Cottonwood AZ (November 20, 2015) – Dance your vision of Climate Care! On December 4th at 7:00pm, Elizabeth Gerhardt and the Cottonwood Tao Center will offer a Climate Care Awareness Ecstatic Dance. All are welcome. This open dance is part of two weeks of local Climate Care Awareness events from November 28th through December 12th. The local community group, Inspiration of Sedona, is presenting these events in conjunction with the global actions surrounding the upcoming UN Conference on Climate Change in Paris. For more info see
Using ethnic music, live drumming, guided meditation and imagery, dancers will be invited to participate in creating a new vision for Mother Earth. A vision where Mother Earth is held as sacred in the eyes of humanity.
Dancers will first be invited into a deep awareness of their bodies. Out of that awareness will emerge the experience of One Body, One Mind. Dancers will explore their own body as an extension of Mother Earth. In keeping with the Climate Care Awareness theme, dancers will first be invited to experience the present suffering and sadness of the world. They will then be guided into a vision of health, healing and wholeness for their own bodies. This vision of healing and wholeness will then be offered to the Earth, the animals, and all of humanity. The dance will conclude with a joyful celebration of the collective vision realized: a healed humanity and a healed planet.
Elizabeth has trained in 5 Rhythms dance at Esalen in Big Sur California, under Lucia Horan, and has been facilitating expressive, ecstatic dance groups for several years. She has a background in Contra and Ballroom Dance.
Please join Elizabeth on December 4, at 7:00pm for an Ecstatic Dance for Climate Care Awareness, at Cottonwood Tao Center, (Old Whitehorse Restaurant) 3360 E SR 89A, Cottonwood, AZ 86326. 928-282-3600.