By Steve Segner, Sedona Resident
(March 22, 2017)
There is an old saying in marketing, “Sometimes your customer needs to try your competitors product.” In other words, if your customer needs to be reassured your product is best, they may want to try the other choices to find out.
In the past, the road to presidency of the United States was through a two party system with city newspapers and local bosses steering the public’s opinion in the direction they thought best. But, with the advent of social media, 24 Hour Cable news, You Tube, Twitter, the political parties are no longer the only road to political office.
Donald Trump showed us that people are tired of the well-worn road to office. He beat a candidate that was substantially more qualified to be president, but represented the traditional political system so many had tied of.
If Hillary Clinton had won, then perhaps in 8 years a new version of Tump would appear on the political scene. In other words, perhaps America really wants to try the alternative product. So Donald got the nod.
If trying a new product is a way to get a better government then it looks like we have made the commitment for 4 years to try Mr. Trump.
We can only hope in the new test run at running America, Trump-style, does not permanently destroy America, but actually is good for America. But, many of us fear some people may die in another unnecessary war aboard or actually inside America and our environment will suffer.
The next election will probably be different and will not come through the two party system. Future candidates may call themselves Republican, Independent, Democrat or Green, but they will be first of all and most of all media personalities who know how to use all the tools of social media and shock news.
The rules have changed. It’s doubtful Trump can win the next election as his win was a fluke since some of his voters were actually anti-Hilary votes, not pro-Trump votes.
The next election will be for the person the public trusts as they will be worn out by Trump and his approach to governance. It is highly likely they will want a likable “liberal” to get America back on track. Think Oprah, George Clooney, or so some media star to step forward, but it will certainly not be a traditional politician and the odds are little it will be a conservative.
Democrats and like-minded liberals need to start now and help on the state level to get progressives elected. And a much greater effort to increase voter turnout will be necessary.
The 2018 mid-term elections are a unique opportunity to start the move back to the center and the left.
The last 8 years showed us another 10 trillion in debt, a health care system that has as many uninsured as before due to people paying the penality, therefore taking the catastrophic risk, stagnation in the economy, more people on food stamps and disability than any other time, middle east on fire, IRS targeting, a DOJ running guns, agencies creating laws through incredibly burdensome over regulation, half the independent banks gone (where small business who employs 70% of work force gets its funds), highest corporate tax on the planet driving away companies, and the list goes on.
Trump may not be the right guy, but progressive policis are certainly not the answer, and if you don’t want to look at the last miserable 8 years here, just look at Europe who is coming apart at the seams.
Steve and Micheal – I see Trump as chemotherapy for the Body Politic full of tumors. The “cure” is rough, but without it, the patient, this nation will die it’s ideals – it’s founding principles. Or worse.
Good analogy.
The last 8 years showed us another 10 trillion in debt,
I think you are looking in the wrong place for the cost…….
While there are no freestanding foreign bases permanently located in the United States, there are now around 800 US bases in foreign countries. Seventy years after World War II and 62 years after the Korean War, there are still 174 US “base sites” in Germany, 113 in Japan, and 83 in South Korea, according to the Pentagon. Hundreds more dot the planet in around 80 countries, including Aruba and Australia, Bahrain and Bulgaria, Colombia, Kenya, and Qatar, among many other places. Although few Americans realize it, the United States likely has more bases in foreign lands than any other people, nation, or empire in history.
The “cure” is stop being the worlds aggressor nation spend the money on health care. but we love our guns don’t we….. P.S we always loose to