Old Hippies: Commercial Districts Need Lights & Lots of Car Traffic
Sedona, AZ (October 7, 2011)
Dear Editor,
I moved here from Miami, Florida, after watching it change from a warm, sandy resort to a cold, crime ridden city. Commercial interests overbuilt the beach, which can’t be seen from most of the road that runs parallel to it. Irresponsible commercialization hurt the businesses and residents alike. Tourists were driven away, because Miami had “paved paradise and put up a parking lot”.
The other day the following comment appeared on Sedonaeye.com from someone named Mike, probably a business owner in West Sedona, judging by his comments:
“Do people from Podunk Ohio think the city of Sedona survives on hikers, bikers, & retirees??? Go Home! Sedona is a tourist town & needs people in our businesses 24/7. Why pander to cash poor dirt busters climbing our rocks for free, fixed income retirees in trailers & renting bedrooms from out of state wealthy property owners, hikers that never change underwear or a $10 bill (bag of granola & a bottle of water purchases don’t pay Sedona rents!) Ambush? How about getting your head out of the bush & seeing stores and restaurants and outlets and thriving commercial districts need lights& lots of car traffic. Give me a break on the eco, dark sky crap …Sierra club & benefactors & other old hippies without real jobs better wise up and fall in with real world economy.”
Mike revealed the agenda behind wanting lights on 89A – unbridled commercial development catering to tourists 24/7. Is this why we all moved here?
The soul of Sedona is at stake. Some folks have told me Sedona was built on greed and that’s why there’s so much negativity. Maybe, but it’s time for those who care about this beautiful place to rebel against the “Mikes” of Sedona. Vote YES on proposition 410.
Heather Molans