A Sharing of Discoveries
By Barbara Mayer
Sedona AZ (March 30, 2014) – With this new year new ideas have come for this column, and as we tiptoe into the first stages of the Age of Aquarius, one of the chief characteristics of this new way of being on the planet is emphasis on compassion and inclusion of all in our one human family.
Many are aware of the archetype of Kwan Yin as “One who hears the cries of the world” and in my Sedona Scene/SedonaSoul columns I will highlight some ways we can become positive voices who are willing to respond to cries we so often may neglect. Future columns will address such topics as mental health, care and assistance for veterans, the need for and the current successes of greater volunteerism, and exploring the various energies Sedona offers to residents and visitors alike.
The most immediate aspect of this concept, of course, is first recognizing the need for discovery and compassion for our own selves. This is paramount as we gather strength to reach beyond our own hurts and attitudes, and as I will in future columns, I will mention some people or groups which can offer help for us all.
Today I highlight a woman who has already helped many see beyond the masks we wear in different stages and challenges of life. Pash Galbavy’s personal mask making workshop in the recent World Peace Dance Week was an eye opener for those who participated, and she’s offering several new gatherings for anyone interested in developing greater understanding of the masks we wear and the roles we play on this central stage of our own lives. From studying archetypes we may model, to finding new ways to understand and define ourselves, a perfect place to begin this new year and new time is learning about the masks we wear – and how to embrace the truths they reveal as we remove each mask – one understanding at a time.
Pash feels putting on a mask is a form of deeper unmasking, and she is offering several events this April. One is her dramatic portrayal of archetypes with discussion on their effect within our transitioning world, which takes place April 4.Then, she is offering her evolutionary “Body Reclamation Project” and individual mask making events to take place April 26th and 27th. If you are willing to face deeper truths – and find your own true face in the process, consider contacting Pash for more information at 928-284-4021, at her website, www.unmaskit.com, or through e mail: pash@unmaskit.com.
Greater understanding of ourselves is the beginning of finding the strength and courage to understand and respond to our own and others’ cries. Putting on or taking off a mask is a good place to start. Consider it.
Barbara Mayer is a poet, author and interfaith/interspiritual minister who lives, writes and shares the Spirit in Sedona, Arizona.