By Luke Maxwell
Sedona,AZ – Oh, come on. This can’t be true. It’s got to be some kind of a joke. Has puritanical America shot its final load, not just seeking to ban abortions but now adding banning male masturbation and making it a crime to do so?
Yup. You heard me right.
According to a recent article in THE Hill, a Democratic Mississippi state senator introduced legislation that would make it unlawful for men to masturbate when alone and not trying to impregnate a woman.
It would be illegal to discharge genetic material outside of the womb.
Let that sink in all you men out there who might participate in that pastime.
The bill, dubbed the Contraception Begins at Erection Act, was introduced by state Sen. Bradford Blackmon in January.
Further, for those convicted of violating the law, financial penalties will be imposed and will gradually increase, according to the article.
The legislation establishes a graduated fine structure for violations, starting with a $1,000 penalty for a first offense, escalating to $5,000 for a second offense, and $10,000 for third or subsequent offenses.
Simply put, sex between the sexes can only be engaged in if the intention is to fertilize an ovum if this bill is passed in Mississippi.
The first thought that comes up is how would they go about enforcing it? Would they force men to wear an electronic device in their genitals that would alert the authorities when the law is broken?
Would they put cameras all over the house, even the closets, to catch the man in the act?
Let’s look at this from a Biblical perspective, as Mississippi is a faith-based state.
Perhaps this lawmaker who introduced the bill may not be as nuts as he seems.
According to Scripture, God’s first order to humanity was to “be fruitful and multiply.”
Wouldn’t spilling seed, be a waste of genetic material, go against God’s directive?
Those who masturbate when not having sex, can be seen as prefering pleasure over God’s directive to procreate. Potential life is wasted when men masturbate. We theoretically disobey God.
The bill does not forbid women to masturbate because it makes no difference if a woman has or does not have an orgasm. If she is fertile at the moment and seed is introduced into the womb, she most likely will get pregnant. She would be fruitful and multiply, in line with God’s mandate, according to Scripture.
A man cannot fertilize a woman, unless he orgasms. Fair or not fair it doesn’t make a difference. That’ just the way it is.
If one wants to believe the lawmaker has an ulterior motive for the legislation, it may be because he wants to see more babies being born into this world, in our country.
It’s true there is a terrible lack of new babies being born but forcing people to only have sex for procreative purposes, might not be the solution America would prefer.
One has to ask, what’s coming next? Banning kissing and other acts of affection in public?
We have entered a strange new chapter in our world and the coming months will reveal, it’s only going to get stranger.
Trump was a waste of “seed” and yet here we are, one sticky criminal mess after another under the guise of Evangelical fervor. As for the jag off Democrat that proposed this insanity, he belongs with the MAGA Space Laser losers in the MAGA Circus Tent led by Donald McDonald. I’m willing to be he is actually a MAGA wannabe in cheap clothing trying to get noticed by Con Don.
Good Lord, who cares! Aren’t there more important things to do in live besides self-pleasure. Did you know the human race can go extinct without more kids? Just a thought.
Actually you should speak with your proctologist and ask them how important male ejaculation is to prostrate health. Use it or lose it!
Apparently only the “good lord” cares because in the history of mankind only one nutjob group has advocated for abstinence from self gratification and that group is the “do as we say not as we do” Evangelical Nutjob Group. Who also attempted to cover up pedophile priests who molested the young boys and girls they preached to not touch themselves. Guess they just wanted it all for themselves? If you don’t masturbate and believe in Harry Potter Style Immaculate Conception good on ya, but you’re still a wanker at heart. By Evangelical logic the hair on my palms should be 80 meters long by now!
Admittedly we do have better things to talk about though such as the swing of the US from a globally recognized beacon of Democracy to an outright criminal, racist and fascist oligarchy just like Mother (f-er) Russia is.
What if you’re too old to impregnate someone?
I think the world has gone mad!
Since men have decided that women are property and not equals under MAGA rule women should all decide to become permanently celibate!
Glad your upset about a declining population!
Maybe young people are having enough problems already making ends meet?
Maybe they cant even afford a home, how could they afford a child? All we do is cut education, and parents have to make up the difference.
Well under this law I sure hope we dont let old people marry then.
Women who are not fertile should be banned from marriage also!
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!
Who cares about a declining population when there are also stark declines in potable drinking water and food on a global scale?
Yeah nothing like Sharia Law in America huh? What a motion you are! I hope every woman in your family and friends reads your ludicrous statement. How about mandatory vasectomies for all males 16 and over? I mean it’s all about controlling people’s rightful choices isn’t it?
I wrote moroon not motion but you wouldn’t know the difference anyway.
So much for “immediate” lower food prices, 24 hour end to the war in Ukraine and Gaza. Not surprising since these claims came from a convicted felon and serial liar! It’s easy to talk big, lie and spin the truth when you have a steady flow of cash coming in from all the cheap Chinese made products and endless Campaign funds he grifts his constituents for. President Elonia is pro China and Putin as well. And selling out American Democracy is the goal of both of these morons.
Winter is coming very very soon!
Well the Orange Buffoon finally did it! He handed Ukraine to its criminal murderous invaders. Good job Manchurian Candidate!
Nicolas you knew he would betray Ukraine from the last time he pretended to play POTUS while golfing 24/7. I so wonder why DOGE hasn’t investigated the agencies that have to pay astronomical per diem/TDY rates to do their jobs while protecting the Orange Blob at Mar A Lago and all of his other oligarch palaces? I mean if you are truly going after Government Fraud Waste and Abuse you should start at the very top of the hierarchy not the bottom with USAID! Such a lying sham that they are pulling on this country and the world but everyone is asleep at the wheel because of decades of pro Russia propaganda blasting their tiny minds 24/7 via Fox News.
The UN/NATO and Ukraine should immediately cease sharing of intelligence with the Trump/Musk/Vance/Hegseth Idiocracy. All of the SoFA Agreements with European governments such as Germany, Italyand the UK have long long expired-time to send US Troops packing just like Syria did to the Russian military. The US Government has aligned itself with our long time nemeses and shat bigly upon our long term proven Allies. Russia hoax mine arse!
What You Should Know About the 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, and 14 Eyes Alliances
Mr TJ what is most shameful about all things MAGA is that the Germans of all people see Trump and all of MAGA for exactly what they are-FASCIST! Too bad Americans cannot remember the horrors of FASCISM or why America used to fight wars against it, now they collude with it! Such a despicable waste of Democracy and Freedom by deaf dumb and blind small minded assholes!
Scholz rebukes Vance, defends Europe’s stance on hate speech and far right
Handing Ukraine to Putin on a fake gold platter is America’s dumbest tactical decision since the Bay of Pigs and when Trump gave Erdogen of Turkey an open hunting license to kill off our staunch Kurdish allies. Which wasn’t much different in that America has betrayed those doing their fighting for them! SHAME!!!!
The shutting down of NGO’s and the firing of crucial National Security personnel such as Nuclear Missile Silo operators, CIA, NSA and FBI officials is an open invitation for Putin, Xi and or Un to do as they please and signals to them that our defenses have been compromised. SHAME!!!!
Winter is just around the corner!!!!!