
According to a World Health Organization statement on July 20, the reported mortality rate for those infected by monkeypox stood at 0.00036%. Of 14,000 infections worldwide, five deaths were reported, none in the United States. The mortality rate for severe flu annually is 0.1%, according to the World Health Organization.
“While the virus is disproportionately affecting gay and bisexual men, the risk of infection is possible among all of us,” said Jimmy Thomason, executive director at Aunt Rita’s Foundation. “The good news is that there already is an FDA-approved vaccine being actively administered throughout the country and information and education about the virus is coming out every day. The challenging news is the impact of potential stigmatization targeting a specific group of people.
“Let’s avoid the blame game, the finger-pointing and the sensationalism that can come with a potential health crisis,” Thomason said. “Pay attention to your health, listen to medical advice, and take the precautions that are immediately available.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Monkeypox spreads in different ways, and can be spread from person-to-person through:
- direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids
- respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex
- touching items (such as clothing or linens) that previously touched the infectious rash or body fluids
- pregnant people can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta
“Unlike what we saw with HIV/AIDS in the 1980s, Monkeypox has received immediate attention from leaders throughout the country and the world,” Thomason said. “This is encouraging because we are collectively facing a challenge head-on with the tools we need to eliminate monkeypox altogether.”
With roots in Phoenix since 1988, Aunt Rita’s Foundation is dedicated to the elimination of and suffering from HIV and AIDS through collaborations with Arizona HIV service organizations and local and statewide government agencies. Aunt Rita’s Foundation helps fund HIV programs at 14 non-profit organizations through more than $2 million in grants.
For more information about Aunt Rita’s Foundation, visit
Sorry – this information simply is not the whole truth … I am not buying it. I am sorry that many are suffering the consequences of health choices. I have compassion for those who simply believe what they have been groomed to believe so much that they can easily be blinded to what is actually the case. Free will still exists. I wish health and well-being for all.
Go ahead and get yet another toxic jab if that is what you think will bring you what you seek. I personally do not seek the outcomes that come with these toxic jabs. Do a little research for yourself – better yet – do a lot of research!! Look at the information that Pfizer was forced to release … start with the beginning numbers – 158,000 side effects noted right out of the gate… including death. And still – people line up without questioning anything that the fake self-proclaimed authorities profess to be true. Look into who is on the board and behind those promoting the jabs – follow the money and identify the agendas.
I am not here to tell you what to do. I simply suggest you at least question the information that you are repeatedly being spoon fed until it appears to be the valid truth. Enough is Enough !!! Get to the root cause of these symptoms that are being named new diseases to conceal the real whole truth.
I know some are getting ill/health affected – but many many more are dying of the jab related effects in my book after a whole lot of research. I am not here to debate this… simply to state enough is enough!!!
Truth be told – HIV AIDS are creations of the same labs and agenda that brought you the jabs – they make money on all sides of these created scenarios.. Again compassion for those affected – it is not right what has been allowed to happen to humanity through the modern medical system that proclaimed itself so much wiser than 10,000 year old wellness practices. Polio is another of their creations … and it was not cured by their jab – even though they have professed that so much that most assume it to be so. Again – research!!!
Maybe you are ready to step outside the box and look further into what is true and what is not? Blessings on your journey to discover truth and then choose – with full understanding of what you are consenting to. I embrace my journey.anew each and every day.
beautifully state