Ruminations from the Arizona Room is a series by Dr. Elizabeth Oakes, a former Shakespeare professor, a spiritual writer, and an award winning poet. A Sedonian of four years, she will share the thoughts that arise as she sits in the literal Arizona room in her home as well as the metaphorical “Arizona room” that is Sedona.
By Elizabeth Oakes
(February 10, 2017)
It’s a paean to the gods who never require sacrifice, only satiety.
It’s a prelude to romance and an antidote after a break-up.
Whatever work you’re doing, it becomes a celebration if you’re also eating chocolate.
If they had had it in Biblical times, I contend that it wouldn’t have been an apple that tempted Eve, but a box of chocolates.
It has no class consciousness. I’ve eaten chocolate the size of a quarter that cost about $5 a piece, and I’ve eaten more Hershey bars than I care to remember, and the effect, even the taste, is the same.
Cacao, one shamanic practitioner, says, “reminds us to hold ourselves lightly.” It goes well with full moon ceremonies, with drumming, with any celebration of the body or of the spirit. It goes with everything, from deep soul work to vegging out in front of the tv.
The enjoyment police once tried to convince us it was unhealthy. Carob was touted. Now, however, we know chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is high in antioxidants and magnesium and other minerals. It’s good for your heart, physically as well as emotionally.
It’s a sacred gift, like love!
Happy Valentine’s Day!