Sedona News – The Sedona Questers will hold a Rummage & Treasures Sale on Saturday, November 11 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at 360 Orchard Ln. Proceeds will benefit the Sedona Heritage Museum and other local historic preservation projects.
The sale will include many rummage sale type items plus antiques, art, furniture, home decor and tools. Special items already donated include antiques and vintage items, an oak table, cherry dining hutch, end tables, and other furniture and lamps, jewelry, collectibles, art, small kitchen appliances, home decor and much more.
Anyone who would like to donate to the sale can bring their items directly to 360 Orchard Ln and leave on the front porch. Before or during a delivery please call Janeen 928-821-4375 to meet you. Pickup of furniture donations in advance by arrangement. No clothing please. Tax receipts available. For information, call 928-821-4375.
Sedona Questers is part of the International Questers, an organization of antique enthusiasts. Preservation and Restoration are twin tenets of THE QUESTERS organization. P & R projects, selected by Quester Chapters, help preserve historical buildings, sites and artifacts for the benefit of the local and global community.